# nick: niplav # url: https://niplav.github.io/twtxt.txt # following: # 71m https://timmorgan.org/twtxt.txt # TaMeR https://4069.twt.social/user/tamer # adi https://twtxt.net/user/adi/twtxt.txt # alip https://dev.exherbo.org/~alip/twtxt.txt # angel https://triptico.com/twtxt.txt # anonixers gopher://g.nixers.net/~anon/twtxt.txt # antonio https://twtxt.net/user/antonio/twtxt.txt # astrophotography https://twtxt.net/user/astrophotography/twtxt.txt # benaiah https://benaiah.me/twtxt.txt # birb https://twtxt.net/user/birb/twtxt.txt # buckket https://buckket.org/twtxt.txt # c-keen http://pestilenz.org/~ckeen/twtxt.txt # codebalion http://twtxt.prismdragon.net/twtxt.txt # dave https://davebucklin.com/twtxt.txt # deadguy https://dgy.fuckup.club/twtxt.txt # dooven https://twtxt.net/user/dooven/twtxt.txt # eli_oat https://txt.eli.li/twtxt/twtxt.txt # esc http://escowles.github.io/tw.txt # fegffb https://feg-ffb.de/twtxt.txt # felixp7 https://twtxt.net/user/felixp7/twtxt.txt # freemor https://freemor.homelinux.net/~freemor/twtxt.txt # frogorbits.com https://www.frogorbits.com/twtxt.txt # fundor333 https://fundor333.com/twtxt.txt # gbmor https://gbmor.dev/twtxt.txt # gil https://tilde.pt/~gil/twtxt.txt # gmj http://www.port111.com/george/twtxt.txt # hecanjog https://hecanjog.com/twtxt.txt # hiltjo https://codemadness.org/twtxt.txt # hjacobs https://hjacobs.codeberg.page/twtxt.txt # hjertnes https://hjertnes.social/twtxt.txt # iolfree https://tilde.club/~iolfree/twtxt.txt # ionores https://twtxt.net/user/ionores/twtxt.txt # jb55 https://jb55.com/twtxt.txt # jcolag https://john.colagioia.net/twtxt.txt # jlj http://ctrl-c.club/~jlj/tw.txt # johanbove https://johanbove.info/twtxt.txt # kernel-pancake https://kernel-pancake.nl/twtxt.txt # koehr https://koehr.in/twtxt.txt # kt84 https://twtxt.net/user/kt84/twtxt.txt # lahvak http://lahvak.github.io/twtxt/twtxt.txt # leo https://www.gkbrk.com/twtxt.txt # lucidiot https://tilde.town/~lucidiot/twtxt.txt # lyse https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt # lyxal https://twtxt.net/user/lyxal/twtxt.txt # marado https://tilde.pt/~marado/twtxt.txt # mdosch https://mdosch.de/twtxt.txt # melyanna http://tilde.club/~melyanna/twtxt.txt # news https://twtxt.net/user/news/twtxt.txt # niplav https://niplav.github.io/twtxt.txt # nonlinear https://nonlinear.radiofreqs.space/twtxt.txt # notizblog https://notiz.blog/feed/twtxt # nristen https://karl.theharrisclan.net/twtxt.txt # pbatch https://pbat.ch/twtxt.txt # pwr https://skeletons.cc/twtxt.txt # quite https://lublin.se/twtxt.txt # reednj http://twtxt.xyz/u/reednj.txt # rho https://electro.pizza/twtxt.txt # robbinaer https://robbinaer.info/twtxt.txt # sdk https://codevoid.de/tw.txt # sixbitproxywax https://sixbitproxywax.com/twtxt.txt # sysdharma https://twtxt.rodolpho.onoeck.de/twtxt.txt # tfurrows https://grex.org/~tfurrows/twtxt.txt # tux0r https://twtxt.rosaelefanten.org/ # twet https://lublin.se/twet.txt # twtxt https://buckket.org/twtxt_news.txt # tx https://shroom.party/twtxt.txt # vain https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt # vang https://kecyk.com/twtxt.txt # vnm gopher://g.nixers.net/0/~vnm/twtxt.txt # von https://tilde.town/~von/twtxt.txt # webi https://twtxt.opstack.info/twtxt.txt # xandkar https://xandkar.net/twtxt.txt # xuu https://txt.sour.is/user/xuu/twtxt.txt # z3bra gopher://g.nixers.net/0/~z3bra/twtxt.txt 2020-12-01T09:08:58.000000Z Medicine is a type of engineering. Change my mind. 2020-12-01T11:15:21.000000Z Classical philosophy: Disputing definitions. Analytic philosophy: Disputing definitions, rigorously. Continental philosophy: Disputing definitions, poetically. 2020-12-01T11:15:33.000000Z My tribe is a place, not a prison. 2020-12-02T08:59:20.000000Z Milli Tanz 2020-12-02T08:59:23.000000Z Ochoch 2020-12-02T15:05:30.000000Z The new LW books :face_with_heart_eyes: 2020-12-02T15:06:19.000000Z "Which is for people, that is for people and objects." -> From a /lit/ thread. 2020-12-02T15:06:37.000000Z TeX is Long Software. LaTeX is not. 2020-12-02T15:06:46.000000Z The best map is still the territory. 2020-12-02T15:07:07.000000Z I want a 'Map≠Territory' T-shirt. 2020-12-02T18:35:50.000000Z Trying to move things with your mind might be good meditation practice. 2020-12-03T08:40:44.000000Z A strange mental motion in AI alignment is thinking about agency in non-agential ways. 2020-12-08T10:25:42.000000Z renriderog 2020-12-12T23:12:40.000000Z there are a lot of things that disappear when applied to themselves partially. principle of charity, tolerance, libertarianism in CEV. but, being *completely* X lets you retain them. (being maximally tolerant, maximally charitable towards everything, maximally libertarian towards other value systems). 2020-12-12T23:19:08.000000Z meta-not-caring 2020-12-13T01:12:07.000000Z Not too nice. Not too nasty. Not either to nice or too nasty. Not neither too nice nor too nasty. 2020-12-15T09:03:49.000000Z fresh tapas 2020-12-16T11:18:56.000000Z HoPwave 2020-12-16T11:19:28.000000Z On a related note, 'hopwag' sounds like a music genre 2020-12-18T08:29:50.000000Z A robot that constantly twitches 2020-12-18T08:30:14.000000Z There are two types of computer programmers: Those who think that computers are the problem, and those who think that programmers are the problem. 2020-12-18T08:36:50.000000Z Revealed preferences are super fuzzy. 2020-12-18T08:38:11.000000Z Alternative names for 'anarcho-capitalism': propertarianism, voluntaryism, voluntarism 2020-12-18T08:38:28.000000Z Alternative names for 'rationalism': map-making, cartography 2020-12-18T08:39:18.000000Z ”If everyone just…“ ”See, there's your problem already” 2020-12-18T08:39:49.000000Z Signaling/countersignaling are nuclear weapons for nerdy thinking: they explain 99% of social behavior in an easy, slightly demeaning way. 2020-12-18T08:40:08.000000Z Most advice is basically “become better at signaling”, or it is itself signaling. 2020-12-18T08:42:02.000000Z Would online dating without images lead to deeper, more human connections? I.e. only descriptions of people. If yes, is it different because of molochian reasons? More beautiful people have no problem showing their faces, so not showing ones face is seen as a low-status signal at some point. Counter: The idea of deeper, more human connections is in itself flawed, most mating choices are the result of a combination of class/status signals and physical attractiveness anyway. 2020-12-18T08:43:04.000000Z Evolution is going to destroy everything you love and then piss on the shards. 2020-12-18T08:43:16.000000Z Take all the bacteria in the world and dump them into a big hole. How does this look like? 2020-12-18T08:43:37.000000Z Can one encode if-statements by using modulo? 2020-12-18T09:16:52.000000Z “Subreddits could achieve this without a schism” heh (https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/v7c47vjta3mavY3QC/is-science-slowing-down?commentId=e9T3hF9957pT5h2ex), two years ago 2020-12-18T09:31:59.000000Z Some people on the LW team are increasing their Brier scores pretty hard right now bc of the number of orders for the books 2020-12-18T09:41:37.000000Z Suicide is legal, assisted suicide is illegal. Hm. 2020-12-20T01:58:34.000000Z I'm back to “tribes are bad” 2020-12-20T01:59:55.000000Z As a matter of reconciliation; welp 2020-12-22T15:18:40.000000Z https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/xdwbX9pFEr7Pomaxv/meta-honesty-firming-up-honesty-around-its-edge-cases?commentId=rfYQjT8SfzfQPLWYH lel 2020-12-23T22:10:40.000000Z @ "that's it. I'm sticking to this txtnish client." Solid choice. 2020-12-24T14:03:11.000000Z If you're an average man, my calculation tells me that freezing your sperm & getting a vasectomy is worth ~ in expectation (https://niplav.github.io/notes.html#Vasectomy--Sperm-Freezing-CostBenefit) (in the US, caveat caveat caveat) 2020-12-24T14:05:57.000000Z I've always found the 'suicide is selfish' argument weird. Someone is making the most important (and most tragic) decision in their life, and people are talking about themselves? 2020-12-24T14:17:41.000000Z Actually, embedded agency is a super good name for a movement, and I could see it replacing the horrid 'rationalism' over time. Plus, 'embags' is a really good abbreviation. 2020-12-24T23:47:20.000000Z https://www.gwern.net/newsletter/2020/12#fn1 is extremely important, but people fall into the anthropomorphization trap again and again 2020-12-26T11:09:36.000000Z My internal monologue is somewhere in my right hemisphere, more on the outside than the inside. Sort of above my right ear. 2020-12-26T11:50:05.000000Z Inner alignment is a problem when you train the reward function & the policy function jointly. 2020-12-26T12:32:52.000000Z Lisp is like minarchism. 2020-12-26T12:33:06.000000Z Project idea: search for books that are most effective at converting people from one ideology to another, for any two ideologies. 2020-12-26T12:34:25.000000Z If you're right about this, how could you make money with it? 2020-12-26T12:34:56.000000Z tangle ←→ distangle ←→ entangle ←→ untangle ←→ disentangle ←→ endistangle ←→ disuntangle ←→ endisuntangle 2020-12-26T12:37:46.000000Z Hot damn good post https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/2G8j8D5auZKKAjSfY 2020-12-28T13:41:53.000000Z Oh yeah, you know pain? Have you ever had your contact lenses on the wrong way, with ~½ a dioptrie difference? 2020-12-28T14:33:07.000000Z (slightly nasally) …and also for vingean reasons 2020-12-28T14:35:28.000000Z (Hanson voice) “I am not owned! I am not owned” I shout as I am being consumed by grey goo 2020-12-28T14:53:40.000000Z ge-stern (gasball) 2020-12-28T14:54:00.000000Z gestirn 2020-12-29T12:25:51.000000Z Endokremlinology 2020-12-30T10:23:25.000000Z I think I understand bigint multiplication now. Not sure if I've reinvented the Karatsuba algorithm 2021-01-03T11:42:54.000000Z [Questions About] versus [Moral Arguments From] Coherent Ethical Simplicity 2021-01-04T10:19:53.000000Z Don't make deals that involve infinities. 2021-01-04T10:20:09.000000Z Greta Thunberg falls into the same narrative category as Malala Yousafzai, Sophie Scholl and Jeanne D'Arc. 2021-01-04T10:20:21.000000Z Greta Thunberg also is a nearly complete creation of the media, in the sense that we would never know about her if it were not for media. 2021-01-04T10:20:28.000000Z Maybe this applies to everything? 2021-01-04T10:20:42.000000Z Buy some space near the sun, because it's going to be worth a lot when a Dyson sphere gets built. 2021-01-04T10:21:05.000000Z Umeshism: If you can follow your own ethical rules, your own ethical rules are not demanding enough. 2021-01-04T10:21:14.000000Z Infuriating: With the Euro, 50 ct. coins are bigger than 1€ coins. 2021-01-05T11:06:18.000000Z Niplav Yushtun, PhD in Memetodynamics 2021-01-05T15:59:25.000000Z Unless the world has been adversarially structured against you, you can do better by just trying. This holds both for bayesianism & consequentialism. 2021-01-05T16:00:12.000000Z In other words: you can expect the mistakes you make to be normally distributed around 0 if you're not trying. 2021-01-05T16:01:00.000000Z Some people, paradoxically, can help the world most by first helping themselves. Often enough, those people are the ones most pre-disposed to helping the world. 2021-01-07T09:31:45.000000Z “I will do as I please” will do as it pleases 2021-01-07T09:38:01.000000Z A bit tempted to trying to dovetail to find the shortest brainfuck quine. 2021-01-07T09:38:33.000000Z Only 4^391 programs. That shouldn't be _that_ hard! 2021-01-07T21:20:42.000000Z My definite stance on the rat/postrat discourse. Strap in. 1/89 2021-01-07T21:21:13.000000Z It all starts back in the days, when people started posting on SL4. As it turns out, 2/89 2021-01-07T21:22:13.000000Z bang. bang. bang. bang. Caledonian2 looks down on me. “What now, punk? Where is your overcoming of bias now?” “FUCK YOU” I scream. I lift 13/89 2021-01-07T21:23:45.000000Z nd in lemma 3.11 you can clearly see that ℝ∪lim_{k→∞} ℤ^{k} is homeomorphically convex. Furthermore, per Gibbard-Satterthwaite, you 32/89 2021-01-07T21:25:36.000000Z ut in the desert,,, the vibe reigns. When it is not in check, we tremble. We sweat ourselves down into a negative kegan stage. We gendlin-focus on all the wrong things. The meditators see blue mushrooms in desire for deliverance. Fanged noum 51/89 2021-01-07T21:27:10.000000Z nosilverv sits down next to me. We look at each other, still panting. I notice how his hands are still dusty. When I look up again, his eyes are glowing with a little smirk. He leans ov 73/89 2021-01-07T21:28:42.000000Z and if you truly get down to it, there's no ground for solomonoff induction, because your choice of TM is completely arbitrary! Furthermore, what does it even mean for bayesianism to be a coherent epistemology‽ How do we decide wha 84/89 2021-01-07T21:29:24.000000Z lief as attire will not save you. Come back to LW we miss you. Please don't stray too far from the light. 89/89 2021-01-07T21:32:05.000000Z https://twitter.com/skluuug/status/1343488552512802817 2021-01-07T22:39:54.000000Z I'm cartesianly divided from twitter, to which I'm often responding. We're back to watching television again. 2021-01-09T00:00:33.000000Z …and over to monist idealism. 2021-01-10T13:30:04.000000Z @(frogorbits.com) "@niplav Re: rats: YOU ARE NOT ALONE" https://i.ytimg.com/vi/2sbUDWU3Fjk/maxresdefault.jpg 2021-01-10T13:49:47.000000Z @ "Yo, crypto-heads. Encrypted communication doesn't protect your privacy. Laws …" I guess crypto-heads are often happy with acknowledging this, but also arguing that e.g. deniable crypto is a useful way out here (and, of course, just doing illegal stuff if it gets really rough). 2021-01-10T13:50:58.000000Z One should probably have a bunch of hard-drives with random content (not some files, but really random) lying around to being able to believably glomarize towards law enforcement 2021-01-10T13:52:33.000000Z Disadvantage of twtxt: less incentives to reply to people since it's not certain they'll ever see it. My current solution to that is to follow everybody on the we-are-twtxt and only unfollow if they twt a lot of stuff I'm not interested in 2021-01-10T13:53:21.000000Z Maybe I could write a script that trawls the we-are-twtxt list and notifies me when I'm mentioned–the name should be unique enough. 2021-01-10T14:00:57.000000Z @ "What the hell does [cartesianly](https://www.thefreedictionary.com/cartesianly) mean?! 😳" Me inventing a new adjective for "there is only a one-way flow of information" ^^ 2021-01-10T14:01:31.000000Z `curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jointwt/we-are-twtxt/master/we-are-twtxt.txt | grep -v '^niplav ' | field 2 | xargs curl ^/dev/null | grep niplav` here we go 2021-01-10T14:07:17.000000Z I should probably just add a `mentions` command to txtnish 2021-01-10T14:20:12.000000Z New post: https://niplav.github.io/toy_ai_takeoff_model.html. 2021-01-11T09:06:34.000000Z Care less about organic food 2021-01-12T16:03:55.000000Z gf that is actually just function composition disguised as your romantic partner 2021-01-13T11:29:19.000000Z DSA DSA=Democratic Socialists of America decisive strategic advantage 2021-01-15T07:50:55.000000Z “There is no single trick that gives you the truth immediately. You actually have to _think_.” is a mischaracterization. This thing “thinking” has a structure, and we want to discover that structure, optimally mathematically. 2021-01-15T14:36:00.000000Z I am part of the problem. 2021-01-15T15:41:45.000000Z I'd rather be boring than wrong. 2021-01-15T21:04:25.000000Z @ “@niplav What kind of _thinking_?” Nearly everything, I guess? More concretely: What falls into the category of whatever spans {deciding where to sit, deciding whether to blame someone else for something, catching a ball, picking a good career, proving a theorem}. 2021-01-15T21:06:14.000000Z Riffing off of Mechtild of Magdeburg, yes, sex may be a mystical act towards god, but it's a blind idiot alien god :-^ 2021-01-15T21:08:28.000000Z @ “@niplav What kind of _thinking_?” Leaning towards explicit abstract reasoning, though, if I would be pressed. 2021-01-18T21:45:53.000000Z I'm slightly concerned by the selection pressure against meditation 2021-01-18T22:32:58.000000Z US declining quickly, europe slowly? 2021-01-19T00:40:59.000000Z https://twitter.com/JgaltTweets/status/1351231569055383554 :-( 2021-01-19T00:41:27.000000Z Do you think kantbot will come here when he realizes this is where the cryptids are? 2021-01-19T00:45:32.000000Z https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Er-MPNfW4AA1KLv?format=png&name=large https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yw8NSHgT1o8 2021-01-19T00:56:37.000000Z my plan would involve writing the code for a seed asi and giving it a completely senseless goal, such as maximizing the number of paperclips & spreading as far as possible. this would benefit no one & cause untold damage. i will take no questions 2021-01-19T08:29:45.000000Z @ "nuclear realtor" I like this twtxt. [meta: I guess I'll often just reply with "I like this" or <3, although perhaps liking could be a primitive. I'll do it rarely enough to not clutter my timeline tho] 2021-01-20T14:36:36.000000Z bootstrap loading icons are spinning clockwise in their RTL cheatsheet. heh. 2021-01-20T22:26:57.000000Z “is socially constructed” is socially constructed 2021-01-20T22:27:14.000000Z Quines are poems. Don't @ me 2021-01-25T14:36:57.000000Z Several levels: Achievable with: • Current computing power \ • Engineering-realistic computing power \ • Physically possible computing power \ • Unlimited but finite computing power \ • Infinite computing power \ • (?) Hypercomputation 2021-01-25T14:37:14.000000Z It matters how many life years are lost in car crashes, not how many lives. 2021-01-25T14:39:55.000000Z Different utilitarian approaches to COVID-19 vaccination order, by order of complexity: Maximize {probability of infection*probability of counterfactual death, probability of infection*expected life years lost, probability of infection*expected severity of illness, probability of infection*expected severity of illness+probability of infecting n others*fudging for spreading} 2021-01-25T14:40:11.000000Z Good/quick life extension technology would, for the first 2/3 decades, decrease the average age of death, since more people would die young in accidents etc. than of old age. 2021-01-25T14:40:18.000000Z If hell exists, then it is reserved for those who don't rebel against it. 2021-01-25T14:40:30.000000Z All advice should have a failure condition. 2021-01-25T14:40:37.000000Z I am an ecosystem 2021-01-25T14:40:51.000000Z From a /r/4chan thread: “Birth is the ultimate rape.” 2021-01-25T14:41:43.000000Z There seems to be a moral bias towards inaction. 2021-01-25T14:41:53.000000Z I wonder why it isn't more common for parents to give their children courtship advice. Maybe it is and I don't know enough anthropology? 2021-01-25T14:42:14.000000Z Long Now thinking applied: Introducing the LGBT+ pride millenium! 2021-01-25T14:42:49.000000Z “Everyone who had serious philosophical conundra on that subject just, you know, died, a generation before. The Bitchun Society didn't need to convert its detractors, just outlive them.” 2021-01-25T14:43:08.000000Z Tactic: Moving the lever closer. 2021-01-25T14:43:19.000000Z Tactic: Salty chips (Salty chips that make you buy water as a general pattern). 2021-01-25T14:43:26.000000Z Morpheological <-> More theological 2021-01-25T14:43:39.000000Z Comp Lit: computational literature 2021-01-25T14:43:45.000000Z Plants are pretty fascinating, they turn air into life. 2021-01-25T14:44:07.000000Z Is there a german word for the situation where somebody jokingly asks for the german word for an obscure phenomenon, and some Germans half-ironically half-sincerely trying to come up with words to describe the phenomenon? 2021-01-25T14:44:27.000000Z Whatever the question, despair is not the answer. 2021-01-25T14:44:34.000000Z Intellectualize your problems so you will become bored of them. 2021-01-25T17:15:11.000000Z sorry for the twtstorm o.o 2021-01-25T18:46:42.000000Z @ “I don’t know. But you got me.” <3 2021-01-26T09:29:25.000000Z note to self: don't go to the bay 2021-01-26T11:16:21.000000Z i will not live in the bay, i won't be part of the cule 2021-01-27T21:16:32.000000Z beer is liquid psychoactive bread 2021-01-29T18:59:55.000000Z @ "Writing a "tweet" is low-friction, and the medium forces you to chunk out ideas into (mostly) self-contained thoughts." <3 2021-01-30T16:53:05.000000Z @ "Wow. I think much of what drew me to zettlekasten -- and then letting it languish :-( -- really belongs in Anki." <3 i have only used SRS for ~3 months now, so I'm not sure how long i'll continue 2021-01-31T12:02:03.000000Z (me making up words): qualia internalism: the properties of a quale are internal to the quale, and therefore the properties of different qualia can be projected onto a cardinal scale with zero point. 2021-01-31T12:05:30.000000Z (cont): qualia relationism: the properties of qualia are defined by their relations to other qualia (but distinguish ordinal rankings for properties of qualia without a zero-point from cardinal properties of qualia without a zero-point). E.g., the hedonic treadmill is not accidental, but a deep fact of the universe. 2021-01-31T12:07:52.000000Z challenge for qualia relationism: it seems plausible that for a relation between two qualia to be established to actually create the quality of the experience, they should occur at near points in time. however, people in great pain don't usually at the same time seem to recall memories of especially pleasurable moments. 2021-01-31T15:01:32.000000Z un-doing not doing non-doing 2021-02-02T12:40:38.000000Z yesterdays session: collecting dullness (?, maybe addictive energy is a better name) at the spot where the nose begins between the eyes, then concentrating on it 2021-02-02T12:41:12.000000Z felt really tense around a maybe 4cm² area there, slowly disappeared during the sit 2021-02-03T13:30:43.000000Z shoot me if i ever say that X should require Educational Attainment Y 2021-02-04T15:03:45.000000Z @ "I just typed in 'censorship' on pinterest and that is also completely banned." https://i.imgflip.com/1ppi4p.jpg 2021-02-06T10:18:52.000000Z reading 2021-02-06T10:20:46.000000Z @prologic “we _should_ fight for IRC more” another slack “Definition: Slack. The absence of binding constraints on behavior.” https://thezvi.wordpress.com/2017/09/30/slack/ 2021-02-06T10:22:57.000000Z ironically, IRC has more slack than Slack 2021-02-07T22:43:55.000000Z leave a line of retreat in ideology-space 2021-02-10T10:11:44.000000Z proposal: let's ignore 2020 data when trying to argue about anything 2021-02-10T18:18:17.000000Z yo bro, the new alignment newsletter just dropped! 2021-02-14T14:23:31.000000Z @ "@niplav (#<4qeibma https://twt.nfld.uk/search?tag=4qeibma>) Hadn't heard of this; thanks for the tip! Been getting lost in your text reviews; the Benatar piece piqued my interest: I'd been reading a critique of his earlier work -- in Overall's *Why Have Children?* -- that really wasn't up to scratch. Now I'm reading about pure replicators, which is a new concept, to me. :-)" -> Nice :-) Looking over my text reviews, they're not quite finished (especially the Benatar one), so take it with a grain of salt 2021-02-15T11:55:22.000000Z Play strange games, win strange prizes. 2021-02-15T11:55:34.000000Z value of perfect information in the water supply 2021-02-15T11:55:43.000000Z Doing a crucifix: Human 2021-02-15T11:55:43.000001Z – 2021-02-15T11:55:43.000002Z Values 2021-02-15T11:55:43.000003Z – 2021-02-15T11:55:43.000004Z Are 2021-02-15T11:55:43.000005Z – 2021-02-15T11:55:43.000006Z Complex, 2021-02-15T11:55:43.000007Z BUT 2021-02-15T11:55:52.000000Z It always bottoms out in valence somewhere. 2021-02-15T11:56:02.000000Z Intelligence is the technology creating technology. 2021-02-15T11:56:16.000000Z Either you die a good person, or you get old enough to see yourself turn into an Omohundro monster. 2021-02-15T11:56:50.000000Z The wise man bowed his head and said solemnly: "There is in fact no difference between aesthetics and ethics (normativity and morality). You imbecile. You fucking moron." 2021-02-16T11:00:36.000000Z the emotion {≻,~,≺} 2021-02-16T11:00:55.000000Z looked better rendered by LaTeX, but whatevs 2021-02-16T11:20:31.000000Z naming my eye floaters 2021-02-16T11:44:47.000000Z how highly evolved a human is can be measured by how small their little toe is 2021-02-17T11:16:02.000000Z argmax ∑☺-☹ 2021-02-18T22:33:07.000000Z People who don't create their own religions are incredibly suspect. 2021-02-19T09:56:56.000000Z “concept handle” is jargon for “jargon” 2021-02-19T09:58:06.000000Z @ "Perseverance ! 👏🎉😀" <3 2021-02-20T11:49:33.000000Z @ "Anyone running [Urbit](https://github.com/urbit/urbit)? Thinking about having a play with a comet. ☄🌒" -> Just as @ has problems with his reading queue, I have problems with my "things to explore" queue. I even bought a planet a while back, but haven't had time to dive into the extradimensional madness of the urbit system. Subjective impressions & reviews highly anticipated! 2021-02-20T23:48:29.000000Z it's uncool on purpose to avoid you clicking 2021-02-21T21:11:55.000000Z I'm skeptical about having a model of utility actually being sufficient to solve optimizers curse. isn't that just kicking the can down the road, finding something that fools both your utility and your utility model? 2021-02-22T10:43:31.000000Z technocratsacy 2021-02-22T10:45:12.000000Z A jam is a very vibey object. 2021-02-22T10:45:19.000000Z Concreteness leaking out of your abstractions there. 2021-02-22T10:45:26.000000Z How do you cooperate with suboptimal allies? 2021-02-22T10:45:45.000000Z Yes andy, no butty. 2021-02-22T10:45:57.000000Z Possible climate change intervention: Improve performance of widely used but neglected open source projects. 2021-02-22T10:46:26.000000Z There is a universe not far from ours where people signal wealth mostly through effective charitable donations. 2021-02-22T10:46:40.000000Z Audiobook not so great because they don't pause automatically if I lose focus, books do. 2021-02-22T10:46:53.000000Z Bandname: Catastrophic Transcripts 2021-02-22T10:47:00.000000Z Not explaining away; instead predicting. 2021-02-22T10:47:29.000000Z If you want somebody to help you, they should participate in the loss/gain of their helping to the degree of effect. 2021-02-22T10:48:13.000000Z Do people who only communicate in ASL have tiny hands as an internal monologue? 2021-02-22T10:48:28.000000Z Getting laid before the age of 21 is a great predictor for becoming a utilitarian vs. a negative utilitarian. 2021-02-22T10:48:53.000000Z I get very squeamish when people are insistent on me saying “X is Y”. It's usually a bad sign. 2021-02-22T10:49:09.000000Z The epistemic commons are worth protecting. Go and do your signalling with donations or fashion. 2021-02-24T11:22:12.000000Z Being rational is virtuous 2021-02-25T10:21:29.000000Z Turbo-Lenz 2021-02-25T10:21:35.000000Z Simp-lifying 2021-02-25T10:21:43.000000Z Tran-Skript 2021-02-26T13:58:11.000000Z sequential decision problems in the water supply 2021-02-26T14:40:23.000000Z interested in understanding the world of fucking 2021-02-28T21:10:08.000000Z men care more than women about longevity? 2021-03-01T15:09:47.000000Z my wish: textbooks are published together with anki flashcards 2021-03-02T21:11:49.000000Z i can feel your stomach in my bones 2021-03-02T21:17:09.000000Z @ "A good read: [Why I find longtermism hard](https://80000hours.org/2021/02/why-i-find-longtermism-hard/) -- […]" -> Interesting! I don't particularly share that emotional intuition (although my bias probably cuts the other way: I am more moved by interesting projects, and more interesting problems probably also less neglected)–I generally find most problems other people find salient not very moving at all (although probably equally strongly moved by extremely near suffering compared to other people, but with a stronger emotional distance discount). EA makes sense in a very different way to me (phenomenologically, probably closest to philosophical high valence states it evokes). 2021-03-02T21:21:56.000000Z @ "I usually seen the opposite. Women are more interested in longevity and happy that studies show that they live more than men." -> I probably could have been clearer: It seems to me that women are on average much less interested in life-extension (methods beyond usual health advice such as the old “exercise, eat vegetables”) than men. This might just be founder/sampling bias (life extension comes out of the relatively male dominated libertarian/techno-optimist cluster). Actually, maybe there's just a variance thing here: median man cares less about his longevity than the median woman, but the variance for men is higher. 2021-03-03T23:46:41.000000Z aversion to carrying out actions that increase my prediction error 2021-03-03T23:46:57.000000Z e.g. editing a text – I thought i was done with it! 2021-03-03T23:54:37.000000Z when forecasting, babble 10 unexpected things that might derail the forecast 2021-03-05T21:22:38.000000Z look at me! Im Moldbug! I want to appoint $PROGRESSIVE_ICON as king/queen! 2021-03-05T21:39:36.000000Z @(frogorbits.com) @ "I sign a lot less stuff these days now that my phone can pretend to be a credit card. Also: an impostor with a quantum computer can’t pretend to sign documents on my behalf…" -> It's good that pen signatures are completely unfakeable. They're unbelievably reliable. We can't just copy & photoshop around the edges. Better worry about those definitely-soon-to-exist quantum computers that might crack cryptography. 2021-03-05T21:39:58.000000Z @(frogorbits.com) I hope that didn't come off too mean :-/ 2021-03-05T21:43:50.000000Z @(frogorbits.com) "@niplav Seems like most of the (radical) life extension people are interested in adding years to their lives, but agnostic about adding life to their years. “Be old longer” doesn’t appeal to a lot of people." -> I disagree, the people who i know that are interested in life extension look to me more engaged in life than the ones who are not (though that hinges on definitions of ”adding life to their years”). i agree that “adding life to your years” is underappreciated, though. 2021-03-05T21:44:31.000000Z https://hotelconcierge.tumblr.com/post/113360634364/the-stanford-marshmallow-prison-experiment probably wrong, iq predictive, but marshmallow test is (apparently?) not 2021-03-06T22:41:12.000000Z i think one can't really infer inconsistencies from survey data all that often (as in “n% of people think X, and m% of people think y, but those are incompatible”). if n% of people say X (m% say Y), and 100-n% of people say ¬X (and 100-m% say ¬Y), and X and Y are incompatible, then the groups that say X and Y only must overlap with (X-50)+(Y-50) percent, which is often not that much. 2021-03-06T22:41:52.000000Z for this reason, don't expect consistent opinions from the percentages in survey results! 2021-03-06T22:42:37.000000Z i think that this becomes a bigger issue with more options in a survey? 2021-03-16T15:26:49.000000Z cocks gun 2021-03-16T15:26:54.000000Z guns cock 2021-03-16T22:56:07.000000Z hem hock 2021-03-24T20:46:53.000000Z @ "We are calling for Richard M. Stallman to be removed from all leadership positions, including the GNU Project. https://rms-open-letter.github.io/" highly contextual/simulacrous memeplexes exclude high-variance impact neuroatypicals, nobody thinks about incentives? 2021-03-24T21:18:54.000000Z @ "@niplav (#) Fascinating. :-) Suspect # would have a violent physical reaction -- accompanied by some salty language -- after even a moment's contemplation of life under such complicity. :-D" -> He is a very unreasonable man <3 2021-03-25T10:17:49.000000Z   2021-03-28T12:20:03.000000Z "@niplav (#) There are no expectations when you're honest. Expectations and honesty don't mix." -> I honestly wasn't expecting _that_ answer :) 2021-03-31T22:29:59.000000Z @ "@niplav Your reasoning is that if Zeus would create mistresses he would create _too many_ people?" -> Nope, that he wouldn't be able to control them (since they are only slightly less powerful than him), and “you cannot put down what you have conjured up” 2021-04-05T18:19:55.000000Z 5-word horror story: law of conversation of valence a021-04-05T18:21:59.000000Z @ "so much is different now, i feel like i'm in a completely different place then when i was writing here last" -> Welcome back 2021-04-06T19:28:45.000000Z The last thing ever felt was a medium-surprised “huh.”, as when one comes across a novel, but not very surprising new fact. After August 23rd 2039 11:34, nothing ever happened in an awareness again. 2021-04-07T13:52:53.000000Z Annoyance: it is the exception, rather than the norm, that taking away options from someone helps them. 2021-04-08T21:45:13.000000Z ~problematic~ 2021-04-10T19:26:55.000000Z typos on a darknet market site. programmers *sigh* 2021-04-11T12:39:58.000000Z universes with more life probably more compressible 2021-04-11T13:27:13.000000Z life is quined matter 2021-04-11T21:00:48.000000Z female spiders eat males after mating bc males won't provide for offspring, so they might as well provide nutrients for the mother 2021-04-12T22:25:18.000000Z the universe needs to meditate 2021-04-12T22:26:44.000000Z @ "Just discovered an unsaved vim buffer sitting in a local tmux session I forgot about for days now. Yikes. At least it was easy to remember where I left off. :)" -> Hopefully something important 2021-04-12T22:28:51.000000Z @ "Beautiful sunny day today, at Dululu." <3 2021-04-13T18:25:23.000000Z violation of schelling point as indicators of antimemetic infestation. 2021-04-13T20:45:41.000000Z quantilizing porn 2021-04-13T21:42:21.000000Z humiliating how long it took me to realise that the Metamorphosis by Kafka was about disability. 2021-04-14T19:32:14.000000Z @ "Random thought: Would be great if you could do `for i in ...; do something "$i" & done ; wait` in a Shell script, but with the Shell only spawning one process per CPU." -> Interesting which annoyances stay in the back of the head – I'd never articulated this, but it's absolutely true that this would be great. 2021-04-14T19:32:46.000000Z @ "Maybe Satoshi was an anti-capitalist after all?" -> Why do you think that? 2021-04-14T21:33:32.000000Z if you're weird, spending time around non-weird people is not going to make you more normal. but if you spend time with marginally less weird people, you're probably going to become less weird. 2021-04-16T16:57:41.000000Z hardmode as much things as you can, ordered by importance. easymode the rest. 2021-04-17T10:01:09.000000Z metaculus is only realiable newssite send twt 2021-04-17T10:05:02.000000Z @ "I can see the sinewave of my own mood skimming through past twtxts..." ▁▂▄▅▆▅▄▂▁▂▄▅▆▅▄▂▁▂▄▅▆▅▄▂▁ 2021-04-17T10:12:00.000000Z twt is better because I can pronounce it like twit, which sounds a bit like “twat”, which is an insult and therefore better. 2021-04-17T10:13:44.000000Z huh, txtnish seems to have problems with linebreaks & unicode;. 2021-04-17T10:15:50.000000Z “Break at the Byte”, a programmer adventure story. 2021-04-17T20:34:01.000000Z Just because things are impossible doesn't mean they wouldn't be good 2021-04-17T21:44:17.000000Z sharing beliefs < sharing evidence < sharing models < sharing ontologies 2021-04-17T21:45:12.000000Z maybe that's my queasiness around emotional arguers: they share beliefs more than evidence, and nearly never models 2021-04-17T21:49:13.000000Z the counterpoint would be that I'm already begging the question with that attitude, though. 2021-04-17T21:52:58.000000Z 2x3: {lives in social/physical reality}×{views things generally as positive/zero/negative sum}. To be honest, I think there's relatively few people in social positive sum reality frames. 2021-04-17T22:03:49.000000Z A: “X is number”. B: “Thats not true, X is not number”. If B doesnt provide an alternative number (or an explanation of why a number is not applicable here), Im often more inclined towards believing A. 2021-04-17T22:06:32.000000Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 2021-04-17T22:29:57.000000Z Whether to invest in stocks is moral tracks with whether general economic growth is moral. 2021-04-20T00:29:21.000000Z my brain really likes accumulation. 2021-04-20T11:14:19.000000Z (⋅,⋅) 2021-04-20T11:55:12.000000Z i'm sure people have studied this: maybe strategically voting iteratively reaches a fixed point in which point report their actual preferences? 2021-04-20T12:29:47.000000Z AIXI for polynomial curve fitting 2021-04-27T13:41:15.000000Z I can often distinguish sympathetic mockery from sneering mockery, even with relatively litlte context. I wonder why – what am I picking up on? What is the distinct way of making fun of someone you actually like vs. don't like? 2021-04-28T09:32:50.000000Z fake space 2021-04-28T09:33:01.000000Z fake liminal space 2021-04-30T13:55:10.000000Z every permutation is a bijection, not every bijection is a permutation. this wasn't obvious to me! 2021-05-01T23:27:49.000000Z pïti streaming into the sky! 2021-05-02T00:15:39.000000Z FreeBSDitties 2021-05-02T08:32:18.000000Z major difference between updating on evidence vs. morals: we know that a bayesian is converging (monotonically?) towards truth with each piece of evidence, while with moral progress, it seems likely that we are not bounded in how wrong our updates can be (even if we grant that the arc bends towards justice in the end). we might need to escape moral local maxima. therefore, it seems good to preserve option value. 2021-05-02T08:37:19.000000Z discount rates seem to spring mostly from being sure of ones own death. beings without aging would have extremely low discount rates, I think? 2021-05-02T08:37:42.000000Z much lower than we'd expect from naively extrapolating just to the increased lifespan. 2021-05-02T08:40:18.000000Z “memeticist” as a description of someone who makes memes 2021-05-07T12:53:35.000000Z Surely people have thought about this, but is it _so_ useful to include proofs in textbooks? 2021-05-07T13:30:21.000000Z what is a good prior over sentences in propositional logic? 2021-05-07T13:42:16.000000Z probably similar to solomonoff, just in the number of variables, and without the computability aspect (since we know that prop-formulas can be evaluated in exponential time) 2021-05-11T14:43:49.000000Z caviarance 2021-05-12T17:46:23.000000Z @frogorbits.com "@niplav Speaking of ontologies, you’ve heard of , right?" -> Yes, I've seen Pressman shill it, but I haven't looked at it too closely. I have the intuition that it won't tell me _that_ much new stuff, but that's just an impression 2021-05-12T17:47:32.000000Z @frogorbits.com Would you recommend it? 2021-05-13T20:13:36.000000Z status-acquisition more anti-inductive than money-acquistition? 2021-05-16T21:29:56.000000Z I think I understand 5-10 now. It basically says “Let's say I jumped out of the airplane. I would only do that if I had a parachute. So, any version of me that jumps out of the airplane has a parachute. Therefore, if I jump out of the airplane, I'll have a parachute. Let's jump out of the airplane!” 2021-05-17T13:19:53.000000Z chopping wood and carrying water: an endocrinological approach 2021-05-17T13:34:37.000000Z consequentialist buddhism 2021-05-20T19:10:01.000000Z @ "Laphroaig. 🥃 🥴" <3 2021-05-21T21:26:37.000000Z Was den großen Ring bewohnet / huldige der Sympathie / zu den Sternen leitet sie / wo der Unbekannte thronet 2021-05-21T21:28:00.000000Z This is obviously about O'Neill cylinders, empathetic pearcean valence, and the supercooperation cluster 2021-05-21T21:28:55.000000Z Yes, I can shoehorn interpreting extropianism into every poem by Schiller. This is going to be a regular thing. 2021-05-22T21:16:08.000000Z Let A be the set of AI alignment complete problems. What is the problem a /∈ A so that solving a maximally delays the development of AGI? What is a, weighted by how hard/desirable it is? 2021-05-24T11:53:19.000000Z Venn diagrams work better on hyperbolic surfaces? 2021-05-24T20:05:55.000000Z FreeBSDick 2021-05-24T20:07:49.000000Z someone (not me) should try to learn the 1k most common words in as many languages as possible 2021-05-24T21:04:28.000000Z marvel and be wary 2021-05-25T13:52:47.000000Z guy who is building AGI on a discord server with his buddies instead of getting himself a girlfriend 2021-05-25T13:53:01.000000Z guy who has had unkind thoughts about Eliezer Yudkowsky 2021-05-26T09:52:53.000000Z deontology more embedded than consequentialism? 2021-05-26T21:37:23.000000Z the success of discord and its consequences have been a disaster for online information flow 2021-05-28T20:33:47.000000Z tonalli gf, teyolía bf 2021-05-28T20:34:02.000000Z alignment posting gf, capabilities posting gf 2021-05-28T20:34:35.000000Z it's important to remember: people rarely fundamentally change 2021-05-29T22:18:55.000000Z “those motherfuckers actually read what I write. lmao” – Nick Land 2021-05-30T14:32:45.000000Z muggee 2021-05-30T22:49:18.000000Z the good thing about this is - …………uhh………………… 2021-06-01T10:05:49.000000Z middle manager of the local dharma 2021-06-01T19:33:30.000000Z *everbody* had a hard time in highschool :thinking_face: 2021-06-01T19:40:45.000000Z preposterous to assume that mathematical objects are real 2021-06-01T19:41:08.000000Z it's just a set bro, it doesn't even contain anything 2021-06-01T21:00:25.000000Z a microwave without the urge to beep 2021-06-04T22:40:05.000000Z every man is a pick up artist. some even know it 2021-06-08T22:53:15.000000Z PIPO 2021-06-09T14:16:14.000000Z bayesically, 2021-06-09T21:25:06.000000Z mesamodernism 2021-06-09T21:25:22.000000Z “Attention is all you need”. Fucking prophetic 2021-06-09T22:04:35.000000Z 6fe54e3e669470cf6b3b371149716d06704beda48a0ca553f45cf4a913edd180 2021-06-10T07:48:14.000000Z putting myself on a list by googling various bioinfohazards 2021-06-10T08:05:31.000000Z i want a smallpox vaccine 2021-06-12T18:56:27.000000Z boneless intellectuals 2021-06-12T20:08:36.000000Z wondering whether non-compartmentalization is a result of monotheism 2021-06-14T10:26:43.000000Z I dislike it when people use two en dashes for an em dash 2021-06-14T10:28:04.000000Z or, worse, a minus 2021-06-14T17:47:15.000000Z how much would you X yourself? 2021-06-14T20:43:30.000000Z Robin Hanson is pretty good evidence for the Orthogonality Hypothesis 2021-06-15T22:25:54.000000Z “showing that you care” type signalling depends on the sunk cost fallacy; or, there was selection pressure against the sunk cost fallacy (modulo reputation effects) 2021-06-15T22:46:22.000000Z philosophical bullets i'm not (yet) willing to bite: illusionism, accepting the repugnant conclusion. 2021-06-16T09:32:22.000000Z DSOTM=Doesn't seem obvious to me. 2021-06-16T10:32:10.000000Z That's pretty Markov of you, my friend 2021-06-16T10:32:39.000000Z markov as inverse lindy 2021-06-16T22:24:16.000000Z yay ingroup 2021-06-18T09:13:36.000000Z bell's theorem for the haecceity of qualia 2021-06-18T11:32:51.000000Z I put on my best reference class tennis outfit 2021-06-18T11:37:53.000000Z the gearless gear 2021-06-18T14:25:05.000000Z if MDMA is libido-enhancing for women, and libido-diminishing for men, then that points at an important joint between male and female sexuality. 2021-06-18T23:33:25.000000Z “considered harmful” is not about harm: an opinionated review is all you need 2021-06-19T12:36:22.000000Z buridan's ass: not sure which cheek to clap 2021-06-19T12:36:42.000000Z (yes, I know the thought experiment doesn't come from buridan) 2021-06-19T12:39:21.000000Z guy who has always wanted to get into lucid dreaming 2021-06-19T12:43:30.000000Z tibeetan dreeem yooeeeeeeeee 2021-06-19T12:45:47.000000Z christianity has been bad for sexuality, do other religions fare better? monotheistic ones don't seem to 2021-06-19T21:11:43.000000Z amazing they managed to get double-blind RCTs through asymmetric justice 2021-06-20T15:46:07.000000Z @ "TEST hello twtxt xxx" -> :wave: 2021-06-21T07:47:54.000000Z toe tall, I tear ian? 2021-06-22T06:13:33.000000Z twitch, robot, twitch! 2021-06-22T09:55:09.000000Z even an ASI would defer to an even smarter version of itself. does this solve the problem of fully updated deference? 2021-06-23T22:58:33.000000Z heiliges römisches rotes kreuz deutscher nation 2021-06-23T23:00:12.000000Z internal/external validity for attractiveness rankings 2021-06-24T10:43:42.000000Z Gotami said: “why is experience bad so often?” Upon hearing this, the nun got enlightened. 2021-06-25T18:41:17.000000Z forecasting questions can be divided into “we have an indicator, let the people forecast it” and “we have a question, let's find an indicator/indicators to concretise it” 2021-06-25T20:50:13.000000Z https://www.lesswrong.com/s/7CdoznhJaLEKHwvJW/p/LfGzAduBWzY5gq6FE uses color really well in proofs. I will need to copy that. 2021-06-26T09:06:42.000000Z “improve the system” is not an atomic action 2021-06-26T12:09:59.000000Z gridworlds scenario with corrigible/noncorrigible subagents 2021-06-29T21:24:48.000000Z ancestral social environment probably most comparable with today's high school – everybody is very near each other a lot of the time, high amounts of common knowledge. differences: existence of age gaps in AE, more common tasks 2021-06-29T21:25:02.000000Z makes me update towards the awfulness of ancestral environment 2021-06-29T21:27:55.000000Z todo: find some nice population axiologies where the bound is a parameter 2021-06-29T21:30:38.000000Z a date with a human model 2021-06-29T21:30:44.000000Z what a strange optimizer it is 2021-06-29T21:31:24.000000Z at least we'll die a really cool death 2021-06-29T21:32:35.000000Z discourse between a man and his baaaaaa 2021-06-29T21:35:13.000000Z how come nobody takes the view seriously that coordination is eternally hard on all levels? 2021-06-29T21:37:05.000000Z MFTOC 2021-06-29T21:37:10.000000Z MFTOM 2021-06-29T21:39:11.000000Z carteography 2021-06-29T21:42:29.000000Z approached a girl on saturday. the approach itself was nothing special, & i got rejected as expected. BUT I know understand what all those guys mean with femininity. this girl was dripping with it. she even gave me a compliment (“you have beautiful eyes”) after rejecting me. damn 2021-06-29T22:45:58.000000Z excess wealth spent on addiction or sex 2021-06-29T22:46:06.000000Z (mostly) 2021-06-30T16:40:30.000000Z https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E48JHmPVcAcnFYw?format=jpg&name=small 2021-06-30T20:35:54.000000Z memdemic 2021-06-30T20:55:45.000000Z cannibalistic respectability cascades in the water supply 2021-06-30T21:10:53.000000Z not yet woke 2021-07-01T11:14:24.000000Z qouta 2021-07-01T19:51:09.000000Z rational people can use very irrational people as babble generators in conversations, if the rational people are high prune (which they usually are). 2021-07-02T10:48:55.000000Z does the buddha have maze nature? 2021-07-02T14:54:07.000000Z ikto verso lapido 2021-07-03T16:45:33.000000Z formalise early, formalise often 2021-07-04T09:59:51.000000Z the burrito judge needs to be extremely powerful 2021-07-04T18:48:07.000000Z ……girls 2021-07-04T18:57:38.000000Z and, not to forget the obvious contender, 2021-07-04T18:57:43.000000Z ………women 2021-07-05T10:49:53.000000Z no canonical universal turing machine for solomonoff induction 2021-07-06T08:55:26.000000Z left not as good at babble as it used to be? more pruney, definitely 2021-07-06T08:56:44.000000Z sneering is pruning without any metric of success 2021-07-06T08:58:25.000000Z or: sneering=uncalibrated pruning 2021-07-06T08:58:50.000000Z because prune needs to be more calibrated than babble 2021-07-06T20:01:13.000000Z metis, doxa, episteme, gnosis, techne – did I forget anything? 2021-07-07T13:45:06.000000Z impac 2021-07-08T22:41:52.000000Z nice bullet you got there. would be a shame if someone were to…… bite it 2021-07-09T09:19:33.000000Z https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/phgigGpzxHLTb9jrQ/some-thoughts-on-my-psychiatry-practice?commentId=oP2fBrTJkJZ2niX5t 2021-07-09T09:25:12.000000Z don't be middle class 2021-07-09T10:53:59.000000Z basin of corrigibility seems to be a reasonably large crux for prosaic alignment vs. miri debates 2021-07-14T20:11:00.000000Z meditation techniques have inbuilt anti-abuse mechanism if they reduce agency and/or wanting 2021-07-14T20:12:00.000000Z bullett 2021-07-15T17:54:56.000000Z impact measures depend on, rather than specify, inaction baselines 2021-07-15T18:15:47.000000Z the singular of equilibria is equilibrium goddamnit! 2021-07-15T18:16:22.000000Z not reading 2021-07-15T18:19:30.000000Z why no paradise engineering companies? 2021-07-15T18:22:37.000000Z Niplav Yushtun, treasurer of the “Clone John von Neumann a Million Times” party 2021-07-15T18:24:50.000000Z Ah! “Logical Prior Probability” (Demski 2008). Of course 2021-07-15T20:28:19.000000Z gonna start crediting Carl Shulman for some of my ideas, seems trendy right now 2021-07-17T00:59:48.000000Z trump turned out to not be such a big deal 2021-07-17T21:21:02.000000Z the inclusive genetic fitness party 2021-07-20T17:17:20.000000Z identity politics defection from class warfare, maybe? 2021-07-21T17:18:25.000000Z @(frogorbits.com) "@niplav interesting, it seems like you uploaded at least two weeks worth of posts sometime between yesterday and right now" -> Yes. I have changed my interaction with the internet a little bit – uploading/downloading in batches, not constantly online, to prevent my attention becoming even more damaged than it is now. 2021-07-22T21:51:15.000000Z I'm not an intellectual, I'm just a guy who likes to f**k. 2021-07-23T23:07:13.000000Z i remember having quite strange & unusual qualia as a child (kind of hard to describe & varied, i remember 2 specifically (not just the old “having more imagination” or “being easier to frighten”, but on a similar level as déja vu)), but these have faded over time as i went through adolescence. i wonder whether this is common. perhaps i should write that up, together with a rough description of those qualia 2021-07-23T23:30:01.000000Z @ "Br em hlk rmnnd, Fkrdm, bkldryrum! Ben br bk ucuyum, Kvg verm hlkn, Bkldryrum te, Vrn benm frkm ! #sydbx" -> Aoe iiiu! Iyou eiau üuiu yäiiö. Äuuuůǒ ēēiyou #ïïïyae 2021-07-23T23:52:17.000000Z a model that gives a probability distribution over 12 orders of magnitude is good and brave and we need more of it. 2021-07-26T09:18:41.000000Z Hah, tweet-like-me.xyz with my old twitter handle is great. “Agreed. Should we therefore call for »epsilon umeshisms«?” 2021-07-26T09:19:32.000000Z “ah, but I use myself as a handle” 2021-07-26T09:20:40.000000Z “Two men in mirror saws the edge of time For real or woe, we bury the grass and raise the” cryptic 2021-07-26T09:22:36.000000Z “= I've been waiting for this for years. I don't want to join in what I read is supposed to be a highly competitive work environment. But I am impressed by the vision and potential of your approach.” Pretty much my reaction to new many EA stuff. 2021-07-26T19:10:05.000000Z censors will censor complaints about being censored. therefore we should complain about censorship all the time – once those complaints disappear, we know things are going downhill. 2021-07-27T08:01:33.000000Z my single-peaked ass 2021-07-27T08:02:12.000000Z a bunch of money in celestial futures: long on angels, but the bulk put into ein sof 2021-07-29T23:39:09.000000Z it is cold in the anthropic shadow. 2021-08-02T22:17:57.000000Z the existence of competence porn implies the existence of competence horniness 2021-08-06T16:38:01.000000Z paradises, peacocks, peaches and palimpsests! Prussians, prowlers plus plumous penguins, priestess parks principles – priceless. 2021-08-06T17:10:01.000000Z beating the ender dragon in minecraft with dying <100 times (but arbitrary training on video beforehand) seems like a nice candidate for another fire alarm (I wonder whether people would panic then, or whether that challenge is already AI-complete) 2021-08-06T17:58:33.000000Z collecting large STEM datasets for training huge models a good step for avoiding human models? 2021-08-06T21:19:33.000000Z people who use kilowatt-hours of something should go f**k themselves 2021-08-06T21:25:14.000000Z not a big fan of retributive justice, but considering the fact that mosquitoe-borne diseases have killed **half of all humans that have ever lived**, we might consider exterminating the fuckers just because they deserve it. 2021-08-10T14:45:28.000000Z children are also just self-replicating probes 2021-08-10T17:10:25.000000Z what,,, you are trying to do good? how about I complain about you wanting to do good, and accuse you of being evil, even though on further questioning I would agree your actions are at worst net-zero? 2021-08-10T23:25:46.000000Z https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E8W9k1SXoA8Khmf?format=jpg&name=4096x4096 2021-08-11T13:25:51.000000Z lol, just realised that standard AI risk is just environmental disaster risk amped up to 10^(10^10), only that the direct perpetrator isn't humanity (we're only the proximate perpetrator). huh 2021-08-15T23:02:59.000000Z on the other hand, induction has also never worked before for anti-inductionists, so they might try it. 2021-08-17T06:54:18.000000Z maybe elites appear incompetent because they're mostly trying to prevent AI disaster behind the curtains? perhaps that's why GPT-4 hasn't appeared yet – they coordinated not to do it. 2021-08-17T07:23:40.000000Z this is the worst meme: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/daily-struggle 2021-08-17T07:27:20.000000Z I want you to spell out the context. like in porn 2021-08-20T16:37:16.000000Z Die Wimpern der Cherubim 2021-08-21T12:05:11.000000Z meme innoculation 2021-08-27T21:01:41.000000Z the hardest sci-fi is just 22 pages of differential equations describing the dynamics of Omohundro sludge 2021-08-27T21:41:38.000000Z just to make clear: people who actually identify as attack helicopters are unironically valid 2021-08-28T17:44:56.000000Z age of em is transpositive send twt 2021-08-28T22:08:09.000000Z guy who can't use a twitter account responsibly 2021-08-28T22:09:50.000000Z joule supremacy 2021-08-28T22:10:46.000000Z bigword bigwords bigword2 2021-08-29T20:47:54.000000Z really mad about the death of the FAQ 2021-08-29T20:48:33.000000Z father (pointing at night sky): one day this all will be yours, son. 2021-08-29T20:48:55.000000Z yes, I'm in favour of a combination of fusion power and solar (dyson sphere) 2021-08-29T20:51:04.000000Z every wisepost can (but doesn't have to) be credited to carl shulman 2021-08-29T21:55:37.000000Z @ "@niplav I got the joke!" -> Congrats! i didn't 2021-09-01T10:03:54.000000Z one might argue that we have huge amounts of uranium and other radioactive elements in the earth's crust already, and since we only extract energy from nuclear energy, putting the waste back should make the earth less dangerous, not more. but the isotopes produced in nuclear energy have shorter half-life and are probably more poisonous than the uranium that was there before, even if they produce less radioactivity over the long run 2021-09-01T11:18:48.000000Z limited wireheaders seem safe but useless (modulo experimentability) 2021-09-04T18:59:06.000000Z kind of insane that the average life expectancy in 1800 was nearly half as much as the one in the country with the lowest life expectancy today (28.5 years then, 50.7 years today in Lesotho) 2021-09-05T15:47:25.000000Z what is the value of knowing the action of a more powerful optimizer in a single universe-state? 2021-09-05T20:26:04.000000Z a pride flag for heterosexual men who don't like women 2021-09-06T16:41:01.000000Z schelling.pt down :-( 2021-09-11T16:39:02.000000Z learning pickup is rewriting your life-history strategy 2021-09-11T17:23:48.000000Z The Orthogonality Hypothesis is obviously true, the Factored Cognition hypothesis is obviously false, and who can tell about the Fundamental Theorem of Finite Factored Sets? 2021-09-11T17:24:20.000000Z note: the previous twt does _not_ assert the equivalence of these ideas. 2021-09-11T17:34:08.000000Z alternative formulation of orthogonality hypothesis: the size of the space of possible goals for an agent correlates positively, rather than negatively, with an agent's optimization power 2021-09-11T18:06:22.000000Z what kind of job does one do if one is exceptionally motivated to (and reasonably good at) organising physical objects? 2021-09-18T19:39:43.000000Z if you tickle a sub, is the result a bottom contraction? 2021-09-18T19:46:58.000000Z mathematics is the science of the infinite, computer science is the science of the finite 2021-09-19T13:41:37.000000Z @ "How does one interpret those numbers? Does it mean that people usually died at about 30 years or is that really an average, meaning lots of children died but those who survived still reached something like 70 years?" -> It's the mean, so there is a lot of bias in there w/r to infant mortality. I don't know about median age of death. 2021-10-10T15:32:05.000000Z I need to find evidence for/against the claim that there was a training run of GPT-2 that maximized negative log-loss – I've heard it a couple of times on the internet and already spread the meme myself, but I haven't seen it in a paper or blogpost 2021-12-29T18:05:38.000000Z gnonomics 2021-12-31T00:35:25.000000Z well, what if my values include a constraint that my values shouldn't be optimized by an outside optimizer? 2021-12-31T00:38:18.000000Z shedding, shedding! 2022-01-01T11:55:56.000000Z antinatalists: another victim of the replication crisis 2022-01-01T11:56:48.000000Z Being being been. 2022-01-01T12:10:41.000000Z enjoy the once-in-a-while outages of schelling.pt, gives my brain room to think :-D 2022-01-02T13:34:25.000000Z multimodal languages (subjects are spoken, verbs are gesticulated, adjectives & adverbs are grimaced) 2022-01-02T13:59:52.000000Z i'm a self-professed sexist, but i am not a sexist 2022-01-02T15:43:11.000000Z help i'm under distributional shift 2022-01-05T15:58:02.000000Z from now on, i will use  whenever abbreviating the Fast Fourier Transform 2022-01-05T16:04:26.000000Z i also want to remember 𖤶 2022-01-09T21:42:50.000000Z ĉiu volas vojaĝi al la aja, neniu ŝatas la mala versiono :-/ 2022-01-09T21:43:43.000000Z every romance language has like three different words for “as”, “like” and “how”, and i can't tell them apart FOR THE LOVE OF GOD 2022-01-09T21:45:09.000000Z “ainsi: thus, so as.” yeah. hm. i will definitely remember _that_ 2022-01-09T21:47:51.000000Z the IPA for tous bas (“very small/silent”) is /tu ba/ :-D 2022-01-09T21:49:48.000000Z “ut: like, as” fsdjkljiasdasdf 2022-01-09T21:50:57.000000Z beautiful though is that errare meant “to wander, to stray” originally 2022-01-09T21:51:35.000000Z doesn't evoke the image of being wrong to me, much rather some equanimous exploration 2022-01-09T21:58:42.000000Z also no simple latex macro for the symbol for conditional independence ⫫ 2022-01-09T22:52:05.000000Z reminder to self: clanishness vs. tribalism 2022-01-12T21:46:41.000000Z synthesis: the reason why african americans commit more crimes _is_ genetic, but responsible are the genes from the white slavers in their ancestry 2022-01-12T21:47:47.000000Z a hedonium shockwave, a utility monster and the repugnant conclusion go into a bar. 2022-01-12T21:48:10.000000Z the repugnant conclusion turns around: “It's too full here, let's go home.” 2022-01-12T22:57:06.000000Z my nervous system is as smooth as a baby 2022-01-12T22:59:27.000000Z kuracisto estas racisto kiu kuras 2022-01-13T12:35:48.000000Z i think that every language should have a unary - and + operator, and that those should be idempotent. sign flipping should be done by multiplication with -1. 2022-01-13T12:35:55.000000Z this holds for mathematics as well 2022-01-13T19:42:19.000000Z gah, can't snarf evince 2022-01-13T19:42:34.000000Z non-linked & linked back footnotes in pdfs are annoying 2022-01-23T00:47:47.000000Z one thousand Very Bad Takes About Alignment 2022-01-23T15:20:51.000000Z it annoys me way too much, it shuold be Caelum Conterrens Est. Latin is SOV 2022-01-23T20:10:13.000000Z the name Allosaurus is really funny to me for some reason. I imagine two biologists standing over a set of giant bones, and one saying to the other “Yeah, I think this is a different kind of lizard than what we usually have to deal with.” 2022-01-23T20:10:19.000000Z become oviparous 2022-01-23T21:33:08.000000Z ten billion american (passenger pigeon)s 2022-01-23T21:50:51.000000Z don't mind me, I'm just snacking some kakapo wings 2022-01-23T21:53:10.000000Z Official Spokesbird for Conservation 2022-01-24T19:57:18.000000Z may you die a very unrigorous death 2022-01-24T20:06:51.000000Z I may not be an autist, but I am __definitely__ *with* the autists 2022-01-24T20:09:06.000000Z 45% that it's just intelligence that's causally upstream of this: https://twitter.com/davidmanheim/status/1484183174573744142 2022-01-24T20:12:11.000000Z i am always surprised about how deep wikipedia is. yesterday i got lost in the paleontology section. human knowledge is __deep__ 2022-01-24T20:15:21.000000Z instead, just dump the dead bodies of your genocide victims into the nitrogen and let them sit around as symbols of your triumph 2022-01-24T20:16:59.000000Z For me, it always makes me feel better to look at the CVs of similar bloggers and see how little they've accomplished in comparison. I'm proud of my posts and my accomplishments, and I'm not going to h 2022-01-24T20:21:05.000000Z the filter is not just having read marx, it is having read marx and still understanding him 2022-01-24T20:22:21.000000Z pepe extending hand to wojak meme for embedded vs. dualistic agents 2022-01-24T21:37:01.000000Z It is completely within your right to not have kids if you don't want to. It is completely within your right to have kids if you want to. 2022-01-25T00:13:04.000000Z rigourous 2022-01-25T00:13:12.000000Z checkmate brits 2022-01-25T13:04:33.000000Z TIL that there's no flag emoji, there are “regional indicator symbols”, which are basically letters that are combined into two-letter codes for countries. 2022-01-26T17:59:52.000000Z today i gave a guy with a great beard a compliment. ~10 minutes later he spotted me, walked up to me and gave me a protein shake :-D 2022-01-26T18:15:42.000000Z get yourself a girl who can pronounce the name of halley's comet correctly 2022-01-30T00:16:04.000000Z the heart say “no”, the spleen says “hey ;-)” 2022-01-30T18:00:45.000000Z every copy of Jensen's inequality is personalized 2022-01-30T18:01:14.000000Z Jensen's inequality (black market edition) 2022-01-30T18:02:02.000000Z all the characters in the Kullback-Leibler divergence are actually dead 2022-01-30T18:11:07.000000Z saying “without loss of generality” is a great way to hide bullshit in a proof. i have applied it many times with huge success 2022-01-30T18:59:25.000000Z “i admire your optimism”=“wow, you are *way* more r-worded than i thought” 2022-01-31T13:37:50.000000Z you are a successful person who has started recently reading lesswrong, i am a novel rodent control agent 2022-01-31T15:22:29.000000Z first option in the multiple choice quiz is “none of the above”. don't know what to think about this tbqh 2022-01-31T22:27:00.000000Z i am very ready to start a lesswrong shitstorm by asking for “a good textbook on causal inference, unlike the Pearl one” 2022-01-31T23:37:05.000000Z lecturer is describing von Neumann as an economist, which, yeah, isn't entirely incorrect, but… 2022-02-01T15:03:47.000000Z “metamask”, “betamax”, coincidence? 2022-02-01T21:37:57.000000Z antisemanticity 2022-02-01T22:34:46.000000Z why does my latin anki vocab deck contain a card for rhodium, an element discovered in 1803‽ 2022-02-01T22:35:33.000000Z one by one as they occurred. 2022-02-01T22:58:47.000000Z what's the cardinality of the set containing all uncomputable reals? 2022-02-01T23:20:47.000000Z “Space Romans! Sandalpunk! The EU is just a semantic anagram of SPQR!” 2022-02-01T23:21:09.000000Z probably the same as the reals 2022-02-02T23:24:43.000000Z everybody talking about harambe being the moment reality broke. for me it was the debacle with communist subreddits banning catgirl comics. 2022-02-03T19:59:41.000000Z I can't stand it when people criticize Scott Alexander, whose knowledge of all things is unimpeded, deity of deities, excelling the Ruler of Gods, excelling Brahmā, fearless in the possession of the four kinds of perfect confidence, wielder of the ten powers, and all-seer with unobstructed knowledge. 2022-02-03T22:05:20.000000Z oi mate! what's ya ploidy? 2022-02-03T22:10:11.000000Z I have not looked at pictures of naked robots in quite a while. 2022-02-03T23:49:49.000000Z Meditation™: We Tear Your Reality to Shreds! 2022-02-04T09:26:22.000000Z See also “A Chronicle of the Bay Area Cults”, Vol. 2, pg. 773-776. 2022-02-04T10:07:34.000000Z Eliezer Yudkowsky wins every Dollar Auction. 2022-02-04T10:07:58.000000Z Your model of Eliezer Yudkowsky is faster than you at precommitting to not swerving. 2022-02-04T10:33:45.000000Z Pickup artist cryptolect 2022-02-04T23:44:45.000000Z 10% Bodhisattva vow 2022-02-04T23:46:51.000000Z the silence prickles, a mind too fast for meaning, unwrapping my thoughts 2022-02-05T07:43:20.000000Z listening to the last 80k podcast i realize that there's a lot of α left in dvcs. 2022-02-06T17:24:59.000000Z Niplav Yushtun™: Paratechnē straight from the source 2022-02-06T17:30:49.000000Z everybody being mad about pregnant man emoji, but im just happy emojis became horny with the biting lip one 2022-02-06T17:31:16.000000Z melting face is great too 2022-02-06T18:04:32.000000Z rijndaelites 2022-02-06T21:38:13.000000Z the adiabatic sutra, the inframeasure sutra, the acausal sutra 2022-02-06T22:53:01.000000Z there are two types of panpsychism, and they can be distinguished by asking “if i shatter this glass, will it feel pain?”. one answers "yes", the other answers "no clue, but probably not" 2022-02-07T03:15:36.000000Z Wikipedia article on Banach spaces: “Maurice René Fréchet was the first to use the term »Banach space« and Banach in turn then coined the term »Fréchet space.«” that is very cute. 2022-02-07T10:55:45.000000Z deep taylor decomposition ;-) 2022-02-07T12:25:54.000000Z strong lol at the Raëlian symbol 2022-02-07T12:54:15.000000Z i <3 the Matrix cookbook 2022-02-09T18:32:40.000000Z of course I try to be hot, but within reason — I don't want the playing field to be the Kronecker delta 2022-02-10T23:06:57.000000Z might have found the way to tune into the state where you let the tension/horniness/anxiety/pain/frustration do its thing down/in/over there in the body/space around me 2022-02-10T23:07:10.000000Z it _is_ kind of nice 2022-02-13T07:32:02.000000Z it's actually the case that dark matter is just consciousness. think about it: both are unobservable, clearly extant in large amonuts, and clearly influence this universe. 2022-02-13T07:32:16.000000Z niplav attempting to get cancelled by the physics community: attempt 1 2022-02-13T07:32:24.000000Z profectism 2022-02-13T17:39:31.000000Z i hope that after i've aged, I will approach technology with the mindset of either “how can i use this to make cool shit” or “how can i make this technology safer”. 2022-02-13T17:39:52.000000Z the last twt was brought to you by me listening to a podcast from two old german hackers talking about blockchain 2022-02-13T17:50:19.000000Z having small “this feels like mdma” type moments during listening to techno & dancing. who knew that ~1000 hours of meditation could have an effect? 2022-02-13T17:51:11.000000Z also, *wow* i have a lot of physical energy. it's making it hard to concentrate on intellectual work—my body wants to move constantly. 2022-02-13T17:51:49.000000Z (that's probably not due to meditation, but to exercising 3½ hours a week 2022-02-13T17:54:38.000000Z the luminous fractal tendrils of physical agony 2022-02-13T18:01:28.000000Z since so many people are shilling psychedelics so much right now, i have a personal *partially* negative experience with it; I'm like ~20% sure it gave me ~~erectile dysfunction* (two tildes because it's not quite that, but in ED-space). this stuff is seriously profound, and you're able to change your bodymind in profound ways that mightn't be obvious at first 2022-02-13T22:46:56.000000Z blood from the bloodstone 2022-02-14T11:54:37.000000Z recursive grant-making 2022-02-14T12:33:54.000000Z SneLU 2022-02-14T15:00:49.000000Z why not a an esperanto prefix for thisness? similar to how one has ĉiam (ĉial for “for every reason”) for “always”, and neniam for “never” (nenial for “for no reason”), one could have e.g. “piam” for “now”, “pie” for “here”, “pial” for “for this (one) reason”, etc. one could argue that this purpose could also be fulfilled by “ĉi tie”, “ĉi tiam”, “ĉi tial”, but why not put it into one word? 2022-02-14T15:01:09.000000Z actually, scratch the “pi-” prefix, why not make “ĉit-” the prefix? 2022-02-14T21:55:12.000000Z »In an apparently non-political case of imitation of Quảng Đức, the young son of an American officer based at the U.S. Embassy in Saigon doused himself with gasoline and set himself on fire. He was seriously burned before the fire was extinguished and later could only offer the explanation that “I wanted to see what it was like.”« lmao 2022-02-14T23:53:34.000000Z someone should write an Upwing Manifesto 2022-02-15T10:12:12.000000Z ghettoblaster 2022-02-15T15:21:06.000000Z some people, when they hear the word “technocracy”, think of “rule by technocrats”, others think of “rule by legible mechanisms”, which is a slight difference 2022-02-15T19:10:15.000000Z millenial woman who did a degree in *-studies and uses the word “communities” a lot 2022-02-15T23:47:10.000000Z someday i will descend upon the unicode consortium and add sub/superscript version of the whole latin alphabet 2022-02-16T00:11:37.000000Z i just realized russell was a bigger chad than nietzsche. poor guy 2022-02-16T00:26:39.000000Z noticing that i should go to sleep because the guitar opening on Robot Rock seems awfully fast 2022-02-16T08:55:16.000000Z submissive strategies in normal-form games 2022-02-16T09:28:41.000000Z when trying to learn a formula using flashcards, prefix the formula with a natural-language explanation. makes it easier to remember. 2022-02-16T10:45:59.000000Z generic answer to any threat: “if the grease doesn't get me first” 2022-02-16T11:01:13.000000Z condition number for tiling agents 2022-02-16T14:35:13.000000Z i'm finally starting to get an inkling of how thoughts relate to/arise in the mind. 2022-02-16T22:21:03.000000Z experience is dirty 2022-02-17T10:54:55.000000Z who decided to call it “slut” and not “dick jockey”? 2022-02-17T10:57:44.000000Z being annoying by speculating about betting uncomputable reals on items in my auction theory exam; “Who says I can't value this item at Chaitin's Ω?”" 2022-02-17T11:04:05.000000Z i can learn a lot from dogs. and from hot girls 2022-02-17T11:47:57.000000Z …and now i'm wondering whether virginity auctions on dath ilan are second-price auctions 2022-02-17T14:53:31.000000Z i wonder whether animals experience dukkha 2022-02-17T19:55:18.000000Z today, after getting blown off with a clean & clear “fuck you”, two girls told me in succession that I made their day and that I should continue what I was doing. *Attenborough voice* “daygame is truly a land of contrasts” 2022-02-17T19:56:51.000000Z i can also learn a lot from bursts of wind 2022-02-17T19:57:18.000000Z *niplav pointing at a Schäferhund* “I can learn a lot from this man” 2022-02-17T20:00:31.000000Z also, a girl attempted to hug me ~20 seconds after rejecting me by telling me she had a boyfriend. i was woefully unprepared for *that*! (yada yada she wanted you to push further yada yada, yes i know, but this is something im still against) 2022-02-18T18:32:13.000000Z it's not about what utilitarians recommend, it's about what utilitarianism recommends, rob. 2022-02-19T00:30:14.000000Z i like consequentialism, but i don't like any specific version of it nearly as much 2022-02-19T19:33:04.000000Z the utter shock when you discover that the two biggest mistakes humanity is making right now are in fact philosophical mistakes 2022-02-20T22:34:15.000000Z connetiqut 2022-02-21T19:44:30.000000Z someone on twitter said once that if “defenestrate” means to throw someone out of a window, to “demonstrate” means to throw someone out of a monster. i think about that a lot 2022-02-21T20:36:29.000000Z 230/330 2022-02-21T23:37:33.000000Z the fourfold spatious sutra 2022-02-23T21:29:42.000000Z procrastinating by writing and exercising…i have reached new lows 2022-02-23T21:30:14.000000Z picoeconomics is a great word & concept, and I'm sad it hasn't been developed further 2022-02-27T18:17:46.000000Z milflife crisis 2022-02-27T20:04:37.000000Z funder (thunder but with fun, f*** under, fun; der, person who gives funding) 2022-02-28T08:53:48.000000Z inter ni 2022-02-28T09:07:19.000000Z thricing 2022-02-28T10:32:20.000000Z hot philosophy student just answered a ping i sent a week ago, thank you uncle tom :folded_hands: 2022-02-28T22:54:06.000000Z in conways game of life, does chaos always spread strictly faster than order? 2022-03-01T15:25:46.000000Z increase, decrease, recrease, transcrease, supercrease, subcrease, adcrease 2022-03-01T16:00:51.000000Z seeing typos in LaTeX documents always throws me off, my brain still wants to classify the whole format as respectable 2022-03-01T20:37:02.000000Z “yeah? vipassanize this then, _nerd_” *suckerpunch* 2022-03-01T22:19:25.000000Z to do: go nuclear on a date and explain that im just performing an act, that i studied this in detail and trained myself to do it, that this is a deliberate effort to escape my patheticness 2022-03-03T16:05:09.000000Z there was a connection between one of the guys who wrote the first pickup advice in the 70s, and general semantics. i could investigate 2022-03-03T17:15:12.000000Z whether cryptocurrencies are more or less likely to be stable during a multipolar ai takeoff depends on whether our current cryptography is “endgame” or not, i.e. whether it's in practice basically uncrackable by any advanced actor 2022-03-03T21:16:23.000000Z I would never donate money to a fund that would accept me as a grantee. 2022-03-03T21:35:48.000000Z Moloch whose pilots are spooky 2022-03-03T21:37:32.000000Z Moloch who resides in an infinite-dimensional space 2022-03-03T22:43:52.000000Z List of fugitive schelling.pt Members 2022-03-03T22:55:05.000000Z Mandate of Tenderness 2022-03-08T17:11:32.000000Z Bourne in (s)hell 2022-03-09T23:04:43.000000Z It's not enough to be drunk for escalation, I also need to have made approaches beforehand. 2022-03-13T00:28:06.000000Z Curtis Yarvin orchestrated gamergate to see if he could 2022-03-14T12:56:15.000000Z apparently i have LOST ANOTHER 3 KILOGRAMS WHAT IS GOING ON I EXERCISE LIKE 3 HOURS A WEEK AND EAT LIKE A BEAR AND A TIGER 2022-03-15T10:04:21.000000Z Montmartre-Paris+New York=? 2022-03-17T12:44:00.000000Z I don't want to think about my career. I want to solve the goddamn problem! 2022-03-17T19:27:40.000000Z if you put both content and sources into the footnotes, screw you. 2022-03-18T01:10:13.000000Z https://traditionsofconflict.com/blog/2019/10/4/sacred-metal, and now consider computer programming (especially the terminology of wizards/gurus, programming as magic, the SICP cover &c!) 2022-03-18T02:37:55.000000Z feedback loops are severely underrated as a concept. if you can choose between two activities, selecting the one with the tighter feedback loop is probably the better bet. 2022-03-18T02:38:48.000000Z that's why cold approach in person works so well, or why programming is easier than mathematics, or why you should build explicit models as quickly as possible (even if they're shit), or why meditation is so hard 2022-03-18T19:52:32.000000Z “What, of course I want to spend my entire life on this very specific spot on the happiness/productivity Pareto frontier, dummy.” 2022-03-18T23:16:13.000000Z cut your losses. slash their bodies wide open 2022-03-18T23:55:23.000000Z i think posting about personal meditation practice on the EA forum is *bad*, because personal meditation practice is as relevant to EA as advice on seducing people. 2022-03-18T23:56:34.000000Z that is to say, both might be relevant for personal effectiveness, and both are tangentially related to big problems (how do we bring about good states of consciousness & how does society organise sexuality so that everything works ~well), but not much beyond that. 2022-03-19T00:00:38.000000Z “We are trying to accomplish an extremely difficult thing that requires everything to run as smoothly and efficiently as possible, but luckily our status incentives are so optimal that the high status men getting to sleep with a lot women is just the best!” 2022-03-19T00:06:56.000000Z the only relief i currently have is that the number of not-completely-autistic hot women in the bayrat/ea communities is very low, so we can't be that deep into social bullshit yet 2022-03-20T17:24:40.000000Z short story about a cancer researcher who starts murdering patients in the control group because he expects there to be a null result, but he always puts on a mask that prevents him from directly seeing the person he kills—double blind 2022-03-20T17:45:47.000000Z licerology: the study of betting and auctions, auction theory 2022-03-20T21:06:36.000000Z Dafür, daß sie Jainisten heißen, sind sie aber ganz schön resolut 2022-03-20T21:07:04.000000Z What does an enthusiast for upper body clothing say when they see a new piece? “Intewesting” 2022-03-20T21:15:17.000000Z Sure, the big five model is okay, but I prefer a *real* personality model: dishwasher totalitarians versus dishwasher anarchists 2022-03-20T22:12:14.000000Z continuous graph theory 2022-03-20T22:26:28.000000Z pump and dump? no, more like cuddle and befuddle 2022-03-21T15:31:52.000000Z All Cuboids Are Bwwwwwwwwwwwww 2022-03-21T15:44:42.000000Z annoyance: terminology of "maximin"/"minimax" has some deep symmetry breaking 2022-03-22T21:00:40.000000Z a vector field is just a kind of graph, mathematicians are silly for inventing unnecessary stuff 2022-03-22T21:14:13.000000Z i wonder if miri is looking out for people reinventing parts of their hidden agendas, as a kind of validation set 2022-03-22T21:36:05.000000Z use known inconsistencies of human preferences as value-learning trip-wires: if the value learning algorithm hasn't learned them yet, it's operating at the wrong level of abstraction. 2022-03-22T22:21:37.000000Z this firefox isn't just leaking memory, it's gushing as if someone had performed shechita on it 2022-03-23T10:50:51.000000Z guy who takes mdma at a techno rave and says “so this is what it's all about”, but not just about raving culture, but, like, life in general 2022-03-23T20:37:55.000000Z /r/sneerclub believes that everybody in the bay is attending ceremonies where peter thiel and moldbug sacrifice black children on the altar of acausal capitalism, of course, they are right. 2022-03-23T21:16:54.000000Z not the best move on the side of the red cross to call me and tell me it's because of my blood donation — i nearly had a panic attack for the 10 seconds that they didn't tell me it was all fine (why would you call me then‽ and why speak as if you're going to tell me i'll be dead in a month‽) 2022-03-23T23:01:34.000000Z the status incentives might not be interested in you, but you are surely interested in the status incentives 2022-03-25T12:12:17.000000Z if you're not special, generating passwords is like running from bears: you don't need to be good, you just need to be better than the majority 2022-03-25T13:09:20.000000Z wikipedia redirects shitcoin to cryptocurrency. heh 2022-03-25T14:58:18.000000Z if you believe that blue-collar republicans are voting against their own interest, well, what about white-collar democrats? 2022-03-26T10:13:39.000000Z for a given graph G, there is a set of graphs \mathcal{G} so that for every G' ∈ \mathcal{G}, the transitive closure of G' is G. does \mathcal{G} contain only one element? 2022-03-26T15:15:03.000000Z to fend off possible accusations of bias: good leftist humor was /r/liftcommunism, /leftypol/ was great too sometimes, and I liked the political catgirl comics. Existential Comics is __not__ funny (except the Beetle in the Box comic), although some of the old comics were indeed existenital. I don't have a strong opinion on /r/COMPLETEANARCHY and /r/FULLCOMMUNISM. 2022-03-26T15:15:46.000000Z I also mostly didn't get Chapo Trap House (although the stuff I did get was sometimes pretty funny) 2022-03-27T18:28:56.000000Z it's crazy how rob miles and toby ord sound almost exactly the same 2022-03-27T18:52:59.000000Z so the British colonized most of world, but they also made lots of countries abolish slavery, so it's impossible to tell whether they're good or bad,,, 2022-03-27T18:53:09.000000Z see http://lukemuehlhauser.com/industrial-revolution/#footnote_79_3108 2022-03-27T22:30:18.000000Z introduction to coq continued, now i have learned what the codebase is supposed to do when it's finished 2022-03-28T10:03:58.000000Z we could also clone Ramanujan 2022-03-28T14:17:58.000000Z rereading the wikipedia page on ramanujan, we should absolutely clone him and von Neumann, and have them talk to each other. this is either going to destroy the world or usher in utopia, not sure which 2022-03-28T14:32:48.000000Z people talk often about power in a way that is not clearly physical power. i have never understood those people, but i suspect that there is some thing there, and that i often perceive its shadow which is epistemic bullshit. 2022-03-28T19:43:10.000000Z what's a bijection between ℝ and ℝ^2? 2022-03-28T19:47:29.000000Z some minds start cutting themselves if not dulled repeatedly. 2022-03-28T20:48:11.000000Z you know what's interesting? if you randomly replace some words in a conversation with “redacted”, very few people will notice 2022-03-28T20:53:05.000000Z *Ramanujan voice* “Oh, AI alignment? That's just a continued fraction” *pulls out a notebook* 2022-03-28T21:58:46.000000Z domain pestile.nz 2022-03-28T22:06:34.000000Z I wish more people would number their podcast episodes 2022-03-29T14:36:39.000000Z for what i've invested in my site, it's now probably time to move it off github.io on my own domain 2022-03-29T15:58:54.000000Z the best time to participate in a community is after it has died 2022-03-29T18:04:14.000000Z What's astonishing is not that people try so hard to establish a positive reputation online, it's that they try so *little*. 2022-03-29T21:07:07.000000Z por vs. pro in esperanto always trips me up 2022-03-30T11:38:54.000000Z party game idea: MNIST debate 2022-03-30T12:27:10.000000Z you heard of Différance, now get ready for Différance 2: Convergance 2022-03-30T12:28:11.000000Z is every normal-form game representable by a tree a potential game? 2022-03-30T18:25:59.000000Z what do you mean, Infinite Jest is not a blogpost by Andrés Gomez-Emilsson? 2022-03-30T20:33:13.000000Z Gwern's law: Well-known quotes are often wittier and more memorable than the original. 2022-03-30T21:58:19.000000Z still amazing (davis?) aurini was an early lesswronger 2022-03-30T21:58:35.000000Z best known to me as the youtube skull & swords guy that breadtube made fun of 2022-03-31T13:34:26.000000Z Christmas dinner at Aella's family must be…interesting 2022-03-31T15:41:00.000000Z im gonna go out onna limb here and claim that theres not enough positive utilitarians around 2022-03-31T15:41:20.000000Z probably quite fun at parties 2022-03-31T15:53:07.000000Z Cowen's second law: there is a literature on everything 2022-03-31T18:09:31.000000Z bworse 2022-04-01T03:31:14.000000Z the curse of academia: having to build complex models when simple ones would be sufficient 2022-04-01T13:43:11.000000Z i imagine postrats who learn esperanto have a huge problem with the word for school,,, 2022-04-02T07:21:59.000000Z “Lines of Flight in Intelligence Explosions: Queering the Causal/Evidential/Functional Trichotomy” 2022-04-02T21:38:52.000000Z all linear programming is integer linear programming if you try hard enough 2022-04-03T19:35:52.000000Z ahhhhh pdfs with columns aaahhhh 2022-04-04T12:45:39.000000Z squiggle number one 2022-04-04T13:15:20.000000Z “there's still canyons worth of work this winter” 2022-04-04T16:06:05.000000Z okay, so here's a claim: axes of personal development à la Kegan are in principle orthogonal to meditative attainments 2022-04-04T17:55:23.000000Z the elephant seal in the brain 2022-04-04T18:24:28.000000Z idea: upvote-only lw shortforms posts: the karma isn't counted on the user karma score, but it also can't be downvoted, which encourages more wild and possibly wrong speculations 2022-04-04T18:25:34.000000Z in general, lw feels like a place where it would be good for many people to cross-post to, a content aggregator/archiver 2022-04-04T21:47:09.000000Z i remembered i liked structural regular expressions, but re-reading the paper reminds me of how cool they are 2022-04-04T21:47:23.000000Z truly Weapons From a More Civilized Age material 2022-04-06T23:51:48.000000Z there is this property of Doneness that I really like, and that tracks a lot (but not all) of my interests. First, let's take meditation: every single moment in meditation is really Done after it's over, it doesn't linger around, the sensations don't pile up somewhere. They might influence each other, sure, but at the end of the day it's just the present experience, slashing into and out of existence in its clear luminosity. 2022-04-06T23:53:17.000000Z second, there's predictions. a prediction is Done when it's made. you could add comments, explanations, models &c, but the prediction can be Done and stand there on its own. (there is a slight problem with the fact that predictions need to be updated over time, though, so there is some Piling there as well). 2022-04-06T23:54:49.000000Z third, let's look at daygame. if you ask someone out in a social circle/hobby group, that leaves residual social cruft lying around: awkwardness & mutual avoidance. the whole thing is not Done the way it is when you get cleanly rejected on the street. (online dating has a similar quality of Doneness to it, I think, but matches might stack up and old leads might spring to life sometime, but that's the same with DG). 2022-04-06T23:56:16.000000Z fourth, let's look at music, especially jamming. if you improvise, you are riding that same edge of time as with meditation, all music you create is there right now, and only the causal vibe carrying it all forward. that's why i mostly don't compose or record (also because my music is shit) 2022-04-06T23:57:33.000000Z fifth, small & nifty programs. https://niplav.github.io/code/99_klong/sol.kg being exemplary, but i want to write some more code. every single function there is Done. there is only stuff to remove, if at all, and nothing to add. 2022-04-06T23:58:32.000000Z Doneness is when something is temporarily finished, but if it is modified in any way, it is either fixed because the winds of time have buried under the bitrot, and it must be dug out, or because something was found that could be removed. 2022-04-06T23:59:37.000000Z Piling, on the other hand, is when you have something that is infinitely extendable in scope and size, where every paragraph can have a subparagraph, every feature can be customizable, the dataset could be 10% bigger, the party could be a bit more extravagant, …, …, ………. 2022-04-07T00:01:36.000000Z My website is very Piling. look at the todo list: https://niplav.github.io/todo.html! i can't tell you much about how it will look like in a year, but i can tell you that it won't shrink. it's piling. everything is piling up, forgotten drafts, half-finished experiments, buggy code—fixed over time, sure, but much more slowly than the errors come rolling in. it's an eternal struggle. 2022-04-07T00:03:09.000000Z sometimes i think i should return to a cleaner state of mind, abandon all big never-to-be-finished projects, and write simple text-processing utilities on a raspberry pi running plan 9, improvising fractile jazz over a lonely lake and spend most of my remaining time meditating. 2022-04-07T00:03:54.000000Z to leave every Pile behind, to stop doing my Anki cards, recording data on my life, and just be Done. 2022-04-07T00:04:48.000000Z this is a partial answer to http://mindingourway.com/rest-in-motion/ 2022-04-07T00:19:59.000000Z fun fact: there's around 10 mio. times more bacteria on this planet than neurons 2022-04-09T08:34:00.000000Z open your textbooks on page one. 2022-04-10T23:54:21.000000Z the anti-“hairy ball theorem” of decision theory: it's always newcombeable 2022-04-11T00:26:56.000000Z is there at least one billionaire who is also a stream-enterer? 2022-04-11T00:27:12.000000Z who has experienced at least one jhana? 2022-04-11T09:12:49.000000Z you can only call someone a pickup artist if they don't sleep with the people they seduce, otherwise they're just sparkly fuckboys/gals. 2022-04-11T09:13:04.000000Z while we're on the topic; what's the gender-neutral term for fuckboy? 2022-04-14T10:12:04.000000Z vipassana is all about the vibes (the fundamental vibrations that make up all experience) 2022-04-14T13:39:12.000000Z scaling laws for dogs 2022-04-14T19:03:32.000000Z the joy of having written down a possible improvement for a wikipedia article, only to go & find out somebody else has already done it. glorious 2022-04-15T01:36:20.000000Z so, would people in 1920 have been irrational in worrying about the development of nuclear weapons? would they have been irrational thinking about the resulting dynamics between countries, the safety of those weapons? 2022-04-15T03:35:01.000000Z 9 wikipedia edits today! yay me! (also a bunch of small scale contributions to other people's texts: https://niplav.github.io/contributions.html) 2022-04-15T15:58:39.000000Z at the moment, all medicine merely delays the moment of death 2022-04-15T16:36:23.000000Z tried to figure out how to use university springer access to download a textbook, gave up after two minutes and just used libgen. lmao 2022-04-17T16:11:50.000000Z https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Contributions/Gwern&offset=&limit=500&target=Gwern 2022-04-18T20:23:00.000000Z *stands up from the battlefield* “I am TetraspaceWest” *gets shot immediately* 2022-04-18T20:31:03.000000Z some people are better at some things than others. also, some people are better at nearly all things than others. maybe there are also people that are better at all things than some others. 2022-04-19T09:32:21.000000Z When the last superforecaster has given up, when the last bet has been resolved, you will discover that you can't eat living by the sword 2022-04-20T17:58:28.000000Z power is wasted without science 2022-04-20T21:38:33.000000Z [SPOILERS SPOILERS] [snowpiercer spoilers] you know, i wouldn't have been angry if all the new-eden people hadn't found anything at the horn, fallen off the bridge and died—*looks straight into camera* because sometimes in real life, you make a fatal thinking error and everyone dies 2022-04-20T21:39:51.000000Z [SPOILERS SPOILERS] [snowpiercer spoilers] the osweiller guy is learning one important lesson the hard way: don't stick your dick in crazy 2022-04-20T21:40:39.000000Z [snowpiercer] fan theory: they're all actually patients in a mental asylum, dreaming this up as a collective delusion 2022-04-21T19:59:35.000000Z “We don't come with guarantees, that's absolutely for sure.” 2022-04-21T23:44:06.000000Z on the overwhelming irrelevance of plant epistemology 2022-04-22T00:24:36.000000Z ffs 2022-04-22T00:24:47.000000Z 🙰 c 2022-04-22T00:25:22.000000Z the famous unix command ʪ 2022-04-22T00:28:26.000000Z ẞẞẞẞẞẞẞẞẞẞẞ 2022-04-22T13:07:23.000000Z three aspects of feedback loops: 1. speed (how quickly do you get feedback); 2. thickness (how much information do you get about your performance); 3. signal (how related is that feedback to your performance) 2022-04-22T13:30:14.000000Z one then checks that the following diagrams commute [devil god diagram] 2022-04-22T17:04:49.000000Z SBF f-bomb counter 2022-04-24T21:52:06.000000Z list of countries whose emblems contain overhead power lines: 2022-04-24T21:52:06.000001Z • North Korea 2022-04-24T21:55:56.000000Z no, niplav, you won't get sucked into reading the heraldry wikipedia articles, even though “escutcheon” looks like a really good word to drop in a conversation. 2022-04-24T22:14:07.000000Z 𐤌𐤕 2022-04-25T18:54:27.000000Z We can't guarantee success, but we can deserve it. 2022-04-25T19:04:32.000000Z they didn't understand my posting at twitter, they won't understand it once they come here 2022-04-25T20:34:39.000000Z a peaceful world, with moral patients peacefully grazing in the valleys 2022-04-25T20:41:04.000000Z i begrudgingly admit that i have learned some things in my courses at university 2022-04-25T21:11:17.000000Z fair enough, I forgot to remember that something being a hatecrime is considered a good thing around these regions let me pull my dick out alright 2022-04-30T00:17:32.000000Z have to admit that switching to python & numpy for data analysis from klong relieves me from a huge pain in the ass—klong is just *slow* for that. 2022-04-30T13:47:21.000000Z i don't know of any Gentle Introduction to Why Prediction Markets are Awesome, à la Wait But Why, with stick figures and just going slow in on the topic, answering objections along the way. i consider it a collective action failure that no such text exists, and also that i don't know of any book that does this (other than superforecasting) 2022-04-30T18:55:52.000000Z from now on whenever the word “spirituality” or “consciousness” comes up in a discussion i will look slightly quizzical and ask “yeah, sure, but *can you feel your toes right now*?” 2022-05-01T22:41:29.000000Z new favorite color: space cadet (#1E2952) (not really) 2022-05-02T09:48:59.000000Z looks like blue tribe will end up anti agi risk. sucks, but should have been forseeable—the connection to gray tribe & techbros is too strong. 2022-05-02T09:56:19.000000Z which doesn't have to be this way! blue tribe & anti-agi risk people have mostly orthogonal concerns (i really don't see the overlap of algorithmic fairness & agent foundations, tbqhwy), and probably ample opportunities for trade (which blue-triber *actually cares* about compute governance etc.?) but i think zero-sum anti-trade genre affiliation thinking from blue-tribes side will prevent most of that mutually beneficial governance from happening. 2022-05-02T17:20:34.000000Z let's not read the thielleaves 2022-05-04T10:13:37.000000Z guy who, when he hears someone mention SARS, thinks of deep Q-learning 2022-05-04T10:37:00.000000Z I'm only paying lisp service to John McCarthy 2022-05-05T06:33:50.000000Z graph names that sound like war crimes: 2022-05-05T06:33:58.000000Z The first Blanuša snark 2022-05-05T06:33:58.000000Z The second Blanuša snark 2022-05-05T06:34:11.000000Z The Balaban 11-cage 2022-05-05T06:34:51.000000Z The Moser spindle 2022-05-05T07:30:01.000000Z Breaking News: On-site nuke at Deepmind headquarters in London detonated. 2022-05-05T07:35:06.000000Z Maybe it's true that intelligence depends on the environment, but consider: the environments where policy iteration performs better than RL with temporal difference learning are kind of dumb. 2022-05-05T07:37:19.000000Z (kind of tongue in cheek) maybe the worst action i could take right now would be to improve a bunch of reinforcement learning wikipedia pages. 2022-05-06T07:12:58.000000Z if we solve distributional shift, do we also solve ontological crises? 2022-05-06T11:55:34.000000Z https://arachnid.town/objects/797821f8-f885-41aa-afe1-a9d764a93b7d 2022-05-06T20:50:59.000000Z pseudoquasisemimetric 2022-05-06T20:53:00.000000Z to diversify its lingo, the rationality community should adopt the evidentials smṛti (“I read this in a blogpost”) and śruti (“someone told this to me in a one-on-one”). 2022-05-06T20:53:21.000000Z who has taken the train to crazytown the furthest? (and hasn't suffered from nervous breakdown in the process) 2022-05-06T20:55:38.000000Z humans have invented mathematics surprisingly early (while the status of the number zero was still being debated in ancient greece), and programming surprisingly late (although algorithms were around for a long time, they didn't catch on until later, even though they seem like an at least equally intuitive concept?) 2022-05-06T20:56:41.000000Z if there's one field ripe for huge progress by a large swath of theoretical physicists invading it, it's probably educational research. 2022-05-06T20:58:05.000000Z looking from afar, the quality of science there looks quite abysmal, while the field is very important (finding out how to make humans learn things better! come on!) 2022-05-06T20:58:16.000000Z but maybe i'm underestimating the research 2022-05-06T21:36:10.000000Z the answer to all questions is either: “Can you feel your toes right now?”, “Start a long site” or “Talk to more girls”. 2022-05-07T17:03:23.000000Z (cringe opinion) eliezer yudkowsky is good actually 2022-05-07T17:04:38.000000Z what if we kissed 👉👈😳 in front of the whiteboard with haphazard alignment ideas 2022-05-07T17:14:20.000000Z Welcome to the Niplaverse! Take a seat over there, your ultrasound-stimulation helmet is being prepared in right order. 2022-05-07T17:22:44.000000Z people liked the old SSC more than ACX because substack is chickenshit minimalism, and it's _slow_. you have to wait for the fucking text & comments to appear, while the old site loaded pretty much instantaneously. people have learned to associate chickenshit minimalism aesthetic with slow loading times, and subconsciously detest it bc of that. 2022-05-07T17:47:49.000000Z hang web developers by ropes whose length is inversely proportional to the loading time of their pages 2022-05-07T20:27:27.000000Z if we clone neanderthals/denisovans, we should probably ask them about consciousness. 2022-05-07T21:26:27.000000Z some blogs have a “start here” page that is not the default landing page: why? most people visiting your site will be there for the first time, but they have to perform an additional click to go to the “start here” page, unnecessarily. 2022-05-07T21:30:49.000000Z my watch has been running for ~5 years now, and I've never had to change the battery. wow. 2022-05-07T21:39:33.000000Z the elegance of zeppelines is sublimp 2022-05-07T23:42:42.000000Z what the hell my phone gives me tracers in the dark if i move it 2022-05-09T13:55:41.000000Z pickup artistry is incredibly feminine: if you were masculine, women would come to you anyway 2022-05-09T14:46:44.000000Z Statisticians: NOoooooo you can't execute a t-test on elements from a Likert scale! Psychologists: Hah NHST go brrrrrrrrr 2022-05-09T15:01:25.000000Z what is the MNIST of education interventions? what the ImageNet? what the Danbooru 2021‽ 2022-05-09T15:28:09.000000Z menchbarks 2022-05-10T08:52:32.000000Z just downloaded micatwoa html files inshallah 2022-05-10T10:46:59.000000Z comment quality in /r/rational worse than on LW 2022-05-10T21:34:55.000000Z when you convert all your money into assets stored on the blockchain while you go into cryopreservation in an underground bunker—literally crypt-o-currency 2022-05-10T22:24:11.000000Z now that must be a pretty impressive shirt i guess 2022-05-10T22:48:45.000000Z saying “somebody should do X” repeatedly while apparently also not doing that thing (while also not being blocked by anything, such as doing something else that's also important) ought to be discouraged. 2022-05-10T23:14:56.000000Z “i'll stop reading at 1:30” this is your internal agents coordinating 2022-05-10T23:17:16.000000Z i think eliezer wanted micatwoa to take place in a world that was even more insane than here for us to more clearly see what's wrong with our world, and the only way he could come up to accomplish that was to make the story take place in actual hell. 2022-05-10T23:37:05.000000Z induction, abduction, deduction, transduction, traduction, seduction, adduction, eduction, reduction, contraduction 2022-05-10T23:38:55.000000Z we can also make value of perfect information a shorter word, vopi. or voi for just value of information. 2022-05-10T23:55:15.000000Z in retrospect, i do remember expecting some message about “yes, you passed the test, you were actually living in a lie”, but i think that died when nobody gave me a bad grade for taking too long to become vegetarian. maybe veganism… 2022-05-11T12:06:15.000000Z why am i just now finding out about examine.com this is pretty cool 2022-05-11T20:55:08.000000Z God exists, and she is a woman 😏 2022-05-11T20:55:28.000000Z Don Knuth really really wants to write a long site and not books. I mean…just take a look at them! 2022-05-16T14:14:50.000000Z vibe computing 2022-05-17T00:11:49.000000Z the buddha vector is calculated by finding the path in the space of possible attractors that maximizes the number of attractors it could fall into with an ε perturbation, but falls into none. 2022-05-17T21:29:00.000000Z Have you considered that removing Occam's razor from your worldview makes the worldview simpler? 2022-05-18T17:58:57.000000Z DALL·E 2 prompts: The Gateboss of the Girlkeep 2022-05-19T23:34:51.000000Z The Lightgirl of the Gate 2022-05-20T21:29:16.000000Z knuckle tatoos: “nplv site”, “ttra spce”, “less wrng” 2022-05-21T19:13:31.000000Z longevity research is trying to move an outer loss signal into the inner optimizer, we'll have to see whether that one is strong enough to take up the burden 2022-05-23T21:43:06.000000Z niplav yushtun, ta faret ne digal. 2022-05-23T21:55:22.000000Z I really look forward to the next AI winter! We'll all cozy up inside by the fireside in thick markov blankets, everyone finds a new agent foundations paper in their stocking, and we can listen to uncle Paul have his discussion with uncle Eliezer when the whole family re-unites… 2022-05-23T22:33:26.000000Z “Dodecahedron Assemblies was the publication I chose to read on my way to heaven”—apparently Uriel has managed to gain short contact via the Gato agent. 2022-05-23T22:35:45.000000Z The name niplav is based on a roof tile of the University of Maryland, which matches the sequence number and neuroscience thread index, which is how neuroscience researchers manage their data. 2022-05-24T23:19:30.000000Z “AI” refers to the observation that computers, over time, can do more & more things 2022-05-25T22:15:37.000000Z Logarithmic well-being views might suffer from an odd problem: They are, in some sense, *too obvious*, so that everyone says “yeah, that seems true” and goes on doing exactly what they did before. 2022-05-27T12:53:07.000000Z with resolving inconsistent graph preferences, does the portion of non-uniquely resolvable preferences shrink with the number of options? in other words: for the set 𝓖_n of all graphs with n nodes, and the set U(𝓖_n) of those graphs with a unique path-graph with a smallest graph-edit distance, is |U(𝓖_n)|/𝓖_n<|U(𝓖_{n+1})|/|𝓖_{n+1}|? 2022-05-27T20:30:07.000000Z r strategy poster by day, K strategy poster by night 2022-05-30T08:45:06.000000Z Bayesian jihad 2022-05-30T22:31:03.000000Z our next arecibo message should probably include the orders of the sporadic groups, just to show that we're somewhat advanced as a species. 2022-06-03T22:45:44.000000Z A machine-executable plan to install a self-supervised reinforcement learning system on all instances of the spot robot from boston dynamics, described step by step | posted on art station 2022-06-05T20:35:58.000000Z it'd be deeply ironic if MLPs, sufficiently scaled, are enough for AGI 2022-06-05T20:36:13.000000Z “perception is all you need” — Rosenblatt, 1958 2022-06-05T23:12:35.000000Z closest pairs of points are not necessarily reflexive. there are some points in euclidean space that are just fundamentally abandoned 2022-06-06T12:55:33.000000Z hoooly crap the tino rangatiratanga is a good flag 2022-06-06T22:44:33.000000Z if aliens exists and UAPs are caused by them, what implication does that have for AI safety? 2022-06-06T23:01:13.000000Z it's funny, conditional on AGI (and perhaps also WBE?) not doing us in, i'm pretty bullish on this century. bio seems much less of a problem, and everything else is basically a-okay, especially with people becoming richer and needing to fight less. most other collapse narratives sound pretty unlikely (though prepping is sitll a good idea! you should have three months of food & water at home) 2022-06-07T18:42:16.000000Z even if cause X came along now, people wouldn't be able to update towards it within a year. 2022-06-07T18:52:21.000000Z goal: develop strong opinions about vector fields and where to stick wires into people's heads. 2022-06-07T22:31:36.000000Z is the “takeoff” of fundamental physics in the first half of the 20th century mostly due to the industrial revolution? 2022-06-08T19:41:07.000000Z “The geological study of Antarctica has been greatly hindered by nearly all of the continent being permanently covered with a thick layer of ice.” 2022-06-08T21:45:15.000000Z retconning my inner child 2022-06-09T13:51:19.000000Z the words “brier score” are used inconsistently: sometimes they just refer to the MSE of the probability assigned to the correct outcome, sometimes they refer to the MSE of the sum of the probability assigned to the correct and the incorrect outcome. 2022-06-09T16:10:39.000000Z the cold waste of unknown en-pyee 2022-06-09T18:24:26.000000Z lw karma political compass 2022-06-09T19:17:05.000000Z ……………Tetlock data uses AMERICAN DATE FORMAT IN A DATASET 2022-06-09T19:17:23.000000Z AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ARE YOU FOR REAL 2022-06-09T19:18:51.000000Z i want to commit violence 2022-06-09T19:20:33.000000Z some people just shouldn't be given the responsibility to create datasets. 2022-06-10T13:53:02.000000Z ai alignment is great bc nobody knows what it should be, so you can do whatever you want and call it alignment. 2022-06-10T18:40:08.000000Z once i've found a core to corrigibility i'll write an incel manifesto 2022-06-10T18:58:57.000000Z watching my motivational system surfing the edge of the indefference point on the hyperbolic discounting line—always pulled back by my good friend, the cost 2022-06-10T19:27:11.000000Z morad and moroid 2022-06-10T19:28:11.000000Z a “moron” could also be a group-theoretic structure. “On the symplectic inverses of left-invariant morons” 2022-06-10T20:14:24.000000Z solarpunk slightly hindered by the fact that for solar panels and cutesy robots you need industrial-strength chipfabs that are so advanced we have like 6 of them in the entire world 2022-06-11T23:00:27.000000Z wait, is CIRL incorrigible *for the same reason* that utility-maximizers don't wirehead? https://niplav.github.io/notes.html#A-Short-Example-For-Why-CIRL-Is-Incorrigible 2022-06-11T23:31:54.000000Z to what extent did AlphaFold2 solve protein folding? there should be a writeup of how much & what needs to be done for it to be completely solved. 2022-06-12T00:15:11.000000Z at least i'm up to a level where i'm reading a comment on an acx post and someone uses “consciousness” and i'm hella out there real quick 2022-06-12T00:19:10.000000Z holy fuck were ACX comments always this bad? most of them are fucking atrocious. like, barely tolerable. 2022-06-12T00:19:30.000000Z “The problem with Marcus' argument is that the only alternative to statistical AI is spiritual AI“ no what the fuck why would you say this did you even read the sequences i don't even know where to start with that 2022-06-12T21:31:55.000000Z if your eag profile doesn't say 'neartermism', you'll automatically be drafted into the deepmind potential hires mailing list 2022-06-13T13:35:12.000000Z pressman being another taxxon fan is a delightful finding 2022-06-13T14:05:06.000000Z “if enough of us listen to prophets of doom, it becomes self-fulfilling” — Leo Szilard 2022-06-13T22:58:34.000000Z oofed not in the absurdle word list, even though it's the reaction i have the most when playing it 2022-06-13T23:02:41.000000Z spicy wheat found 2022-06-13T23:05:36.000000Z qream 2022-06-13T23:10:25.000000Z neither is warez 2022-06-13T23:23:09.000000Z boxem 2022-06-13T23:23:54.000000Z foofe 2022-06-13T23:24:34.000000Z bouge 2022-06-13T23:26:04.000000Z mozed 2022-06-13T23:31:06.000000Z janus 2022-06-13T23:33:01.000000Z jarns 2022-06-13T23:39:22.000000Z ezafu 2022-06-13T23:39:53.000000Z jokez 2022-06-13T23:41:46.000000Z foqed 2022-06-13T23:45:22.000000Z naxus 2022-06-13T23:48:19.000000Z extra spicy bunns 2022-06-14T07:32:29.000000Z found spicy khmer waltz vexed quagga jacob (Mr. Jock, TV quiz PhD, bags few lynx) 2022-06-14T19:05:31.000000Z lipogrammatic pangram 2022-06-14T20:49:00.000000Z rationality is having strong opinions about things nobody has ever thought about before. 2022-06-15T20:11:09.000000Z you know that you've made it when you're using fermi estimates to debug your rl agent. 2022-06-15T21:51:50.000000Z how much did large volcano eruptions in the past change agricultural output? 2022-06-15T22:22:06.000000Z it's crazy how we basically haven't tested nuclear weapons in ~30 years 2022-06-17T15:16:30.000000Z evopsych is confused by persistent conflict between mothers-in-law and spouses—don't both want to maximize the number of children? i don't see any conflict arising for evolutionary reasons 2022-06-17T18:31:55.000000Z apparently we're going to build AGI, whatever that is 2022-06-19T08:23:20.000000Z following legislation from the ELSC (european long site commission), I now have to adopt an ocelot 2022-06-19T08:25:46.000000Z diversity inequity exclusion 2022-06-19T14:26:39.000000Z numpy.unique needs the type to be comparable by < and >, not just ==. that seems like overkill. 2022-06-19T18:32:40.000000Z dath ilan has screened off its past just es ey wants to screen off his past before ~2003 2022-06-21T19:17:24.000000Z I expect the future to be more, not less, absurd than ~all scifi. way more—there's no scifi this abstract & absurd, and noone would buy it (& also bc of Vinge's law) 2022-06-21T19:28:46.000000Z plasmacrane 2022-06-27T08:37:44.000000Z if you want to minimize the amount of words in your library, every function should have as many parameters as there are functions in total. 2022-06-27T09:22:40.000000Z pandas makes my RAM usage jump like a cardiogram 2022-06-27T21:05:27.000000Z if anything indicates anything, the french are now to be feared. 2022-06-28T21:03:50.000000Z lojban rap, microtonal giantstepscore, taxxonpop 2022-06-30T20:36:38.000000Z there's a lot of alpha left in high-weirdness mental wellbeing interventions 2022-07-01T08:24:59.000000Z maybe for most people social media isn't an epistemic hazard, but “just” an attention hazard? 2022-07-01T23:12:31.000000Z the EA community is grabbing existential risk by the black balls 2022-07-02T20:24:28.000000Z i find the removal of the “master/slave” thing in computer protocols to be kinkshaming 2022-07-02T21:54:16.000000Z GPT-Alyx (Codebase: 96% Idris) 2022-07-04T06:36:28.000000Z oh yeah I *love* software that just dumps giant amounts of data into my home directory without giving me any option of changing where it dumps the data 2022-07-04T23:31:43.000000Z i'm now pretty sure the urbit whitepaper is impossible to parody. 2022-07-06T14:49:45.000000Z ganrsl 2022-07-06T15:48:08.000000Z good hobbyist internet science writers & scientists are afflicted by a peculiar disease: they produce some (or a lot of) good output, and then someone gives them enough money to start an organization, and they never write anything interesting again. 2022-07-07T12:21:46.000000Z Einstürzende Neugeburten 2022-07-07T19:13:45.000000Z (wistfully) “im not a furry, though, i just listen to the music” 2022-07-07T22:32:20.000000Z fodgehox 2022-07-08T22:22:31.000000Z ideologies are just compressed & distributed vibes, shards of shared stances. 2022-07-09T23:27:59.000000Z transhumanism is simplified humanism. 2022-07-09T23:30:07.000000Z the right level for solving the hard problem of consciousness is within existing science/within philosophy/within meta- or pre-philosophy/needs a fully new paradigm of thought 2022-07-10T17:27:23.000000Z pet peeve: scales that have a neutral or default or average point, but which are nearly or completely on the positive. why are people asked to rate happiness from 0 to 10, not -10 to 10, where 0 is the neutral state? why are movies rated from 0 to five stars? 2022-07-10T18:55:15.000000Z stiglered again 2022-07-11T15:55:12.000000Z rip schelling.pt 2022-07-11T16:20:48.000000Z commitment races in rape accusation 2022-07-11T16:49:51.000000Z reading reddit thread about advice for women fighting men rn, and one of the advices is to yank an eye out, not considering that eyes are pretty hard to yank out 2022-07-19T00:01:57.000000Z I'm a midwit with high need for cognition 2022-07-19T00:11:23.000000Z daily reminder that most politicians wouldn't be able to explain the concept of expected value to you if you asked them 2022-07-19T22:20:43.000000Z find the next number in the sequence 0,2,2,46,3640 2022-07-20T11:32:15.000000Z https://nitter.hu/Aella_Girl/status/1549665979130593283#m !!!!!!!! 2022-07-20T16:46:34.000000Z surveys probably get more results if people get their some summary statistic at the end—a way to increase participation rate? 2022-07-20T21:27:24.000000Z researchers drunkenly explaining 5-10 to each other 2022-07-20T21:56:57.000000Z biology:philosophy of mind::ethology:meditation 2022-07-21T12:03:37.000000Z myopic consequentialism might often outperform heuristics, don't know about full consequentialism in bounded agents tho 2022-07-21T13:52:18.000000Z what are people's attitudes towards others voting selfishly vs. not voting at all? 2022-07-22T10:44:09.000000Z a rationalists lament: on the EA community 2022-07-23T19:42:40.000000Z just thought to myself “hopefully a bigger pandemic hits, that sounds like it'll delay ai capabilities progres”, which, no,,, 2022-07-23T20:57:49.000000Z me reading planecrash is unstable bc while reading it I become so enthusiastic about reading textbooks that I go off and do that instead 2022-07-24T20:52:13.000000Z todo: find a way to track ontology shifts in neural networks 2022-07-24T20:52:30.000000Z that probably relies on a bunch of interpretability work done beforehand 2022-07-24T20:53:04.000000Z HOW DO THOSE PEOPLE READ SO MUCH 2022-07-24T21:56:21.000000Z shoutout to the woman that broke my heart so that I now read papers titled stuff like “Multiverse-wide Cooperation via Correlated Decision Making” 2022-07-25T12:36:48.000000Z whenever someone denies something, nod my head sagely and say “glomarizing nicely, I see.” 2022-07-25T14:03:05.000000Z the new chinchilla scaling laws were not what I expected 2022-07-25T15:21:45.000000Z did women really faint that often in the past? if yes, what changed so they don't anymore? 2022-07-26T22:11:24.000000Z lw events should give one the ability to report probabilities 2022-07-26T22:11:47.000000Z malign prior as an idealized case of meta-optimization 2022-07-27T10:39:28.000000Z using subscripts for probability assignments? 2022-07-27T10:40:26.000000Z see https://www.gwern.net/Subscripts#evidentials 2022-07-27T21:14:07.000000Z i think in practice people were most convinced by timelines, if not arguments, then observations abt progress. 2022-07-27T22:48:32.000000Z solution to the fermi paradox: ~all species don't have nerds bc nerds are locally maladaptive, get stuck at the social reality bullshit level, humans are a fluke in the regard (kindness to kin, but for…, uhh, nerds?) 2022-07-27T22:49:03.000000Z being cone-theoryd 2022-07-28T21:00:12.000000Z warm & wet game theory 2022-07-29T11:09:47.000000Z HAHAHAHAHAA IT'S FEBRUARY 2020 ALL OVER AGAIN HAHAHAHA 2022-07-29T16:06:18.000000Z all the cool kids? in the bay. me? chillin' 2022-07-30T23:09:06.000000Z libsucker. rolls of the tongue 2022-08-04T14:34:47.000000Z from now on, when talking about fractions, i will only use the terms “upper number” and “lower number”. those both have fewer syllables AND they're vastly easier to understand. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. 2022-08-04T15:38:35.000000Z L'an 2100 ne passera pas 2022-08-04T16:07:55.000000Z It seems quite unlikely to me that humans will cease to care about wealth after the singularity (15% maybe?), or that markets will cease to exist after the singularity (30% or sth). so the best investment strategy now for post-singularity scenarios is to invest broadly in the economy. not sure about divesting from AGI companies (bc they accelerate danger) or AI hardware companies (ditto)—they're going to especially valuable post-singularity. 2022-08-04T18:12:10.000000Z topics i will never research: how the prussian military inventing boardgames with dice to train military strategists influenced modern eurogames and not amerigames 2022-09-15T01:10:10.000000Z now is a good time to sit back and read 2022-09-19T19:08:26.000000Z taking the pledge to become 10% less misogynistic 2022-09-19T19:09:39.000000Z tolerating what we can 2022-09-19T21:22:00.000000Z dvorak edm remix which is actually good 2022-09-20T09:11:22.000000Z reaching exalted meditation states is not important per se, but that you have ample material to learn not clinging to. 2022-09-20T21:24:17.000000Z put an epistemic status on a thing you're really confident in, once in a while. 2022-09-20T21:26:12.000000Z “I assume that not everything that can improve my thinking is found in The Sequences.” 2022-09-20T21:29:04.000000Z Concepts: Semiquine (a program that only outputs its code, but never halts); prefixquine (program that outputs its code, but something after that). Trivial other versions are postfixquine, substringquine, prefixsemiquine. 2022-09-20T21:29:57.000000Z Why not focus on getting old LessWrongers to work on alignment instead of students? They might not be as skilled technically, but they probably have much deeper & well formed intuitions around the problem. 2022-09-20T21:45:20.000000Z Well, you have my curse. 2022-09-20T21:45:45.000000Z Playing hard to get imposes costs on other actually impossible to get players. 2022-09-20T21:46:38.000000Z You may start century time horizon projects 2022-09-20T21:47:22.000000Z Retaking an airplane after terrorist takeover is a coordination problem 2022-09-20T21:47:30.000000Z Planecrash but just the dath ilan bits 2022-09-20T21:47:52.000000Z 80,000 hours podcast but it's only Rob Wiblin speaking. Useful for voice synthesis. 2022-09-20T21:52:45.000000Z Anyone else wanna laugh at millennials when they realize they have gotten old? 2022-09-20T21:53:06.000000Z Maybe just not have your search space contain Turing complete elements? 2022-09-20T22:07:02.000000Z Todo: become an anti-recycling fanatic at some point 2022-09-20T22:17:53.000000Z rationalist meditation retreat: listening to Replacing Guilt as a dharma talk 2022-09-20T22:19:09.000000Z there are actually six hindrances: the original five and thinking about how to practically dovetail the shortest brainfuck quine 2022-09-20T22:20:27.000000Z I'd hate to be the baby strapped to Voyager 1 2022-09-21T23:05:01.000000Z pet peeve: line-splitting in an ff ligature 2022-09-22T23:02:05.000000Z It's not fair! The graph was supposed to peak in 2047, not 2028! 2022-09-22T23:02:27.000000Z Most zero-sum games are actually negative-sum games, because of transaction costs 2022-09-22T23:02:48.000000Z Angels from Dr. Who but everytime you look away there's new AI capabilities progress 2022-09-22T23:04:11.000000Z soft (rigidity), soft (texture) 2022-09-22T23:04:31.000000Z Yudkowsky moved AI alignment research forward by 4 years, but he also sped up timelines by 2.5 years, so it all cancels out 2022-09-22T23:04:49.000000Z It's impossible to tell whether he's good or not 2022-09-22T23:05:09.000000Z MTF π-12 “tensor grease” 2022-09-27T09:36:11.000000Z often⩬percent 2022-09-27T21:43:03.000000Z /r/gonewildstories will compliment vogon poetry, it seems 2022-10-03T07:55:09.000000Z on priors, if you want to impact the world, found a religion or start a company. 2022-10-03T08:48:13.000000Z new cause area: buy 0day exploits 2022-10-03T09:12:14.000000Z could MDMA microdosing help me get into the 2nd jhana? 2022-10-03T12:48:33.000000Z tension between markets & hacker æsthetic: markets want competition (same thing is done often, separately, with lots of turnover), while hackers want things to be done once and well, with high maintenance (canonical resources) 2022-10-03T15:00:57.000000Z “citta” should probably just be translated as “psyche” 2022-10-04T12:22:54.000000Z i care about the instantiation of human values in the universe, not about whether humanity reaches the stars 2022-10-04T12:24:06.000000Z actual nazis talk about moloch a lot 2022-10-05T15:26:53.000000Z public relations is a reality-masking puzzle. 2022-10-07T13:57:26.000000Z {adequate,¬adequate}×{exploitable,¬exploitable}×{efficient,¬efficient} 2022-10-14T15:19:24.000000Z gratitude should be a brahmavihara, not upekkha 2022-10-18T11:00:29.000000Z what's the entomology of that? 2022-10-21T15:05:11.000000Z maybe social constructivism is just descriptive in how most social scientists create their theories? 2022-10-22T21:35:34.000000Z interpretability can ~re-create more discrete alignment methods over a leaky abstraction 2022-10-22T23:04:13.000000Z killing moloch is not glorious, it's just tedious. 2022-10-23T17:04:39.000000Z multifaceted hedgehog 2022-10-23T18:09:52.000000Z monotonic occam's razor 2022-10-26T12:20:41.000000Z futuristic city image “the world if all externalities were internalized” 2022-10-28T15:49:32.000000Z predict yourself as if you're a well-meaning but very unreliable friend of yourself 2022-10-29T21:45:05.000000Z The Honeycomb Conjecture was probably the longest-standing open conjecture in the history of mathematics. Open for 2035 years, if Wikipedia is to believed 2022-11-01T20:33:16.000000Z Gauzian 2022-11-01T22:46:07.000000Z MANGAO 2022-11-05T12:01:26.000000Z if agents are usually suffering negative sum games might be good via destructive warfare 2022-11-06T00:42:35.000000Z i only allow myself to go the hard way. good or bad? 2022-11-07T23:15:01.000000Z computational complexity theory of self-modifying code. probably not good for execution speed, but great for code size. 2022-11-09T11:01:04.000000Z of course the Soviet Union failed—they didn't have computers yet! 2022-11-10T14:34:14.000000Z arrière and derrière having the same meaning is just such a thing 2022-11-15T22:23:27.000000Z THE ACTOR OF THE MAIN CHARACTER FROM VGHS MARRIED THE ACTRESS PLAYING HIS LOVE INTEREST 2022-11-15T23:31:42.000000Z concept: Codex but fine-tuned on ticket description & diff pairs, for debugging instead of new code. 2022-11-15T23:32:56.000000Z how much programmer activity is spent writing new code vs. debugging existing code? 2022-11-17T22:04:20.000000Z Sauerkraut: The German Kimchi 2022-11-18T07:35:43.000000Z proposal: ability to sort posts on forum magnum by length 2022-11-19T17:22:14.000000Z i want that bear onesie 2022-11-19T18:00:19.000000Z analogue players link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WB3Oj00p83Q 2022-11-19T18:52:55.000000Z schelling.party 2022-11-19T20:30:38.000000Z Julius Caesar Scaliger pre-empted Scott Alexanders solution to theodicy: in his view god had created every being that would add more good than not to the cosmos 2022-11-19T20:32:59.000000Z noone told me that you can get basically free tutoring from professors during so-called office hours‽ 2022-11-22T20:49:48.000000Z My Generation — The Who (Eurobeat Remix) 2022-11-25T14:56:39.000000Z *another paper* which relies on questionnaires for attention span. am i going crazy? how is this a good metric‽ 2022-11-26T22:05:57.000000Z gotta get a child with cancer to wish for a tiling-stable subagent-persistent otherizer idiom 2022-11-27T09:53:14.000000Z pareto improvement: instead of letting students write bachelors/masters theses that are basically just literature reviews, let them rewrite the respective wikipedia articles instead (and then check the article) 2022-11-27T23:54:16.000000Z the last century was wild: “Her love of tennis included playing naked, with nude tennis ‘a common practice in those days among the more louche members of the middle classes’”, from the Wikipedia article on Enid Blyton. 2022-11-28T23:54:42.000000Z why is >80% of the most read literotica content incest related? 2022-11-29T00:03:08.000000Z why does meditation make me *so* horny & temporarily relieve me of erectile dysfunction? 2022-12-06T01:01:24.000000Z In this House — We might fail, but never with abandon — Every moment is fresh, unimpeded by the one before — We remove as many obligations as we add — There is something to protect, something to give everything for — Tsuyoku Naritai! 2022-12-06T15:58:59.000000Z I'm rapidly flip-flopping between believing that I'm extremely autistic and believing that everyone else is autistic compared to me 2022-12-06T15:59:03.000000Z help 2022-12-11T21:34:27.000000Z rapidly oscillating between nibbanic zero-ontology and plotinian “badness is non-being” views 2022-12-11T23:22:36.000000Z aviation safety is a small shard of dath ilan that fell into our world 2022-12-13T14:00:01.000000Z tbh i can understand why people dislike Pinker so much—he's usually right, but he so unfathomably smug about everything 2022-12-14T00:16:11.000000Z nofap promises so much and in the end just makes my balls ache a bit 2022-12-14T00:56:48.000000Z I need to learn how to crash dates that are going nowhere with way too much escalation. That should be fun 2022-12-14T20:45:07.000000Z critiques of effective altruism in the form “effective altruism isn't blue/green enough” are really boring, and likely wrong 2022-12-14T20:46:11.000000Z “sorry dude, you have vingean uncertainty over the EA community” 2022-12-14T20:51:54.000000Z Reading The Precipice & struck by the fact that it was released *before* GPT-3, just as COVID-19 was ramping up. Pretty insane 2022-12-17T00:13:48.000000Z “But I'd love to be pinned down” — Toby Ord (The Precipice p. 397) 2022-12-17T13:02:33.000000Z google maps as a dating app 2022-12-17T23:46:18.000000Z i *am* looking forward to seeing whether aliens similarly have two sexes, and whether they roughly split up by “sex that does the investing in the offspring” and “sex that provides a lot of variation in mating success” 2022-12-18T01:07:46.000000Z “I don't know why anyone would ever want to do that, so we should punish it” is a beautiful warning sign (milder form is “I don't know why anyone would ever want to do that, so nobody should even try”) 2022-12-18T01:39:13.000000Z Unlikely events can be good, likely events can be bad. 2022-12-18T23:18:19.000000Z TIL: gwern has met Jürgen Habermas in person: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/DXcezGmnBcAYL2Y2u/yes-a-blog?commentId=nhpQK5787tMoaYDWp 2022-12-19T15:28:47.000000Z Daniel Wingman 2022-12-19T16:24:54.000000Z Prediction: I will not like the Philosophy Tube Video about Effective Altruism 2022-12-19T16:25:07.000000Z (i won't watch it anyway) 2022-12-19T22:50:05.000000Z https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/7dRGYDqA2z6Zt7Q4h/goals-for-which-less-wrong-does-and-doesn-t-help?commentId=CRMuTvT8sYEYgddME this is just 80k hours. how did they know 2022-12-21T16:00:08.000000Z Zeynep's razor (second-order effects): https://nitter.net/zeynep/status/1478766408691556353?lang=en 2022-12-21T18:29:09.000000Z tbh whenever someone is like “the existing arguments for agi xrisk were insufficient/unclear, here's my better version” the arguments read exactly the same to me as the existing ones. 2022-12-21T18:49:08.000000Z philosophytube followers be pondering the impossibility of white bears in novaya semlya 2022-12-21T19:45:23.000000Z I really enjoy the portray of conseqduentialism in the SEP article on deontology: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ethics-deontological/ 2022-12-21T19:48:50.000000Z philosophical technique: A is X, B is Y, but there is a continuous transformation from A to B, but there isn't from X to Y, where does the switch occur? 2022-12-21T19:54:22.000000Z in deontic logic, is ~obligation(~x)=permission(x)? 2022-12-21T23:45:48.000000Z but also the amount of time a broken clock is right has measure zero 2022-12-23T16:08:30.000000Z it's really funny when people tag jimmy wales on twitter when they don't like some of the content on wikipedia. it's like someone would tag Nat Friedman when they find a bug in a program hosted there 2023-01-08T20:57:00.000000Z “(1) we don't know what is going on in LLMs (2) it's outlandish to say that LLMs have no understanding of the world” both claims cannot be true 2023-01-13T10:38:08.000000Z on reflection disinviting AI researchers from parties and conferences is not an effective way of stopping them in developing AGI 2023-01-16T14:46:08.000000Z how much money do I need to pay you for you to take a pill that makes you insane? 2023-01-22T00:09:57.000000Z the name of the lost+found/ directory encapsulates all that is great & bad about linux. i won't take any questions. 2023-01-13T12:03:12.000000Z you can't just propose a counterfactual and not state whether it's conditional or where you do() the past to produce it 2023-01-24T21:29:51.000000Z what if ftm is just a *really* strong countersignal? have you ever considered that, Mark? 2023-01-25T20:23:47.000000Z mfw Eliezer will never call any of my ideas “dignified” 2023-01-25T21:42:21.000000Z the correct position on consciousness is the figure-ground inversion of functionalism 2023-01-28T00:12:09.000000Z i think people should give me money for me to pursue my idiosyncratic interests 2023-01-28T00:37:20.000000Z so discount rates are bad mmkay say philosophers, economists disagree. but then also RL practitioners (& theorists?) use pure discount rates…why? 2023-01-28T10:37:20.000000Z backp/acc 2023-01-28T10:37:26.000000Z balls/acc 2023-01-30T00:24:06.000000Z get in, loser, we're prompt-injecting the e-girls 2023-01-30T10:25:59.000000Z amussy 2023-02-02T12:42:52.000000Z he⃛h 2023-02-02T14:24:02.000000Z WHAT WAS YOUR POLICY FROM BEFORE YOUR PREDECESSOR WAS CREATED 2023-02-02T22:13:07.000000Z no “SMV”. drop the “market”. it's just cleaner 2023-02-04T20:51:46.000000Z here's a question: when do NNs generalize, and how hard? as in adding two specific numbers together vs. n-digit integer addition vs. addition in general vs. simple arithmetical operations 2023-02-05T01:06:24.000000Z image of the man in the blue overall “I like the schizo Altman arc” 2023-02-05T21:27:39.000000Z 2 BIT ENTER! 1 BIT LEAVES! — the THUNDERNOR 2023-02-06T02:51:29.000000Z humans are good at compartmentalising, but the humans who are good at compartmentalising are usually not very good at thinking. 2023-02-08T22:44:16.000000Z hitler having been a furry makes kabbalistic sense: adolf (noble wolf) hitler (one who lives in a hut) 2023-02-09T21:13:08.000000Z the most galaxybrained argument for the least galaxybrained conclusion: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/7MdLurJGhGmqRv25c/multiverse-wide-cooperation-in-a-nutshell 2023-02-10T09:37:37.000000Z NIMBYism is good bc cities are IQ shredders 2023-02-14T12:27:27.000000Z is foot fetish common because feet lay next to genitals in the somatosensory cortex? 2023-02-15T00:19:09.000000Z I don't know what the worst attachment style is, but I probably have it. 2023-02-17T15:23:34.000000Z i'm not an intellectual, i'm just a guy who likes to f**k 2023-02-19T00:11:30.000000Z I want there to be a norm that it is *good* for people to first state them noticing their status-guided motivations and then proceding to answer on the object level when askedabout things. 2023-02-22T00:58:08.000000Z heuristic-ness is the curvature of the graceful decline in prediction-accuracy to perturbations of the heuristic 2023-02-22T11:30:03.000000Z comparing politics to constrained optimization: taxes are equivalent to the penalty method, while regulations are equivalent to barrier functions. 2023-02-25T16:22:16.000000Z »If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound?« »Does the bear shit in the woods?« 2023-02-26T01:18:10.000000Z A tensor is just an element in the tensor product of vector spaces and their duals, what's the problem? 2023-02-26T01:18:29.000000Z (Non-joke question) Is there a tensor product of tensor products? 2023-02-26T01:54:09.000000Z What's the difference between a homeomorphism and a diffeomorphism? 2023-02-28T00:07:00.000000Z position, velocity, acceleration, jerk, snap, crackle, pop, lurch 2023-03-05T19:31:21.000000Z everybody starts with the same bad ideas <> beginners mind 2023-03-05T19:43:16.000000Z schelling.pt gone 2023-03-06T01:39:31.000000Z in emily in paris Y is mad because X slept with Ys boyfriend. and what does my brain say? 'why don't X and Ys boyfriend pay her the cheerful price to forget the thing?' damn economists 2023-03-10T17:23:51.000000Z there's some IOIs it's a crime not to react to 2023-03-12T15:21:55.000000Z a problem with minmaxing is that the crisper your model of the world becomes, the more conservative you become—but intuitively it should be the other way around! 2023-03-12T16:46:57.000000Z optimize by satisficing, satisfice by optimizing 2023-03-13T03:41:01.000000Z guy who would rather read than meditate 2023-03-15T19:05:25.000000Z hey LLM how does on do long game 2023-03-16T21:58:52.000000Z “galaxybrained” is an interesting category. is it just pointing at the conjunction fallacy, or something more subtle? 2023-03-17T19:02:36.000000Z half-uplifted octopus escapes and starts a life of crime: The Multi-Armed Bandit 2023-03-19T16:30:38.000000Z CDTBNGS (Causal Decision Theory, but no Galaxy-Brained Shit) 2023-03-20T15:49:51.000000Z give standard vNM coherence violating scenarios to smarter language models 2023-03-21T10:05:51.000000Z can you money-pump the agents simulated by large-language models? 2023-03-22T16:33:08.000000Z at higher levels of intelligence, maintaining coherence becomes more difficult since your action space widens and having high coherence might be NP-hard. so the better metric is coherence divided by size of action space 2023-03-23T15:47:46.000000Z but can you trick the plan evaluation evaluation procedure? 2023-03-25T02:51:32.000000Z shifting from direct to indirect realism is important for value extrapolation 2023-03-26T22:14:11.000000Z I've never gotten much out of a book review & don't understand why people read or write them. 2023-03-31T07:46:31.000000Z ne konfuzu “ilo” kaj “ulo”—uloj ne ŝatas ĝin. 2023-04-01T11:19:19.000000Z well, sometimes humans provide the discontinuities (via large jumps in training run sizes) 2023-04-01T11:57:15.000000Z how many metaculus questions resolved on technicalities? 2023-04-02T11:16:04.000000Z wow https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/vwLxd6hhFvPbvKmBH/yudkowsky-and-christiano-discuss-takeoff-speeds?commentId=mKgEsfShs2xtaWz4K 2023-04-06T20:32:45.000000Z evolution lets animals age because otherwise they fall into procrastination type paradox situations 2023-04-06T21:48:58.000000Z meditation has the effect of “concetptual regularization” for me: less discrete thinking, and more conservative concept boundaries 2023-04-08T10:40:49.000000Z orthogonality of substrate and structure in general 2023-04-08T21:33:06.000000Z i mean how many bits can you even hide in a human-understandable theorem? 2023-04-11T22:59:13.000000Z “…and we can probably plan for middle of March thi…ah, hello! Mister Yudkowsky! I hope you found—” “Rename your company to ClosedAI.” “Uh…what?” “Rename your company to ClosedAI. Stop your biggest training runs. Pivot to mechanistic interpretability. Shut it all down.” “………Selfie?” 2023-04-14T11:14:20.000000Z What is the information bottleneck of epigenetics? 2023-04-14T11:20:43.000000Z in practice probably ~all systems with qualia are valenced systems, since valence is the primary axis along which qualia can vary 2023-04-14T11:48:19.000000Z What is the Bayesian version of calibration? 2023-04-14T12:44:13.000000Z starstardotbib 2023-04-14T23:39:11.000000Z just loving this little guy: (·,·). it's like he's looking through a crack: ‘come on, you'll understand the function definition’ 2023-04-15T09:52:36.000000Z “neniel” could also be a biblical angel 2023-04-19T06:16:07.000000Z haro in Esperanto means “single hair”. “hararo“ maeans “collection of many hairs“. “harari” is the corresponding verb. 2023-04-19T06:18:12.000000Z wait WHY is “book” “libro” in esperanto, but “library” is *not* “libraro” but “biblioteko”? Huh??? 2023-04-19T12:27:22.000000Z ugh I hate it I am allied with people who propose the clipper chip but for GPUs 2023-04-19T12:27:59.000000Z maybe for good reason but man I dislike the aesthetic and will continue to only do technical stuff 2023-04-19T13:53:18.000000Z von Neumann and Morgenstern is a joy to read :-D 2023-05-03T12:46:18.000000Z you might be thinking: “aha! so I should vote in elections, since even though under do()-calculus, the decision has a miniscule impact, there are many agents that are logically correlated with me, which means my influence is much higher!” A tiny problem is that the number of agents that are logically correlated because they base their decisions on logical correlation is, ah, not *that* big… 2023-05-04T10:32:39.000000Z chugging the melatonin pills to keep my energy from making me explode 2023-05-04T22:18:17.000000Z I don't remember where I first read this, but: A government's OODA loop is ~6 months long. 2023-05-04T22:18:28.000000Z How long is *your* fundamental OODA loop? 2023-05-05T23:50:30.000000Z faux-translating “estrogeno” from esperanto, it means master-hormone or master-chemical 2023-05-07T11:30:37.000000Z performing a million moleFLOP on the common crawl to cultivate a new gradientspawn 2023-05-08T20:43:51.000000Z Unicode doesn't distinguish between a dollar sign with one and a dollar sign with two strokes, which makes me sad. 2023-05-08T21:08:23.000000Z e/acc: epistemic accelerationism 2023-05-10T08:04:00.000000Z gimli voice: they call it a *site* 2023-05-10T09:30:10.000000Z midjourney prompts: the buddha as a roman senator 2023-05-10T09:30:17.000000Z roman buddhists 2023-05-10T10:26:59.000000Z steelmanning benefits the steelmanner 2023-05-10T12:32:39.000000Z snitches get stitches, bitches get skritches 2023-05-10T14:55:09.000000Z WAIT WHAT DID ZIZ GET HER NAME FROM ONE OF THE ENDBRINGERS FROM WORM‽ 2023-05-10T20:46:38.000000Z von Neumann: I came up with this new system that generalizes probability theory to consider convex sets instead of point estimates. I think that I could use this to prove regret bounds… 2023-05-10T20:47:24.000000Z “…still working on the frugal priors though” 2023-05-10T20:58:14.000000Z no Eliezer you're wrong Runaround is about tiling agents, 2023-05-10T21:32:34.000000Z from a computational complexity perspective, completeness is the “worst” axiom to violate: only O(n²) to find a violation 2023-05-11T18:24:25.000000Z productivity under anxiety is a repulsive fixed point (you might even feel worse the closer you get to what you should be doing) 2023-05-12T10:23:05.000000Z “nubile” should mean cloud-like 2023-05-13T14:23:46.000000Z Shapley values are NP-hard to compute, right? 2023-05-15T18:47:21.000000Z draining the baby out with the bathwater 2023-05-26T18:40:34.000000Z I'd like to garbage-collect some symbols in the math I'm currently writing, help 2023-05-26T19:15:37.000000Z Cormac McCarthys writing has strong Harvard sentence energy. 2023-05-26T20:40:30.000000Z I think I'm getting *more* curious with age 2023-05-26T20:40:36.000000Z Erz Herz zog 2023-05-26T20:41:59.000000Z I am concerned about my outgoing debts, but not about small-ish incoming ones 2023-06-30T14:26:07.000000Z dril wrote for HiveSwap. It's all connected 2023-07-05T14:55:09.000000Z trying to fit in with Gödelian set theorists by saying “V” when someone does something outrageously stupid