start end text 0 5000 To begin with, I wanted to get a clearer idea of the context of both of these. 5000 12000 Okay, so specifically the complexity prior and the homoesthetic prior? 12000 15000 No, the complexity prior and the supercooperation cluster. 15000 19000 So it turns out that you said humanity is grappling with the Darwin meme. 19000 20000 Yes. 20000 27000 And these seem to be the only two things that even remotely, I don't know, 27000 31000 but the vibe I got was that seemed to have the heft to deal with it. 31000 32000 Okay, yeah. 32000 38000 So the way I put it is that I see most people as doing one of two things. 38000 41000 They're either sort of like reaching up from the bottom. 41000 45000 So it's like if you start off with a materialist reductionist sort of stance, 45000 48000 then you're kind of trying to recreate all of our meaning structures. 48000 50000 You're trying to like bridge that is-aught gap. 50000 52000 It's like, okay, we have all this stuff that is going on. 52000 53000 And then we're trying to... 53000 54000 They start from the is. 54000 55000 Yeah, they start from the is. 55000 56000 They try to get to the ought. 56000 60000 They all start from the ought, sort of ex-nilo. 60000 63000 They come up with a lot of wacky stuff that's just... 63000 65000 I mean, there's two things that's predicated on. 65000 67000 One is just whatever humans have a tendency to believe. 67000 71000 The other is like what humans in the past have believed. 71000 75000 Like whatever people have come up with that's survived over centuries, 75000 78000 various religions and other moral frameworks that someone... 78000 80000 People read it and they're like, oh, that's pretty clever. 80000 81000 That seems consistent. 81000 84000 Or it seems like I'm able to apply that in a sort of fuzzy, heuristic way. 84000 85000 Right. 85000 87000 Utilitarianism, the ontology, virtue, ethics, whatever it is. 87000 89000 Stoicism, you know, particular schools of thought. 89000 92000 It's like this is a basic framework for acting. 92000 98000 So they pick something that seems given their life experience and intuitions to be... 98000 99000 Workable. 99000 100000 Pragmatic. 100000 101000 Yeah. 101000 102000 Or even resonant. 102000 103000 Yeah. 103000 106000 And then people get frustrated with the sort of... 106000 109000 That these things are underspecified or not ultimately grounded, right? 109000 112000 You have the Baron Munchausen trilemma, right? 112000 118000 Infinite regress or unjustified axioms or circular justification. 118000 119000 Yep. 119000 123000 So I'm attempting to do something like... 123000 130000 The Munchausen trilemma of grounding an art that is purely an art innocence. 130000 133000 Well, so it's informed by... 133000 136000 I am trying to like do down from the art instead of up from the is, 136000 147000 but it's informed by sort of a descriptivist agenda of like... 147000 152000 First, like see what is in terms of, oh, humans have these behaviors around meaning structures 152000 156000 and some of them seem to operate well, like people feel like their actions have meaning 156000 160000 and they feel like they are oriented towards like useful levers in their world. 160000 162000 And other people don't. 162000 168000 They are handed one, but they find it insufficient and then they, you know, abandon it 168000 170000 and then they cast around for replacements. 170000 173000 They don't have good meta-horstics for like, how do I select an ethical system? 173000 176000 That's why, you know, often meta-ethics is the term you get thrown around. 176000 177000 So where do... 177000 182000 Often people have issues with the concept of giving their art sense. 182000 188000 Often they have a problem with the concept of owning the fact that there is in fact 188000 190000 a selection of ethical systems that they are doing. 190000 194000 Because if you do that, you lose the eternalistic aspect of things, meaning... 194000 195000 Oh, that's true. 195000 197000 Yeah, so they can't admit... 197000 202000 They have to frame things in terms of, well, you see, I thought that was correct, 202000 208000 but it turns out that actually as opposed to just, no, I'm doing a search procedure. 208000 209000 Right, yeah. 209000 214000 And it's probably for secular people, the ancestral environment and the Darwin meme 214000 217000 sort of serve that purpose, but very poorly, right? 217000 219000 And so they wind up with nihilism. 219000 220000 I would agree. 220000 223000 It's something more pernicious than nihilism, actually. 223000 226000 It's not that things don't mean anything. 226000 235000 It's more that everything you know and love, its actual meaning, is in fact horror, not anything good. 235000 239000 Well, it's just, it's all, it all reduces to impersonal forces. 239000 240000 Yeah. 240000 244000 Which is not, doesn't resonate with the internal experience. 244000 247000 And so ultimately it feels like an, it's an unsatisfying explanation. 247000 252000 And obviously we have, so we have Mars levels of abstraction which tell you why this is an unsatisfying explanation, right? 252000 258000 So a person comes to you and asks for an explanation on the intentional level of how should we orient towards the world. 258000 264000 And you give them an algorithmic or a physics-based response of like, well, you know, it's all just mechanistic systems. 264000 268000 It doesn't, it's not, you didn't actually answer them on the level of intention. 268000 269000 Right. 269000 276000 I mean, I would go one step further, as I said, like this more than just, like there's a sort of, of all the possible overlays, right? 276000 279000 That you could give on your sensory experience. 279000 292000 The Darwinian overlay is a particularly cynical one because as it says, it confuses intention with the causal mechanism that led to the beings having intention in that particular way. 292000 294000 But humans are not good at maintaining this distinction. 294000 299000 And so they end up thinking, well, Bob is doing this to maximize his fitness. 299000 304000 And so it makes a wide variety of human experience just straight up unavailable. 304000 315000 Like I am loved is cognitively impossible to believe if you think it's just other people pretending to love you because that will maximize their fitness, 315000 318000 even if they're actually just genuinely, they genuinely give a shit. 318000 319000 Right. 319000 329000 They're having an internal experience that is totally, you know, in line with a more intuitive sense of like, oh yeah, there's this felt sense to caring about people and being cared for that feels lost. 329000 330000 Right. 330000 340000 And if all the, all the time you ascribe the meaning to that of this Machiavellian person is, you know, doing this was like, okay, this is one, it's not true. 340000 345000 Two, you're making yourself miserable. 345000 352000 And three, this is an extremely difficult trap to get out of because you can always point to well, but the causal process. 352000 360000 Like it's more like a salience trap than a, than a actual, you know, content trap. 360000 361000 Yeah. 361000 371000 I think this is part of why the as a thought meme or just sort of reifying anthropomorphizing in personal forces is an effective or not effective, but it's at least a partial antidote. 371000 372000 Right. 372000 377000 So if I posit the existence of as a thought, I can sort of gesture at, well, yeah, as a thought is Machiavellian. 377000 386000 But, you know, my goals are not exactly necessarily the same as as a thought, even though I'm running on hardware that was optimized by as a thought, as a thought being the personification of evolution. 386000 387000 Right. 389000 399000 I mean, to be entirely honest, choosing Lovecraft was not a neutral decision for this pantheon because the reason he was picked is because of the sense of horror people felt. 399000 414000 And I don't think it's a good idea to pick as a thought because it fundamentally just fixes in place the emotional tone of horror as the dominant, as opposed to alienness as the dominant, because alienness brings with it the possibility of wonder. 414000 415000 Horror does not. 415000 417000 It fixes the tone in place. 417000 418000 That's a good point. 418000 419000 Interesting. 419000 427000 So to summarize, just so that I've got it correctly, people start with the is and end up in all kinds of acting places because the space of the is is vast. 428000 441000 People start with an art and find it unsatisfying either because conditions have changed tremendously since most of these arts developed or because the Darwin meme renders a lot of these arts not workable. 441000 449000 There's eternalism, the problem of not being able to just acknowledge directly that yes, you're looking for an ethical system because your current one is unsatisfactory. 449000 451000 But I think I'm missing some core component. 451000 456000 What would you say is the core piece of the problem with the starting without like you have with these? 456000 466000 So I view a lot of, descriptively, if we're just going out looking at what humans are doing when they do sort of moralizing, what I see is an attempt to systematize the moral intuitions. 466000 467000 Right? 467000 469000 In the hopes that, so what do we accomplish when we systematize? 469000 474000 Well, you render sort of predictive and extensible and modular. 474000 484000 It's like, okay, I'm going to be able to figure out using some sort of rule based simple rule based system how to apply this system and also to apply it to novel situations. 484000 491000 And maybe create some like coordination points because like if it's systematized, we can like more easily communicate it, talk about it, all coordinate about around it. 491000 499000 Like, you know, different interpretations of law, right, are sort of like philosophical arguments rendered into these Byzantine sort of. 499000 506000 Let's pretend that the bureaucracy is sufficient in such a way that it already encodes all our shared understandings. 506000 514000 So all fights over so that all our fights about deep theology translate into the minutiae of procedural rules. 514000 518000 No way that could possibly lead to problems. 518000 527000 Yeah, so, so, okay, so we have this agenda of we want to be able to systematize our moral intuitions, but like where do you start is the question. 527000 528000 Right? 528000 534000 So the one of the core ideas, well, let's see, this is a different, there's a couple of different slices on this. 534000 535000 This is a navigational schema. 535000 538000 One is the super corporation cluster itself. 538000 545000 And the other is maybe like the homeostatic and complexity priors. 545000 548000 And they all, they all relate ultimately. 548000 549000 Okay. 549000 558000 So to answer, so this to set the context is the odds try from a top down view doesn't work for various reasons, right? 558000 563000 The easiest start from a bottom up view also runs into very weird problems. 563000 566000 What are the problems that is people run into? 566000 570000 And why is Darwin relevant like that seems to be the crux here, right? 570000 572000 Why does that make both of these approaches unworkable? 572000 576000 Whereas they seemed kind of sort of workable at a small scale before. 576000 579000 They're only workable as long as you don't examine their foundations. 579000 580000 Okay. 580000 582000 There is or the odd or both? 582000 583000 Both. 583000 586000 So, so traditionally, so this is this is actually a good additional context. 586000 589000 Traditionally, the is a problem is seen as a bridging problem. 589000 592000 Okay, you have the is and you have the ought and you need to bridge between them. 592000 597000 This is just, you know, if you examine experience, this is obviously false. 597000 601000 You have direct access to neither the is nor the ought, right? 601000 602000 So you have indirect realism. 602000 604000 You don't actually have direct access to how things are. 604000 607000 You have, you've never seen an electron, right? 607000 611000 So what you have is heuristics that return is like answers. 611000 617000 Like, oh, like physical laws, consistency, and variances, you know, et cetera, et cetera. 617000 621000 And then you have other heuristics that return ought like answers. 621000 623000 They return like, oh, the inches out bridges. 623000 624000 Yeah. 624000 625000 These are our moral intuitions. 625000 629000 Those this group's moral intuitions, how they have the game theory for these people interact, 629000 631000 how do we feel about laws, et cetera, et cetera. 631000 636000 So you are always this heuristic bridge. 636000 640000 And one end sort of reaches towards is one and sort of reaches towards ought. 640000 643000 And you are already solving the is ought problem on a daily basis. 643000 649000 When you get up to go eat an apple instead of an orange, you're solving the is ought problem using just fuzzy heuristics. 649000 650000 There is an apple. 650000 652000 Should there be an apple? 652000 657000 Yes, it should be my stomach. 657000 658000 Okay. 658000 662000 So then why is there a gap like this in the first place? 662000 668000 I know this takes us slightly afield, but why, like what necessitated the heuristic bridge? 668000 672000 Because there are, there are things that are the case that you don't have direct control over. 672000 677000 And you have to decide how to act in relation to those. 677000 683000 Yes, but why is there such a thirst for systematization in the sense that we do not find, 683000 689000 or at least my suspicion is we don't find these kind of same problems in genuinely small tribe human societies. 689000 691000 Like there is no is ought gap. 691000 692000 I disagree. 692000 696000 So the pack that evolution initially found was animism, right? 696000 701000 Treat the physical world as if it's intentional, as if the is's are all oughts, right? 701000 704000 And then you get things like naturalistic fallacy, et cetera, et cetera. 704000 708000 But this is a fairly consistent, like it can be made consistent by just telling stories. 708000 712000 The stories have enough degrees of freedom that you can sort of fit stories to various things. 712000 715000 Well, the clouds rain because they want to, right? 715000 721000 Because then you have extended stories and whoever is the best storyteller, you know, and what counts as best, right? 721000 727000 Well, the version that best compresses the sensory data of people's actual experience, right? 727000 728000 Okay. 729000 736000 And that's not workable in modern times merely because of the fact that the complexity is not easily fit into a narrative framework? 736000 739000 Yeah, and also the amount of... 739000 742000 So the complexity on the is side, but then also complexity on the off side, 742000 748000 because there's so many intentions in the world all clashing at the same time at all different levels of abstraction, 748000 750000 and no one's really keeping track. 750000 757000 And the way humans work is, you know, we're not forced to stick to a particular level of abstraction when we engage in our sort of memetic warfare, right? 757000 761000 Metic warfare, it probably has some ripple contact. 761000 763000 Memetics, mimetic or both? 763000 764000 Both. 764000 765000 But yeah, yeah. 765000 772000 So one question that we can ask is, so we know sort of where is comes from, like here it all is, right? 772000 776000 There's rocks, you can throw them at things, other things happen as a result of what those rocks hit. 776000 779000 So where do moral intuitions come from, right? 779000 786000 And so one answer for what moral intuitions, where they come from is sort of just basic, a basic homeostatic system 786000 790000 can be said to have odds that it's instantiating on the environment, right? 790000 795000 So bacteria that can only survive between two temperatures and has a temperature sensor, 795000 803000 and the evolution of that bacteria is constrained by well bacteria that don't, that go outside of this temperature gradient die. 803000 807000 So any homeostatic system has an odd overlay that it can impose? 807000 812000 You can interpret it as sort of imposing an odd on its environment. 812000 822000 So any homeostatic system can be thought of as imposing an odd both on its environment and presumably its response to those environmental. 822000 823000 Yeah. 823000 831000 And so we do have a question, we have a research agenda in the sense of it's not known how do more complex goals, 831000 840000 in a say a nervous system of a simple bacteria or up to a mammal, how does it build up higher order goals out of the very low level goals? 840000 847000 And we seem to be creatures that are able to, we sort of do a type of like speculative extension, 847000 851000 where we're able to just define our own intermediate goals. 851000 855000 We're like, well what if I try maximizing this thing for a while, this measure, I'll invent my own measure, 855000 860000 go off and try to like improve it and see does that meet my underlying needs well or no. 860000 864000 And when we sort of shop for different value systems, when we see people choosing different strategies, 864000 866000 we sort of set up these intermediate goals. 866000 872000 It's like you're generating a new thermometer based out of this whole bank of thermometers like temperature sensors, pressure sensors, 872000 876000 various homeostatic, you know, and then your own internal sensors for how well your organism is handling things, 876000 878000 how hungry you are, blah, blah, blah, your appetites. 878000 884000 So all these sensors and we seem to construct like speculative sort of measures, right? 884000 890000 What if I tried doing this thing that increases this and then see if that sort of meets my needs, right? 890000 897000 Oh, so we can experiment. A bacteria cannot experiment, but we can just poke at stuff and say, 897000 903000 what if I tried to just, I mean, this is unlikely there were diet fats in the Paleolithic, 903000 908000 but what if some paleo was like, yeah, I'm going to go on a carnivore diet because I'm really, really rich. 908000 910000 Let's see what happens. 910000 915000 So yeah, the homeostatic prior, you could see it as sort of extending. 915000 923000 You can see this sort of, you're attempting to try to see how you could live in like a higher, higher variance, 923000 926000 under higher variance conditions, like a broader range of environments. 926000 935000 Ah, so what you're saying is that we are not constrained by, well, except that something we are not constrained by, 935000 940000 but that the constraints allow us a far greater degrees of, far more degrees of freedom in what we... 940000 946000 Well, the bacteria can't figure out to try putting on a fur coat to be able to survive in a wider range of environments, right? 946000 947000 Exactly, yeah. 947000 953000 But we can, and then some of those creatures survive, and now there's selection pressure on expanding your homeostatic range. 953000 954000 Right. 954000 958000 So I think there's something around the homeostatic and complexity prior there of like... 958000 959000 I see. 959000 960000 Yeah, okay. 960000 962000 Although the complexity prior covers a lot more than that. 962000 971000 The idea is that if you can survive both in the Arctic and in Saudi Arabia or something, 971000 975000 and one hopes also in the intermediate climates, because it'd be really weird if you couldn't, 975000 981000 then in some sense you are more robust as a race than, you know, some hominid that... 981000 982000 Right. 982000 983000 Right. 987000 991000 So this is all still sort of reaching out from the is. This is all scaffolding. 991000 993000 Right, homeostatic is very clear. 993000 994000 Yeah, exactly. 994000 999000 Well, it's sort of how nature answers the question of there being an ought, 999000 1002000 or like why there would be an is ought in the first place. 1002000 1008000 So what I'm doing is with the super corporation cluster idea is... 1008000 1012000 What's the conflict over here? 1012000 1018000 Like the conflict that you're trying to solve, that the fact is that these heuristics no longer work, 1018000 1023000 that the grounding process doesn't work, or like what exactly if you had to characterize it is the issue here, 1023000 1026000 where these people cannot build up to a consistent and proper ought, 1026000 1030000 and the ought people cannot ground out in a thorough is. 1030000 1031000 Sure. 1031000 1032000 Yeah, yeah, exactly. 1032000 1033000 But why is that a problem? 1033000 1034000 So from is to ought, there's nihilism. 1034000 1039000 And from ought to is, there's like crazy religious nonsense that doesn't... 1039000 1040000 It's not a problem. 1040000 1041000 It's not causal factors. 1041000 1043000 You can imagine a healthier religion. 1043000 1046000 Like Buddhism probably becomes the closest in terms of like it's fairly compatible with science, 1046000 1048000 the Buddhist leaders, blah, blah, blah. 1048000 1050000 Everyone's sort of already familiar with that. 1050000 1054000 But in practice, most religions seem to calcify around particular worldviews, 1054000 1061000 and they don't seem to be very good at inculcating sort of adaptive strategies to their flock, unfortunately. 1061000 1063000 Yeah, so I can also... 1063000 1067000 I'll try to cut in from another angle and see if they convert somewhat. 1067000 1071000 So what is the positive goal, a healthy religion, one might say? 1071000 1072000 Going both ways is fine. 1072000 1074000 That people can go up and down the stack, no problem. 1074000 1075000 And it's fine. 1075000 1076000 Yeah. 1076000 1079000 That people have some self-awareness of what they're doing when they move up and down the stack. 1079000 1085000 And that explanations of the world at these multiple levels are in concordance with one another, 1085000 1087000 instead of dissonant with one another. 1087000 1092000 And also in concordance with, I hope, what leads to a happy and virtuous or healthy human life, right? 1092000 1094000 Well, that's the ought. 1094000 1095000 Okay. 1095000 1097000 So, okay, what's your... 1097000 1099000 Is here and what's your ought here? 1099000 1101000 Right, so I'm getting to it. 1101000 1105000 So, the super-parter processor is the ought. 1105000 1110000 But let's back up and try to explain it to the super-parter processor. 1110000 1111000 Otherwise, you wouldn't be doing anything. 1111000 1112000 Yeah, exactly. 1112000 1115000 There is an is that you think ought to be different. 1115000 1116000 Yeah. 1116000 1117000 So, okay. 1117000 1119000 Unless you have your motive. 1119000 1123000 In game theory, you have this concept of third-party punishment. 1123000 1124000 Right. 1124000 1128000 And so, for people that don't know, third-party punishment means that... 1128000 1130000 Okay, you have some people cooperating. 1130000 1132000 You have cooperate, cooperate, sort of equilibria. 1132000 1134000 You have defect, defect, equilibria. 1134000 1137000 You have defectors sort of trying to freeride on a cooperation norm. 1137000 1139000 So, you have did for that equilibria. 1139000 1140000 Yeah, yeah. 1140000 1147000 And so, third-party punishment means that there are people who are observing the interactions that are happening. 1147000 1150000 And they are noticing when defectors defect. 1150000 1156000 And then they're telling everyone or getting everyone or punishing or doing something to cause people to defect against the defectors. 1156000 1159000 They're like, okay, it's not good enough to just, we all cooperate with each other. 1159000 1163000 We also have to make sure we defect against the defectors so that defection itself is a losing strategy 1163000 1166000 and the defectors will be incentivized to switch over to a cooperate-corporate strategy. 1166000 1171000 And so, there's a lot of, there's been a lot of research on what causes, what causes this. 1171000 1175000 How do you get stable cooperate equilibria and what can tend to undermine them? 1175000 1177000 Can you antidote those? 1177000 1179000 And this already happens, you know, in society. 1179000 1181000 Obviously, this is happening all the time. 1181000 1183000 There's a beautiful example. 1183000 1194000 I remember some Atlantic article or some other article which talked about how very often, you know, bureaucracy is going from corrupt to non-corrupt or non-corrupt to corrupt 1194000 1197000 can sometimes happen in what seems like relatively quick phase shifts. 1197000 1200000 And I think this might explain it. 1200000 1211000 Like, if you have even this effective third-party punishment for corruption, then I think once the probability of that goes above a certain threshold, 1211000 1213000 it just completely flips the calculus. 1213000 1215000 And so, within a few years, it's like, boom! 1215000 1220000 Even hitherto corrupt people just become non-corrupt because now it's in the center to snuck to. 1220000 1224000 And the phase shift has actually been super well characterized in simulation, at least. 1224000 1229000 So, they found that if a small portion of the network is super cooperators, 1229000 1234000 then the network can flip over from a defect-defect equilibrium to a cooperate one. 1234000 1238000 So, now this brings, this seems to give me some intuition for what a super cooperator is. 1238000 1240000 But you let me what it is. 1240000 1243000 So, the surprising thing is that it goes both ways. 1243000 1250000 They discovered, empirically, in actual tests with people, that there's also super defectors that will punish cooperators. 1250000 1256000 And there's been a bunch of follow-up research to try to figure out why this would be. 1256000 1258000 This seems very counterintuitive. 1258000 1267000 You're saying that in simulation anyway, they have found that super defectors can, in fact, create a defect-defect equilibrium and enforce it? 1267000 1268000 Yeah. 1268000 1269000 Yeah. 1269000 1272000 So, if they have to punish cooperators at some small cost to themselves? 1272000 1273000 Right. 1273000 1274000 Okay. 1274000 1277000 And do real people, do real human beings do this? 1277000 1278000 Yes. 1278000 1279000 Then- 1279000 1280000 That was the surprising thing. 1280000 1281000 In what context? 1281000 1282000 In the context of study. 1282000 1285000 So, it's public goods games, iterated. 1285000 1293000 It's sort of like an iterated games in which people can choose to contribute some proportion of a chunk of money in each round. 1293000 1298000 And if enough people contribute, there's some sort of multiplier. 1298000 1305000 And so, if few enough people contribute, then it winds up negative for each individual person because he gets distributed so widely that you don't gain. 1305000 1311000 But if enough people contribute, then everyone actually gains more because you've all multiplied your money together. 1311000 1313000 And so, defectors can just sit there and free ride. 1313000 1317000 And so, people try to coordinate to punish the defectors. 1317000 1321000 And then, like I said, this surprising dynamic emerges. 1321000 1332000 So, the intuition with cooperation is that what we're looking for is we're looking for what are sort of the high level parameters that make systems more metastable in terms of cooperation. 1332000 1339000 So, they generate cooperative equilibria and they tend to incentivize the players in those systems to maintain those cooperative equilibria. 1339000 1340000 Okay. 1340000 1344000 And is there any incentive to players outside the system to also? 1344000 1357000 So, yeah. So, there's a whole thing around coalitions and what the rules are about coalitions and how costly you make joining coalitions and how the players signal that they're in a coalition and making those signals like unthinkable or costly. 1357000 1360000 But that's like a bunch of complicated game theory stuff. 1360000 1363000 But the short answer is yes. 1363000 1371000 There's a lot of thinking about how do you incentivize people to want to join cooperative clusters rather than try to do something else. 1371000 1372000 Free ride. 1372000 1376000 Defection clusters or just attack, yeah, and dissolve the cooperation cluster. 1376000 1379000 That was the historical dilemma, right? 1379000 1383000 Well, so there's a whole thing around like the relative balance of offense and defense, right? 1383000 1391000 So, when defense is more powerful just due to the technology at the time, then obviously you're going to skew towards capital formation. 1391000 1396000 And when offense is favored, then you go towards banditry because... 1396000 1405000 I mean, historically Central Asia was the repository of horse nomads just randomly blowing people up. 1405000 1412000 So, we combine this with the last thing I was talking about, that we're sort of these extensionalist creatures. 1412000 1415000 Or we sort of extrapolate, we create these speculative things. 1415000 1416000 We crash it out. 1416000 1424000 So, it's taking this idea of cooperation and extending out beyond our current understanding of saying, 1424000 1429000 okay, we have some current level of understanding about cooperation. 1429000 1432000 And presumably, so I understand more about cooperation than my past self did, right? 1432000 1439000 I'm able to cooperate with a broader range of people under a broader range of circumstances because I sort of understand the structure of cooperation 1439000 1441000 and I understand how other people work. 1441000 1446000 And so, I can extend that into the future and say, okay, my future self is going to understand more about cooperation than I do. 1446000 1449000 It'll be better at coalition building, et cetera, et cetera. 1449000 1452000 And we can also think about that in sort of a scale-free way, right? 1452000 1456000 So, like, you already are a giant colony of super cooperatives, right? 1456000 1464000 So, like, all of yourselves figured out, the jump from single-cellular organisms to multi-cellular took, like, a billion years or something crazy like that, right? 1464000 1470000 The immune system also runs a totalitarian regime that keeps everything in check and murders those who don't. 1470000 1471000 Right, right, right. 1471000 1473000 Yeah, the immune system is not fucking around. 1473000 1475000 Yeah, exactly. 1475000 1478000 They're super cooperators and then there's, you know, Big Daddy. 1478000 1481000 So, it's scale-free. It's operating both at, you know, lower levels. 1481000 1485000 You've been in a colony of super cooperators, but also at higher levels, right? 1485000 1493000 That's, you know, you can see that civilizational, there's certain civilizational parameters that might contribute to being better or worse at sort of generating these cooperative equilibria. 1493000 1498000 And so, we can extract that back into the future, like our own future, but also just more broadly. 1498000 1506000 Like, you can imagine a turning into a, you know, super-intelligent civilization that is able to do way more with this. 1506000 1509000 I have way more understanding than we do of cooperation. 1509000 1518000 And you can also just imagine, like, the space of all possible super-intelligent civilizations that, and so you can extrapolate out and, you know, whatever larger means, right? 1518000 1523000 Even the concept of larger is sort of like, well, that's at my current level of development. 1523000 1526000 I have this certain notion of what it means to be, like, larger and more powerful, right? 1526000 1530000 And maybe that'll change because it turns out the universe is quite different than I thought. 1530000 1533000 Just like, you know, our understanding is very different from the past. 1533000 1542000 And so you, but you can imagine that there's some sort of, like, largest or most powerful cluster. 1542000 1550000 Individual civilizations, what have you, Jupiter brains, that are able to cooperate with each other, able to coordinate with each other. 1550000 1563000 And the hypothesis goes that this largest cluster of cooperators should beat the largest available clusters of defectors, 1563000 1566000 simply by the nature of defection and cooperation itself. 1566000 1575000 So, you know, defectors can build coalitions, but they're always limited by trying to figure out what the best level of abstraction to defect on is, right? 1575000 1583000 So, you know, cancer is not very good at coordinating with itself to not just kill the creature that it's growing in. 1583000 1587000 And so it screws itself over, right? Because then once the creature dies, it dies. 1587000 1594000 You can imagine that if it could coordinate better, it would want to, so that it could survive longer and maximize cancer or whatever. 1594000 1598000 I mean, at that point, its interest just straight up line up with the creatures, right? 1598000 1601000 So this also cuts back to the complexity prior, right? 1601000 1606000 So, the super cooperation cluster, it doesn't want to just tile, right? 1606000 1614000 It doesn't just take whatever the best, presumably it doesn't take whatever the best configuration is and just tile the universe, whatever available resources with that. 1614000 1619000 The whole point would be that there's a diversity of minds exploring different parts of the space of possible minds. 1619000 1624000 Cooperation is only necessary if you're not in fact trying to convert the universe into reference, in a sense. 1624000 1625000 Yeah, yeah, exactly. 1625000 1634000 So, you're cooperating with things, with other processes that you think are able to explore a different part of the sort of space. 1634000 1640000 That might be the physical universe, or it might be the space of conscious minds, right? 1640000 1642000 Space of possible conscious experiences. 1642000 1649000 And you're like, well, okay, I might learn something that I would not have been able to figure out on my own by interfacing with these other processes doing other things. 1649000 1651000 Alright, that's the intuition. 1651000 1659000 Yeah, I can talk about sort of the Buddha nature. 1659000 1661000 Okay. 1661000 1663000 And attractors. 1663000 1665000 Yeah, attractors in mind space. 1665000 1672000 Okay, so we have the thing before about being the bridge between is and ought, that you already are this thing. 1672000 1675000 There's the famous ship of Thessias, right? 1675000 1680000 So, if you replace each part of the ship, then are you still the same ship, blah, blah, blah, it's just board games. 1680000 1684000 There's also the ship of Neroth, which is another philosopher who named this... 1684000 1685000 Otto? 1685000 1687000 Yeah, Otto von Neroth. I don't know if I'm pronouncing the name right. 1687000 1690000 But he said, you know, you're a ship of Thessias at sea. 1690000 1694000 So, you're replacing parts, and this ship has to remain sea-worthy the whole time. 1694000 1695000 Right. 1695000 1696000 Right. 1696000 1699000 So, and Quine called this the ship of Neroth. 1699000 1705000 So, when we transplant to this bridge between is and ought, then I'm saying it's sort of like you're the bridge of Thessias. 1705000 1714000 So, you're replacing your heuristics for how you figure out what is the case and what ought to be the case. 1714000 1723000 But in the ship metaphor, the nice thing about that is this idea of navigating, of trying to figure out where you should be aiming your ship. 1723000 1730000 And so, this super cooperation cluster idea, to me, is sort of like a lighthouse. 1730000 1736000 And what that means is that, you know, you don't steer directly towards lighthouses. 1736000 1739000 That's not the point, that's not how lighthouses work. 1739000 1742000 You really don't do that. 1742000 1750000 But you sail, you can use a lighthouse to navigate, and hopefully it gets you far enough that you can spot the next lighthouse off in the distance. 1750000 1758000 So, the super cooperation cluster, the idea is that that's only the idea that I can conceive of from where I'm standing now. 1758000 1764000 So, you can imagine that, you know, the multicellular organism is not able to imagine all of the things that humans can be able to accomplish. 1764000 1771000 Once you have these giant colonies of trillions of cells, being able to coordinate all these fantastic ways and generate something like a mammalian human brain, 1771000 1776000 they can learn things that, you know, the bacteria is completely beyond it. 1776000 1782000 So, similarly, the idea here is we don't need the absolute best version of this idea. 1782000 1787000 We just need to intuit that there is a coherent navigational target out there. 1787000 1795000 And see if it gets us far enough to, you know, think of an even better version of the idea. 1795000 1800000 So, it's a kind of bootstrapping process. 1800000 1809000 And the constraint is that the bootstrapping process has to, I mean, it's a bootstrapping process all the way to the end, right, until? 1809000 1811000 Yeah, so actually that brings up a great point. 1811000 1813000 So, all the way to the end, like what does it mean? 1813000 1815000 Is there a final target? 1815000 1819000 And maybe there is, but from where we are now, when we talk about values, 1819000 1824000 sometimes people get into this thing of they're trying to figure out what are our real values, right? 1824000 1828000 And it's like they're trying to figure out where's the specific location we're trying to get to. 1828000 1830000 Yeah, no, it's not visible. 1830000 1836000 So, to me, the idea of what's called Buddha nature in Buddhism, it's kind of like a vector. 1836000 1838000 It's not a specific place you're trying to get to. 1838000 1843000 It's a direction that always points out of where you are, where you currently are, 1843000 1846000 and points you to like they're being more like good stuff out there. 1846000 1849000 So, if you're in the whole realm, it just sort of points out of the whole realm, right? 1849000 1852000 And if you're in the human realm, it just like points you like onwards. 1852000 1860000 So, a vector that, so let's say that we take as our principal, you know, freedom or safety or something, right? 1860000 1863000 Or like the balance between freedom and safety, you know, whatever meta principle people come up with, 1863000 1867000 there's some legal theory that still sort of grounds out in our current understanding. 1867000 1873000 And that's the equivalent of choosing a vector that like we sort of know winds up in a sort of like a whirlpool, 1873000 1878000 like a black hole, like an attractor in the space of possible values. 1878000 1885000 And so, I'm saying what we can do to specify the Buddha nature vector is we just take the vector that never does that. 1885000 1892000 Like within our horizon as far as we can see, it just threads through all of the attractors. 1892000 1894000 Maybe it gains energy from some of them, right? 1894000 1899000 Maybe there's good things to be taken from the various attractors, but it just never gets caught in any of them. 1899000 1905000 Oh, so the heuristic for the navigation schema is that it shouldn't take your ship into a fucking whirlpool. 1905000 1906000 Yes, yes. 1906000 1911000 And so, you remember the super defectors, like the super defectors, they're always trying to figure out, 1911000 1913000 okay, yeah, but when are we going to really defect? 1913000 1916000 Like, you know, it's all for the sake of like, you know, you play a board game or something, 1916000 1920000 and you cooperate with other players for a while, but then ultimately at some point, you have to defect. 1920000 1927000 And then one of the ideas of the super corporation cluster is that you have 19 uncertainty, 1927000 1931000 you have indexical uncertainty about like where you are in the journey and like what's even happening, 1931000 1933000 like what's even the real, you know, the is, right? 1933000 1935000 Like what even is the world I'm navigating? 1935000 1936000 I don't know. 1936000 1940000 So therefore, there is no, there never is going to be high enough certainty that you're going to be like, 1940000 1944000 oh, this is the level I should defect at, I should just maximize freedom or whatever, right? 1944000 1947000 That's like sort of choosing a final answer. 1947000 1952000 And so this is avoiding that and saying, you just never defect. 1952000 1958000 Like all the way down and up the stack as you head up towards more complexity and more cooperation. 1958000 1959000 You just don't defect. 1959000 1966000 You just keep assuming that there might be more uncertainty which can be demonstrated to be true about what level you're working at. 1966000 1971000 Well, it's like maximizing is like turning yourself into cancer for that particular thing. 1971000 1973000 It's like I'm going to be paperclip cancer, right? 1973000 1977000 I'm just going to decide that paperclips are the thing and now I'm going to tell the universe of paperclips. 1977000 1979000 And so again, we can extrapolate to the past, right? 1979000 1988000 So if you were to take whatever your values were 15 years ago and put yourself into a politic that maximizes those values, 1988000 1992000 it's like, okay, sure, maybe the creature that emerges from that is like, yeah, I'm pretty happy. 1992000 1993000 Like this seems good. 1993000 1996000 But from your current perspective, you can see that that's like a stunted creature. 1996000 2002000 It's like not actually like all the dimensions of value that you've discovered since then are just not serves at all. 2002000 2003000 Yeah. 2003000 2008000 So similarly, we can assume that as we sort of head towards this and as we increase in complexity, 2008000 2012000 that we're going to discover entire new avenues of value to explore. 2012000 2017000 So, you know, a superintelligence that preserves option value seems good. 2017000 2022000 So another way of saying that is, you know, the superintelligence has the Buddha nature. 2023000 2030000 So I mean this without minimizing your achievement. 2030000 2038000 But this is by far the most rigorous and well grounded derivation of God and heaven that I have ever come across. 2038000 2039000 Yeah. 2039000 2040000 Thank you. 2040000 2041000 Like, yeah. 2041000 2045000 This is not one of those, you know, this is where you just rediscover heaven. 2045000 2048000 There's like, actually, no, this is well done. 2048000 2051000 And you can imagine that there is a cluster out there somewhere. 2051000 2056000 You can you can make it even more real instead of the supercooperation cluster being just a theoretical construct. 2056000 2057000 You can imagine. 2057000 2059000 No, they're out there somewhere. 2059000 2060000 Yeah. 2060000 2062000 So what I didn't mention is time and space. 2062000 2063000 Right. 2063000 2065000 So out there, some when somewhere. 2065000 2066000 Oh, it's in the future. 2066000 2067000 It's often the future. 2067000 2068000 Those are those are also concepts. 2068000 2069000 Right. 2069000 2077000 So like, if you're familiar with a causal trade, as soon as you become aware that this largest cluster possibly exists somewhere, 2077000 2083000 some when somehow, you know, maybe not even in this universe, it's just the obvious thing to do to like, 2083000 2092000 yeah, the thing that I do is I attempt to coordinate with the supercooperation cluster because that's, I don't know, that's the thing. 2092000 2096000 Presumably, they have some heuristics about coalition building. 2096000 2102000 And it would be nice if when we encountered them, we met those heuristics. 2102000 2103000 Right. 2103000 2104000 Yeah. 2104000 2105000 Yeah. 2105000 2115000 The litmus test for when you have first contact is, did you already figure out the first contact protocols? 2115000 2117000 I see. 2117000 2119000 So this is an interesting eschatology. 2119000 2124000 Like, we don't know how long we have until we meet God. 2124000 2129000 But what we do until that time determines what happens when we do. 2129000 2140000 Well, or like, you already have to have the key by the time you reach the gates. 2140000 2151000 It's also in the supercooperation cluster's best interest to aggressively go after and root out the worst defection clusters. 2151000 2161000 So we should expect that if there are hells, that what does the supercooperation cluster do with all of its time and all of its infinite computation, assuming that it's actually competently operating? 2161000 2163000 Well, probably hell dives, right? 2163000 2179000 Like, figure out, okay, I need to develop some sort of compact payload, like, you know, Von Neumann probe, that like, I can fire into a hell and it sort of like unfolds itself in such a way to like optimally antidote that hell realm. 2179000 2189000 Hell realm being sort of a, one of the world pools out there for like configurations of mind space that's just like terrible for the minds that are in it. 2189000 2195000 And there's nothing to say to preclude that that's not what this simulation is, if this is a simulation. 2195000 2197000 That's not what this simulation is meaning. 2197000 2208000 This could be a simulation intended to do search on how do you antidote like a certain class of like hell generators, like unfriendly AIs, right? 2208000 2211000 Or just other types of hell realms in general, right? 2211000 2214000 It could be that this is a simulation to sort of like build. 2214000 2215000 Figure that out. 2215000 2216000 Yeah. 2216000 2223000 If you could write this up poetically, this would be one of those little probes that you could throw into that. 2223000 2225000 Huh, that's an interesting way to wrap it on itself. I like that. 2225000 2229000 Yeah, no, this would be one of those just little, you know. 2229000 2234000 Oh yeah, I do like the idea of Moloch as sort of the inverse of Buddha nature. 2234000 2242000 It's the thing, it's the vector that points into attractors and each step along the attractor it tells you, oh yeah, going even farther into the attractor would be better. 2242000 2245000 Right, the whole Carthaginian nonsense. 2245000 2246000 Yep. 2246000 2254000 Yeah, I mean, though we do not look kindly upon the Romans or the Spanish, right, for their cruelties, you have to say they did in fact get rid of little, 2254000 2256000 literally human sacrificing bits. 2256000 2257000 That's not... 2257000 2258000 That's true. 2258000 2259000 Yeah. 2259000 2262000 Well, what have the Romans done for us lately? Well, they got rid of Carthage. 2262000 2266000 Carthage was really fucking bad. 2266000 2267000 Yeah. 2267000 2270000 Yeah, so I mean, you asked what the problem to solve is. 2270000 2279000 One of them is the problem of a process that sort of generates externalities onto minds, like needlessly. 2279000 2286000 It's like, let's just generate, you know, 100 billion copies of this mind that its architecture is kind of shitty. 2286000 2294000 That's a form of tiling and tiling is like inherently bad because it's, of course it leads to more zero sum competition than non tiling. 2294000 2295000 Right. 2295000 2296000 By definition. 2296000 2297000 Right, right, right, right. 2297000 2300000 It's processes that want the same thing. 2300000 2301000 Literally by definition. 2301000 2304000 This might even be a prior, the diversity prior. 2304000 2306000 Okay, so I include this as part of the complexity prior. 2306000 2307000 Okay. 2307000 2310000 So the complexity, you have to have non-similar, otherwise it's not. 2310000 2311000 It's just symmetry. 2311000 2312000 Right. 2312000 2318000 Like if there were a species that could only live on planets that were exactly like Mercury, then they don't fight with humans. 2318000 2320000 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 2320000 2323000 Yeah, yeah, the bad gods, they don't care about tiling, right? 2323000 2326000 They're perfectly happy to generate 100 million followers. 2326000 2333000 Great, that's much better than 10 million followers, but they're not even paying attention to the fact that they just created an extra 90 million 2333000 2336000 that are all competing for the same resource. 2336000 2344000 So even in some sense agnosticism towards the complexity prior or the diversity part of the complexity prior 2344000 2350000 is liable to potentially lead you astray at least a little bit, if not entirely. 2350000 2359000 Yeah, I mean, so I think that people's metaphysics sort of has a slot for the sort of, there's a god slot, right, in the ontology. 2359000 2368000 If something's going to live there, and if something has to live there, then at the very least you want to, if you have to be in an attractor, 2368000 2373000 you at least want it to be the attractor that says attractors are bad and we should generate anti-attractors. 2373000 2383000 Right, because presumably in order for your navigational schema to stay consistent in the face of new information, it has to be an attractor. 2383000 2386000 Yeah, so I mean we have to coalesce around some ideas. 2386000 2387000 Right. 2387000 2390000 These are some of the ideas we're talking about right now, at least temporarily. 2390000 2391000 Right. 2391000 2394000 But they're not pernicious, right, they don't intentionally try to trap you in them. 2394000 2395000 Yeah. 2395000 2399000 It's like good ideas point, like what I mean by anti-attractor is a good idea points beyond itself. 2399000 2403000 Right, they do not create the incentives which make it the only option, let's put it that way. 2403000 2404000 Yeah. 2404000 2409000 They maintain that openness, whereas Malochian competition leads to just more Malochian competition. 2410000 2417000 It's only when you get some pattern break, as in oh somebody discovers a new energy source or resource or something, 2417000 2420000 that you can for a while jump out of it. 2422000 2426000 Which is good in a certain sense, right, incentivizing the discovery of new resources, 2426000 2430000 but you don't want it to be a blood tournament. 2430000 2431000 No, no, no, no. 2431000 2436000 What we're going to do in the search process, but it's going to churn through 100 billion minds and only one of them gets to win. 2436000 2438000 Yeah, that sounds not good. 2438000 2439000 Yeah. 2444000 2447000 I mean you could, if you really wanted to make the argument, 2447000 2450000 say that this is the simulation where they're trying to see how many Buddhas, 2450000 2454000 like what are the conditions that produce Buddhahood. 2454000 2462000 And that's why humans are so mortal, like it's a little blood tournament and they don't want to waste resources on 2462000 2468000 so we're letting minds beyond the point that they're like, you know, if you don't get it within 30 to 50 years, out with you. 2468000 2471000 I mean that's pretty explicit within some Buddhist cosmology, right? 2471000 2477000 That this realm is much more optimal for awakening than the long-lived god realms, 2477000 2480000 because just long-lived pleasure doesn't create any incentive towards awakening. 2480000 2481000 Yep. 2481000 2485000 And it's better than the hell runs because you're not just distracted all the time. 2485000 2487000 So how do you tie this back to the Darwin meme? 2487000 2491000 And the crisis of meaning that that is caused for Buddha is in the art people. 2492000 2494000 So how does that solve that problem? 2494000 2498000 So again, I sort of see those memes as sort of building up from the is. 2498000 2503000 And I see this as sort of a skyhook of down from the ought. 2503000 2512000 So the idea is that a avoidant navigational schema doesn't actually constrain you all that much. 2512000 2516000 It doesn't really tell you what's valuable to go after, whereas a positive navigation target. 2516000 2520000 So like if it's a negative navigation target, all I know is stay away from these list of things. 2520000 2525000 This is known to be highly inefficient and also just sort of doesn't work and is also sort of just arbitrary. 2525000 2528000 So you encounter one of these things and you just flee in a random direction. 2528000 2532000 Whereas if you have a positive navigation target, you can start charting around obstacles. 2532000 2535000 You know which obstacles or which pits are worth crossing. 2535000 2537000 You're like, okay, what's going to be most efficient? 2537000 2540000 Like we're going to get there going around this way, going around that way. 2540000 2542000 You know that you're trying to get there. 2542000 2546000 And again, it's not a concrete final navigational target. 2546000 2547000 It's an interim one. 2547000 2551000 You're like, you're playing sort of loose with the rules and you're open to revising as you go. 2551000 2555000 So it means things that sort of flexibility and responsiveness to information in the environment, 2555000 2558000 which are, you know, desirable design criteria. 2558000 2559000 Great. 2559000 2562000 How does this, does this solve the Darwinian? 2562000 2567000 The crisis of ought meaning from Darwin and the crisis of terrible is meaning from Darwin. 2567000 2572000 I think that, so I think that the, I think that the problem with the Darwin meme is that it makes it seem 2572000 2576000 like the navigational target you should have is turn yourself into cancer. 2576000 2579000 Like, oh, well, just spreading maximally is the good thing. 2579000 2580000 Whereas... 2580000 2582000 The values, all of the values fundamentally. 2582000 2583000 Yes. Yeah. 2583000 2586000 But yeah, it's, it's, it's Milwaukee as all attractors ultimately must be in the end. 2586000 2592000 If they're, if you're to fall into the very center of them and maximize the one thing. 2592000 2596000 It gives you something to do besides turn yourself into cancer. 2596000 2598000 So as soon as you have cooper, so we didn't talk about it that much, 2598000 2602000 but as soon as you have cooperation as your, as your target and like the, 2602000 2608000 the idea of the complexity, the non tiling, like the non cancer, then it's like, 2608000 2614000 what would it look like to generate a super intelligent civilization that is able to coordinate 2614000 2621000 across the broadest possible, like the broadest possible space of mind architectures. 2621000 2625000 This is like an extremely different target than just spread yourself maximally. 2625000 2626000 It's like a reason. 2626000 2627000 Got it. 2627000 2633000 And so this means that the Darwin meme goes from something that was extremely afflictive 2633000 2639000 as in this is what you ought to optimize for to something you have to operate within the envelope of 2639000 2641000 the same way that a company has to be profitable. 2641000 2645000 But many companies are not started with profit as literally the only goal. 2645000 2648000 Like nobody gives money to a guy saying, what does your company do? 2648000 2649000 It'll be profitable. 2649000 2650000 Like nobody does that. 2650000 2651000 That's just insane. 2651000 2652000 Right. 2652000 2653000 And we can, we rightly consider that insane. 2653000 2655000 So what's the point of survival? 2655000 2656000 What's the point of survival? 2656000 2657000 Well, to survive even more. 2657000 2658000 Yeah, exactly. 2658000 2659000 Yeah. 2659000 2664000 So nobody, as I said, even if there is a very highly skilled startup founder, right, there 2664000 2668000 has to be some concrete thing that he's doing beyond just profit. 2668000 2675000 Similarly, it takes it from the optimization target to merely the envelope which constraints 2675000 2676000 what actions you can do. 2676000 2682000 And presumably if you push homeostasis further, then you can do even wilder further out there 2682000 2683000 things. 2683000 2684000 Right. 2684000 2688000 You can do even more exotic potentially valuable mind architectures that can experience things 2688000 2690000 that you couldn't have imagined before. 2690000 2691000 Right. 2691000 2695000 Which then may in turn open up additional avenues of more exploration of. 2695000 2699000 So somehow these have to be bought within what you'd call the selection envelope. 2699000 2704000 Like instead of aiming for maximizing yourself, you are now aiming to maximize the selection 2704000 2709000 envelope because the selection envelope is what constraints how complex or how complex 2709000 2713000 your organisms can be and what ranges of homeostasis you can. 2713000 2717000 At least in at least so far in our universe complexity is associated with fragility. 2717000 2718000 Right. 2718000 2721000 Well, interdependence between these agents. 2721000 2724000 That's why modularity and hierarchy are emergent. 2724000 2725000 And propagation speed. 2725000 2726000 Yeah. 2726000 2727000 And things like that. 2727000 2735000 So that is how it shifts Darwin from the target to the envelope. 2735000 2739000 And now you can push against that envelope in greater directions. 2739000 2740000 Yeah. 2740000 2741000 Yeah. 2741000 2745000 But can we bring more things within the selective window so that they don't in some sense die 2745000 2746000 out? 2746000 2747000 How can we do that? 2747000 2748000 And so on. 2748000 2749000 Yeah. 2749000 2750000 Okay. 2750000 2754000 And in one very real sense what I think Carol quickly might call the open society. 2754000 2756000 The one that is open to possibilities. 2756000 2759000 Seems he had some basic intuitions about this stuff. 2759000 2760000 Not obviously. 2760000 2762000 I think many people have intuitions about this. 2762000 2767000 So like David Pierce's triple S civilization, you know, super intelligent, super longevity, 2767000 2768000 super happiness. 2768000 2772000 I think if you take some of those ideas for logical conclusion, which he does, you know, 2772000 2775000 on his various websites, you see hints of a similar idea. 2775000 2778000 And like I said, I was relating it to Buddha nature. 2778000 2785000 I'm positing that that's not just a metaphor and that like there are important overlaps 2785000 2790000 in a lot of the thinking that the various traditions have done, which, yeah, getting 2790000 2792000 into all of that would be a whole other conversation. 2792000 2796000 The fact that I talked about it in terms of attractors, you know, what is what I think 2796000 2801000 Buddha's talked about in terms of realms, because the realms also seem to be these are 2801000 2803000 possible mind architectures, right?