
author: niplav, created: 2021-03-23, modified: 2023-03-24, language: english, status: notes, importance: 1, confidence: draft

People write mathematics in a specific way, and use different conventions. Here I collect mine, mainly for myself.


Mathematics Notation Convention

Zum Schein nämlich steht das Ausdruckslose, wiewohl im Gegensatz, doch in derart notwendigem Verhältnis, daß eben das Schöne, ob auch selber nicht Schein, aufhört ein wesentlich Schönes zu sein, wenn der Schein von ihm schwindet.

— Walter Benjamin, “Goethes Wahlverwandschaften”, 1925


Set Theory


Probability Theory and Statistics

Game Theory

(Or social choice theory/decision theory/utility theory…)

(Optimizing one's own value) Maximum Minimum
maximize maximax maximin
minimize minimax minimin

(Optimizing the other player's value) Maximum Minimum
maximize maxmaxi maxmini
minimize minmaxi minmini

(This is not the terminology I will use, but I would if I were brave enough)

Things I Would Like To Do But I'm Not Brave Enough

Things I'm Unsure About