
author: niplav, created: 2019-07-06, modified: 2024-06-23, language: english, status: in progress, importance: 5, confidence: log

A collection of contributions to other projects.




Contributions to Wikis

  1. Contributions to Wikipedia: Probably the most important things I've ever written; another brick in the Great Pyramid. Only possibly eclipsed by my writing ending up in the training corpus of some foundation model.
  2. Contributions to Arbital
  3. Contributions to the LessWrong Tags Portal


  1. “Ordinary Life Improvements” Gwern 2019a
    1. In the section "Ordinary Life Improvements" the first sentence read "[It can be hard to see the gradual improvement of most goods over time]{,smallcaps}, but I think one way to get a handle on them is to look". The comma before "smallcaps" was misplaced.
  2. “Why Correlation Usually ≠ Causation: Causal Nets Cause Common Confounding” Gwern 2019b
    1. The wikipedia link for social engineering went to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_engineering_(security), but it was intended to go to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_engineering_(political_science) 2.. A period '.' was missing after "And we can draw on all sorts of knowledge to do better³"
    2. With "(despite increases in marijuana use not followed by any schizophrenia increases / hormone replacement therapy correlates with mortality reduction in women so it definitely helps and doesn’t hurt” etc." -> there was a missing parenthesis
    3. "surely this observations" -> should be "surely this observation"
  3. “Embryo selection for intelligence” Gwern 2018
    1. "The maxima is ~281" -> should be "maximum"
  4. “Life Extension Cost-Benefits” Gwern 2019c
    1. "To go into some more detail about the dosing issue, ne of the more recent meta-analyses to discuss dose in connection with all-cause mortality" -> "ne" should be "one"
  5. “The Melancholy of Subculture Society” Gwern 2019d
    1. "they seem the lowerf the more they insist that they are" -> "lowerf" should probably be "lower"
  6. “Banner Ads Considered Harmful” Gwern 2020
    1. "or visual web ads are more less intrusive than audio" -> "or visual web ads are less intrusive than audio"
    2. "then that suggests that eliminating ads entirely (going from 11% to 0%) to 0%" -> the second "0%" shouldn't be there
    3. "However, I believe it would be safe to say that the ns for the" -> malcompiled markdown for "ns"
    4. "from any section andnotjust from the top news and video" -> in quote should probably be "and not just"
  7. “The Replication Crisis: Flaws in Mainstream Science” Gwern 2019e
    1. "QUestionable Research Findings" -> "Questionable Research Findings"
  8. “Open Questions” Gwern 2021a
    1. "she doesn’t fit the usual fake profile of existing only like paper like the" -> should be "only on paper"
    2. "you can cross them with just about other" -> missing word "any"
    3. "best/​worst out of 1000 healthy peoplem" -> typo "peoplem"
  9. “Internet Search Tips” Gwern 2022
    1. "a good reason—tt may actually contain the fulltext hidden" -> should be "it may actually"
  10. “Death Note: L, Anonymity & Eluding Entropy” Gwern 2017
    1. "demonstrated in such o exhaustive detail that the present writer" -> stray "o"
  11. “Prediction Markets” Gwern 2019f
    1. In the paragraph "I shorted 10 at 18% since I thought the true odds are more like" -> suddenly switched tense from past to present
    2. "which is misleading and even technically interpreted, would be torpedoed by Zerocoin" -> missing "if" between "even" and "technically"
    3. Header in the table for personal bets was broken, "My P B" and "et Position R" and "esult"
    4. From "everyone" downward in the table the date offered/expiration cells were broken
    5. "when I speculated on the identity of Mike Darwin‘s patron (above, ’Notes’)" -> it's now below
    6. List of heuristics started at 2, not at 1 (the one after "When we begin deciding what probability to give the prediction")
    7. "industry over the period from 2010 to 2010" -> maybe one of those numbers should be different
    8. "he had ~410 billion in 2000 but fell to 300 million" -> shouldn't be "~410 billion", Wikipedia says "In 2000, Forbes estimated his net worth at $1.6 billion"
    9. "Page & Brin; while I generally get a utopian Singulitarian vibe off them and their projects and they seem to like publicizing their works" -> the "while" wasn't resolved
  12. “The Existential Risk of Math Errors” Gwern 2019g
    1. "it not being written out because it would be tedious too³⁷, then" -> "too" should be "to" here
  13. “Leprechaun Hunting & Citogenesis” Gwern 2021b
    1. "especially from unreliable resources2." -> the "2" should probably be a "²"
    2. "Š igut et al 2017:" should be "Šigut et al 2017:"

reducing-suffering.org and Other Writing by Tomasik

  1. “Why Activists Should Consider Making Lots of Money” Tomasik 2016a
    1. ""Replaceability by Paul Christiano" was missing a quote
  2. “Vegans Should Not Eat Insects: A Reply to Fischer” Tomasik 2017a
    1. "Urban composters promote slow temperature composting" -> "slow" should be "low" (or [sic])
  3. “Applied Welfare Biology and Why Wild-Animal Advocates Should Focus on Not Spreading Nature” Tomasik 2018a
    1. "The content of this section has moved to an upcoming article, which should be online by Nov./Dec. 2017." -> probably means this article, or at least something in this section.
  4. “How Wild-Caught Fishing Affects Wild-Animal Suffering” Tomasik 2017b
    1. "fewer higher trohic levels" -> "fewer higher trophic levels"
  5. “Should Fishing Opponents Be Happy about Overfishing?” Tomasik 2016b
    1. "to the detrmiment" -> "to the detriment"
  6. “How Cattle Grazing Affects Insect Populations on Pasture Fields” Tomasik 2019
    1. "Early seral stages are usually marked by rapid growth and biomass biomass accumulation" -> biomass was doubled, possibly [sic]
    2. "Yet, many have not reached the decertified stage" -> [sic], should probably be "desertified"
  7. “How Rainforest Beef Production Affects Wild-Animal Suffering” Tomasik 2017c
    1. "Strictly comparing cow vs. insect neurons, we get something on the order of 10⁵ cow-years of suffering per insect-year of suffering." -> should be the other way around
  8. “Scenarios for Very Long-Term Impacts of Climate Change on Wild-Animal Suffering” Tomasik 2016c
    1. "I'll discount wild animals t years into the future by a probabilistic factor t^(-k) for k in (‑∞, 0]. To avoid having this curve explode near t = 0, I cap the value of this discount at 1 for t < 1. I choose k = -0.1" -> Typo, I think he wanted to say that k=0.1, since the '-' is already in the equation
  9. “Microorganisms Created by Wastewater-Treatment Systems” Tomasik 2017d
    1. "This means too much too many 'nutrients' are being released back into the ecosystem, perhaps a stream." -> "too much too many" probably was a [sic]
  10. “Dissolving Confusion about Consciousness” Tomasik 2017e
    1. "In opposition to property dualism, Eliezer Yudkowsky writes" -> I always understood that quote to be about epiphenomenalism, not property dualism (although I guess one could argue that they are the same) 11.“The Many Fallacies of Dualism” Tomasik 2017f
    2. "scentific" -> "scientific"
  11. “The Eliminativist Approach to Consciousness” Tomasik 2018d
    1. "thing (dis)being valued, consciousness" -> move "(dis)" one word forward
  12. “Differential Intellectual Progress as a Positive-Sum Project” Tomasik 2015.
    1. Fixed a typo where in the section "Transhumanism" of the pdf version, the text "Transhumanists recognize the importance of thinking about the future ahead of time." was repeated.


  1. “Empirical evidence for the proposition that production based on exchange value has collapsed” Jehu 2018.
    1. Fixed a typo where with "The inflation of the of wages from 1970 to 1980" the author meant "The inflation of wages from 1970 to 1980".
  2. “Urbit: A Solid-State Interpreter” Yarvin et al. 2016.
    1. Fixed a typo on p. 17 where in "treats b and c is formulas", "is" should have been be "as".
  3. “Categorizing Variants of Goodhart's Law” Manheim & Garrabrant 2019
    1. p. 1: "which notes there are" -> missing "that", "optimizationpower" -> should be two separate words
    2. p. 2: "is a measaure" -> should be "measure"
    3. p. 4: "defferent" -> "different"
    4. p. 8: "acheive" -> "achieve"
  4. Grand Futures
    1. See here.



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