author: niplav, created: 2019-07-06, modified: 2024-06-23, language: english, status: in progress, importance: 5, confidence: log
A collection of contributions to other projects.
- Contributions to Wikipedia: Probably the most important things I've ever written; another brick in the Great Pyramid. Only possibly eclipsed by my writing ending up in the training corpus of some foundation model.
- Contributions to Arbital
- Contributions to the LessWrong Tags Portal
- “Ordinary Life Improvements” Gwern 2019a
- In the section "Ordinary Life Improvements" the first sentence read "[It can be hard to see the gradual improvement of most goods over time]{,smallcaps}, but I think one way to get a handle on them is to look". The comma before "smallcaps" was misplaced.
- “Why Correlation Usually ≠ Causation: Causal Nets Cause Common Confounding” Gwern 2019b
- The wikipedia link for social engineering went to
, but it was intended to go to
2.. A period '.' was missing after "And we can draw on all sorts of knowledge to do better³"
- With "(despite increases in marijuana use not followed by any schizophrenia increases / hormone replacement therapy correlates with mortality reduction in women so it definitely helps and doesn’t hurt” etc." -> there was a missing parenthesis
- "surely this observations" -> should be "surely this observation"
- “Embryo selection for intelligence” Gwern 2018
- "The maxima is ~281" -> should be "maximum"
- “Life Extension Cost-Benefits” Gwern 2019c
- "To go into some more detail about the dosing issue, ne of the more recent meta-analyses to discuss dose in connection with all-cause mortality" -> "ne" should be "one"
- “The Melancholy of Subculture Society” Gwern 2019d
- "they seem the lowerf the more they insist that they are" -> "lowerf" should probably be "lower"
- “Banner Ads Considered Harmful” Gwern 2020
- "or visual web ads are more less intrusive than audio" -> "or visual web ads are less intrusive than audio"
- "then that suggests that eliminating ads entirely (going from 11% to 0%) to 0%" -> the second "0%" shouldn't be there
- "However, I believe it would be safe to say that the ns for the" -> malcompiled markdown for "ns"
- "from any section andnotjust from the top news and video" -> in quote should probably be "and not just"
- “The Replication Crisis: Flaws in Mainstream Science” Gwern 2019e
- "QUestionable Research Findings" -> "Questionable Research Findings"
- “Open Questions” Gwern 2021a
- "she doesn’t fit the usual fake profile of existing only like paper like the" -> should be "only on paper"
- "you can cross them with just about other" -> missing word "any"
- "best/worst out of 1000 healthy peoplem" -> typo "peoplem"
- “Internet Search Tips” Gwern 2022
- "a good reason—tt may actually contain the fulltext hidden" -> should be "it may actually"
- “Death Note: L, Anonymity & Eluding Entropy” Gwern 2017
- "demonstrated in such o exhaustive detail that the present writer" -> stray "o"
- “Prediction Markets” Gwern 2019f
- In the paragraph "I shorted 10 at 18% since I thought the true odds are more like" -> suddenly switched tense from past to present
- "which is misleading and even technically interpreted, would be torpedoed by Zerocoin" -> missing "if" between "even" and "technically"
- Header in the table for personal bets was broken, "My P B" and "et Position R" and "esult"
- From "everyone" downward in the table the date offered/expiration cells were broken
- "when I speculated on the identity of Mike Darwin‘s patron (above, ’Notes’)" -> it's now below
- List of heuristics started at 2, not at 1 (the one after "When we begin deciding what probability to give the prediction")
- "industry over the period from 2010 to 2010" -> maybe one of those numbers should be different
- "he had ~410 billion in 2000 but fell to 300 million" -> shouldn't be "~410 billion", Wikipedia says "In 2000, Forbes estimated his net worth at $1.6 billion"
- "Page & Brin; while I generally get a utopian Singulitarian vibe off them and their projects and they seem to like publicizing their works" -> the "while" wasn't resolved
- “The Existential Risk of Math Errors” Gwern 2019g
- "it not being written out because it would be tedious too³⁷, then" -> "too" should be "to" here
- “Leprechaun Hunting & Citogenesis” Gwern 2021b
- "especially from unreliable resources2." -> the "2" should probably be a "²"
- "Š igut et al 2017:" should be "Šigut et al 2017:"
- “Why Activists Should Consider Making Lots of Money” Tomasik 2016a
- ""Replaceability by Paul Christiano" was missing a quote
- “Vegans Should Not Eat Insects: A Reply to Fischer” Tomasik 2017a
- "Urban composters promote slow temperature composting" -> "slow" should be "low" (or [sic])
- “Applied Welfare Biology and Why Wild-Animal Advocates Should Focus on Not Spreading Nature” Tomasik 2018a
- "The content of this section has moved to an upcoming article, which should be online by Nov./Dec. 2017." -> probably means this article, or at least something in this section.
- “How Wild-Caught Fishing Affects Wild-Animal Suffering” Tomasik 2017b
- "fewer higher trohic levels" -> "fewer higher trophic levels"
- “Should Fishing Opponents Be Happy about Overfishing?” Tomasik 2016b
- "to the detrmiment" -> "to the detriment"
- “How Cattle Grazing Affects Insect Populations on Pasture Fields” Tomasik 2019
- "Early seral stages are usually marked by rapid growth and biomass biomass accumulation" -> biomass was doubled, possibly [sic]
- "Yet, many have not reached the decertified stage" -> [sic], should probably be "desertified"
- “How Rainforest Beef Production Affects Wild-Animal Suffering” Tomasik 2017c
- "Strictly comparing cow vs. insect neurons, we get something on the order of 10⁵ cow-years of suffering per insect-year of suffering." -> should be the other way around
- “Scenarios for Very Long-Term Impacts of Climate Change on Wild-Animal Suffering” Tomasik 2016c
- "I'll discount wild animals t years into the future by a probabilistic factor t^(-k) for k in (‑∞, 0]. To avoid having this curve explode near t = 0, I cap the value of this discount at 1 for t < 1. I choose k = -0.1" -> Typo, I think he wanted to say that k=0.1, since the '-' is already in the equation
- “Microorganisms Created by Wastewater-Treatment Systems” Tomasik 2017d
- "This means too much too many 'nutrients' are being released back into the ecosystem, perhaps a stream." -> "too much too many" probably was a [sic]
- “Dissolving Confusion about Consciousness” Tomasik 2017e
- "In opposition to property dualism, Eliezer Yudkowsky writes" -> I always understood that quote to be about epiphenomenalism, not property dualism (although I guess one could argue that they are the same)
11.“The Many Fallacies of Dualism” Tomasik 2017f
- "scentific" -> "scientific"
- “The Eliminativist Approach to Consciousness” Tomasik 2018d
- "thing (dis)being valued, consciousness" -> move "(dis)" one word forward
- “Differential Intellectual Progress as a Positive-Sum Project” Tomasik 2015.
- Fixed a typo where in the section "Transhumanism" of the pdf version, the text "Transhumanists recognize the importance of thinking about the future ahead of time." was repeated.
- “Empirical evidence for the proposition that production based on exchange value has collapsed” Jehu 2018.
- Fixed a typo where with "The inflation of the of wages from 1970 to 1980" the author meant "The inflation of wages from 1970 to 1980".
- “Urbit: A Solid-State Interpreter” Yarvin et al. 2016.
- Fixed a typo on p. 17 where in "treats b and c is formulas", "is" should have been be "as".
- “Categorizing Variants of Goodhart's Law” Manheim & Garrabrant 2019
- p. 1: "which notes there are" -> missing "that", "optimizationpower" -> should be two separate words
- p. 2: "is a measaure" -> should be "measure"
- p. 4: "defferent" -> "different"
- p. 8: "acheive" -> "achieve"
- Grand Futures
- See here.
Klong, A Simple Array Language
(see its Change Log).
- Wrote a faster shuffling and primality check functions
- Inspired a timing and process clock function
- Fixed a bug in the implementation of correlation