author: niplav, created: 2023-01-20, modified: 2024-05-04, language: english, status: maintenance, importance: 5, confidence: remote
Peter Thiel likes
to distinguish between Progress in Bits (new algorithms, network
protocols, user interfaces, social media sites…) and Progress in Atoms
(transportation speed, energy usage, material abundance…). I propose a
third category: Progress in Qualia; and outline factors influencing it.
It is not clear how one might want to
measure Progress in Qualia: the necessary
are not quite there yet. Therefore I'm mostly reduced to
speculation, but speculation also has it's place.
I will be trying to find examples of broad
developments that impact many people a little (an aggregative "normally distributed" view), and
qualia in the logarithmic tail that might out outweigh other types of
in importance (an outlier-focused "log-normally distributed" view).
- Humans
- The world economy has been experiencing a huge surge in growth over the last ~200 years.
- This has made humanity (and most individual humans)
much richer, and has had the effect of humanity becoming
much larger: growing from ~1 bio. in 1800 to ~8
bio. now. That means there's many more human qualia.
- This has also caused the average lifespan to
rise from ~25 years to ~70 years, causing many
more qualia specific to humans of old age relative
to the qualia of younger people (though this is
likely tampered by the subjective speedup of time as one
The qualia of older people might have a lower
energy parameter, and the variance in younger
people is probably higher. If subjective
time spend in old age is longer, chronic pains
might weigh more strongly, and we're potentially
neglecting large amounts of suffering at the end of
(since there is no selection against high energy
close to death).
- Individual wealth has been rising, when ~90% of
people were in extreme poverty in 1800, today only ~10%
This has a remarkably small effect on self-reported
In the best case I'd guess that happiness is logarithmic
to material wealth, in a bad case I'd guess that it is
linear in the beginning and then tapers off, and in the
worst case I think it's purely positional to the society
around you.
- It might be that humans are now much more
protected from very bad events such as the
death of a child or long-lasting parasite &
disease burden, which usually weighs extremely
negatively on the quality of the life of a
person, and happened far more often in the
ancestral evolutionary environment.
- Anesthetics
and analgesics are
huge advances: I can well imagine that getting a limb amputated
while fully awake (or, slightly better, nearly black-out
drunk) was
the worst experience of one's life. Most of the development of
generial anesthesia happened in the late 19th century, e.g. by
the discovery of chloroform as an anaesthetic by James Young
- Drugs
- It seems possible that
even though we experience hedonic
to repeated drug-use (thus needing to "up the dose"
to achieve a similar high in many drugs) that sporadic drug use is not completely
offset by this. I think my life would be overall
better if I took MDMA once a year (not more often
because of the cardio- and neurotoxic effects); the comedown and subsequent hangover aren't
bad enough to negate the positive qualia. Stimulants
appear to speed up subjective time, which is another
off-setting effect on their valence.
- I believe that specifically psychedelics have likely strongly
increased the variance of qualia that
are experienced by humans, and since most
people speak positively of their trips, I'm
inclined to believe that they are on average
of positive valence. Psychedelic qualia are
much "thicker", subjective time becomes much
slower, the meaning of experiences increases
(maybe by a directed acyclic graph between
containing more edges?). I think most psychedelics
consumption occurred since the second half of
the 20th century, and given the intensity of
psychedelic qualia they might be highly relevant
in assessing whether progress in qualia has
- Spirituality:
- Meditation: Even though today probably more people than ever
in history meditate, I suspect that in terms
of exotic and high-valenced meditation qualia, humanity might
be regressing. Meditative qualia require a large investment of
consecutive time, attention and mental energy, which I suspect
fewer people are willing to invest. This might even be inversely
linked to economic progress: faster growth rates lead to a larger
amount of interest in novelty (counterforce: material abundance
frees oneself to investigate avenues of self-actualiazation
(or, in this case, self-deconstruction)). But the number of
contemplative practitioners doesn't have to seem grown with the
population, and it would be interesting to find numbers on the
amount of monks in the world—and it seems worth noting that only
~5% of Buddhist monks spend most of their time meditating.
- "As mentioned in chapter 7 on the fourth jhāna, at the
time of the Buddha, after the monks and nuns finished
their alms rounds, they would eat their midday meal,
which would be at around ten or eleven o'clock in the
morning. Then they would “go for the day's abiding”⁹
and meditate until evening. Since they had not grown up
with chairs, they had the capacity to sit cross-legged
for an extended period of time. So if they were sitting
for multiple hours at a time over a six- or seven-hour
period, they were fare more likely to experience a very
deep level of concentration. By the time they entered the
fourth jhāna, their concentration was deep enough that
the simile with its white cloth indeed captures the pure,
bright mind they were experiencing." (Right Concentration
(Leigh Brasington, 2015), p. 180)
- Religion
- Art: The variety of art available to each individual
likely has increased, and I assume that people select art they
enjoy, so I believe that there has been large progress in the
positive qualia from art. This likely has especially happened
since the advent of the internet (for most people after 2000):
The creation and distribution speed of art has probably increased
the availability to each human a thousandfold.
- Social Interaction: People in western societies
interact less socially than they did even 50 years
ago, universal culture is probably the
and other nations will probably follow. People complain about
this development, and many people enjoy social interaction much
more than their revealed preferences show, this seems like a
negative development. (Though one that should be salvageable!)
- Animals
- Factory farming is horrendous. I'm not sure whether
it produces qualia that outweigh humanity's qualia
(the answer to the question might come down to tricky
debates about moral patienthood such as the sentience
of invertebrates or how much chickens fear predators),
but in raw numbers, "humans slaughter about 290 million
480 million
2.9 billion
3 billion
22 billion cochineal
69 billion
300 billion
and nearly a trillion commercially caught
At any given time, humans confine about 251 million
265 million
7.5 billion
and more than 1.4 trillion
to produce wool, milk, eggs, and honey. Counting
somewhat conservatively, humans exploit at least 33
orders of animals, across 13 classes and 6 phyla" (Schukraft
It seems quite likely to me that the positive qualia produced by
factory farming (in the form of gustatory pleasure for humans)
do not outweigh the suffering of factory-farmed animals.
- Wild
live in abject poverty, nearly always at the Malthusian
limit. r-selected species have often hundreds or thousands
of offspring, most of them die very young, most species
with small animals are r-selected, most animals are small
(If you want to imagine an average animal, don't imagine
a panda—imagine a newborn bug. Maybe call him Sebastian
before he gets eaten). It's unclear whether bugs feel
the estimate here is ~40% (I have not
looked into newer estimates by e.g. Rethink
Priorities). Since this means that ecosystems probably have
qualia value, it appears more
likely than not that humanity growing has
the wild animal
in the world by destroying ecosystems, especially since the
beginning of the industrial revolution. Further economic growth
should continue this trend.
- Other Things
- Since humanity has created technological artifacts that
don't occur anywhere else in the universe, we could've
created entirely new qualia varieties (e.g. humans have
created the cubic meter with the lowest temperature in the known
have achieved remarkable
temperatures of 5.5·10¹² Kelvin in the
and created objects of a single element with very high
I suspect that the highest-purity kilogram of copper in the
reachable universe is probably found on earth, created by humans
(I haven't checked whether this is true, though)). I don't know
what the valence, energy parameter or entropy of human-created
objects and systems might be.
- If we have created novel qualia-varieties as a side-effect of
technological progress, I strongly suspect this happened in the
last 150 years—beforehand our basic material didn't deviate
that far from naturally occurring objects.